Image Recognition Application
This application has been created by INFO 5100 Application Engineering class students using JavaFX and im4java. It can be used to perform some operations on an image. Below are a few guidelines to use this application.
File Menu a. Open - You can upload your image using Open option and it will be displayed in 100x100 window. b. Save - Choose the location of your choice and save the image along with extension (.jpg or .png) only after applying effects c. Save As i. .jpg - This will save the image as _thumb_JPG at the same location from where it was picked. ii. .png - This will save the image as _thumb_PNG at the same location from where it was picked. d. Exit - This will close the application.
Edit a. Increase Brightness b. Make it Darker c. Grayed it out! d. Invert? e. Get Saturated.. f. Now Desaturate it! g. Back to originals!
Help a. About - Instructions about application b. Documentation - Link to Javadoc
Image Properties - This will show image height, width and location.
Plus/Minus buttons - This will help to zoom in or zoom out the image.