A csv filter tool for the OMM csv downloaded from Canvas for CS 3110 TAs and sections.
In the spirit of CS3110, this project was written in OCaml and thus requires
OCaml to build the executable. However, a transpiled Node.js version and
a compressed version of that is also available in the node
directory in
case OCaml is not obtainable.
This will assume that you've already installed opam and configured it for your machine.
You will also need Python3 to run the setup.py
opam install dune csv # js_of_ocaml (* not required unless you want to transpile the OCaml code to JS. *)
You will need to install Node of version at least 12.
The Makefile contains a script to copy the executable into the /usr/local/bin directory on Posix machines or the C:\Windows\System32\ folder on Windows.
make exe_path
omm [csv_file] -s [section_number] -o [output_filename]
# Without output
omm [csv_file] -s [section_number]
# -i flag can also be used for input
omm -s [section_number] -i [csv_file]
For Node, the usage is essentially the same, only using the transpiled JS file and in the Node runtime environment.
node omm.js [csv_file] -s [section_number] -o [output_filename]
# Without output
node omm.js [csv_file] -s [section_number]
# -i flag can also be used for input
node omm.js -s [section_number] -i [csv_file]
# Remove generated files from the Makefile.
make clean
# Generates the node scripts
make node
# Generates the executable using dune.
make exe
MIT © Anthony Yang