Good News
HertzBeat has been included in the
CNCF Observability And Analysis - Monitoring Landscape.

Home: hertzbeat.com | tancloud.cn
Hi guys! HertzBeat's 1.4.3 version has published!
- enhanced reporting of external general alert API
- support mysql api port website mongodb jvm redis monitoring metrics name i18n
- support auto collect metrics by prometheus task
- support victoriametrics as metrics data storage
- support monitoring spring gateway metrics
- add more windows monitoring metrics
- add e2e testing module, support by api-testing
- more feature, document and bugfix
Compatible with the Prometheus ecosystem, now we can monitoring what Prometheus can monitoring with few clicks on gui.

Let's Try Now!
- Just one command to get started:
docker run -d -p 1157:1157 -p 1158:1158 --name hertzbeat tancloud/hertzbeat
or use quay.io (if dockerhub network connect timeout)
docker run -d -p 1157:1157 -p 1158:1158 --name hertzbeat quay.io/tancloud/hertzbeat
to start, default account:admin/hertzbeat
Deploy collector clusters
docker run -d -e IDENTITY=custom-collector-name -e MANAGER_HOST= -e MANAGER_PORT=1158 --name hertzbeat-collector tancloud/hertzbeat-collector
-e IDENTITY=custom-collector-name
: set the collector unique identity name.-e MANAGER_HOST=
: set the main hertzbeat server ip.-e MANAGER_PORT=1158
: set the main hertzbeat server port, default 1158.
Detailed config refer to Install HertzBeat via Docker
Thanks to the contributors! 👍👍
What's Changed
- update package deploy doc by @tomsun28 in #1330
- bugfix duplicate collect job when update monitor templates by @tomsun28 in #1332
- bugfix number variable in freemarker template display error by @tomsun28 in #1334
- [alerter] Enhanced reporting of external general alert API by @SurryChen in #1326
- [doc] update hertzbeat-mysql-tdengine readme by @jiashu1024 in #1335
- add jiashu1024 as a contributor for doc by @allcontributors in #1336
- app-mysql.yml: Adjust slow query translation by @1036664317 in #1337
- add 1036664317 as a contributor for doc by @allcontributors in #1338
- Bump com.google.guava:guava from 31.0.1-jre to 32.0.0-jre by @dependabot in #1339
- [feature] support auto collect metrics by prometheus task by @tomsun28 in #1342
- [doc] add vinci as new committer by @tomsun28 in #1341
- [feature] add tag word cloud in dashboard by @tomsun28 in #1345
- support custom prometheus endpoint path by @tomsun28 in #1346
- bugfix tdengine query interval history metrics data with instance error by @tomsun28 in #1348
- unlimit Alert.java content field length by @xiaoguolong in #1351
- add xiaoguolong as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #1353
- update monitor detail table ui layout by @tomsun28 in #1352
- [doc]add star history by @zqr10159 in #1356
- feature: app-mongodb.yml by @a-little-fool in #1359
- alarm threshold support prometheus task metrics by @tomsun28 in #1354
- support victoriametrics as metrics data storage by @tomsun28 in #1361
- Add time type to support query_time of mysql and mariadb by @Clownsw in #1364
- add Clownsw as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #1365
- Error occured when I followed running steps to start Front-web by @Calvin979 in #1366
- add Calvin979 as a contributor for doc by @allcontributors in #1367
- enriches the cncf landscape by @tomsun28 in #1368
- Fix flaky test in CollectUtilTest by @bbelide2 in #1371
- add bbelide2 as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #1372
- Fix flaky test replaceSmilingPlaceholder by @bbelide2 in #1373
- add docker-compose script hertzbeat+mysql+victoria-metrics all in one by @tomsun28 in #1370
- Feature: app-jvm.yml support for international name aliases by @Calvin979 in #1376
- add Calvin979 as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #1377
- feature: support monitoring spring gateway metrics by @a-little-fool in #1374
- update code comment and doc, bugfix concurrent exception by @tomsun28 in #1378
- update windows define and accept snmp leaf by @jinyaoMa in #1379
- add jinyaoMa as a contributor for code by @allcontributors in #1380
- fix exception when sending email has special chars by @Carpe-Wang in #1383
- test: add e2e testing for some basic APIs by @LinuxSuRen in #1387
- add LinuxSuRen as a contributor for code, and test by @allcontributors in #1389
- bugfix auto generate monitor name error when add monitor by @tomsun28 in #1384
- bugfix CalculateAlarm execAlertExpression NPE by @tomsun28 in #1388
- Feature: app-redis.yml support for international name aliases by @Calvin979 in #1390
- test: add more monitor related e2e testing case by @LinuxSuRen in #1391
- chore: update the pr template about the e2e testing by @LinuxSuRen in #1392
- add help header ui when update or add monitors by @tomsun28 in #1399
- [hertzbeat] release hertzbeat version v1.4.3 by @tomsun28 in #1400
New Contributors
- @1036664317 made their first contribution in #1337
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #1339
- @xiaoguolong made their first contribution in #1351
- @Clownsw made their first contribution in #1364
- @Calvin979 made their first contribution in #1366
- @bbelide2 made their first contribution in #1371
- @jinyaoMa made their first contribution in #1379
- @LinuxSuRen made their first contribution in #1387
Full Changelog: v1.4.2...v1.4.3