A lib to find I/O patterns. The algorithm is described in paper:
Jun He, John Bent, Aaron Torres, Gary Grider, Garth Gibson, Carlos Maltzahn, and Xian-He Sun, "I/O Acceleration with Pattern Detection", accepted to appear in Proc. of the 22th International ACM Symposium on High Performance Distributed Computing (HPDC'13), New York City, NY, June 2013.
*** Directory Tree
- pattern.h pattern.cpp ....... the key library files. They do not depend on other files or library (except C++ STL).
- example.cpp ................. an example demostrating the usage of the pattern detector.
*** Usage
- Copy pattern.h and pattern.cpp to your project;
- Include pattern.h in the file where you want to do pattern detection;
- Call the pattern detection functions you need to call;
- Include pattern.h and pattern.cpp when you compile; Anyway, the following example shows how.
*** Build the Example
First, make sure you have g++ :) Then, do
This will build the example
*** Run the Example
You will see the output showing the pattern.
The boundary handling is slightly different from the one described in the paper.
It is a part of JIOPAT project. For more information, please visit http://junhe.github.io/jiopat/