v1.4.0(Not Apache release)
Seata 1.4.0 Released.
Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
The version is updated as follows:
- [#2380] support yml configuration
- [#3191] support jdbc type nclob
- [#2676] support least active load balance
- [#3198] spring boot support for custom config and registry type
- [#2806] support configuring default global transaction timeoutMillis
- [#2941] add apollo secret key configuration
- [#2080] support ConsistentHashLoadBalance
- [#2950] support the reentrant lock in redis module
- [#2913] The data source proxy mode can be selected as AT or XA
- [#2856] support for undoLog using Fst serialization
- [#3076] check lock in TC when use @GlobalLock
- [#2825] support send authentication msg
- [#2962] @GlobalTransactional and @GlobalLock can support customize lock retry config
- [#3214] fix the 'RootContext.DEFAULT_BRANCH_TYPE' is wrong in some cases
- [#3129] forbidding execute SQL which update pk value
- [#3205] fix can not get boolean value in configuration
- [#3170] the disposables tree set won't accept another Disposable with the same priority
- [#3180] serializer fst package name error
- [#3178] remove next line to space
- [#2929] fix the application was configured to degrade at startup and can't be dynamically switch to upgraded
- [#3050] fix fetch before images when delete and update statements
- [#2935] fix saga designer bug that the property box does not switch when switching nodes
- [#3140] fix Propagation.REQUIRES_NEW and add some comments
- [#3130] fix some problems in the automatic data source proxy
- [#3148] the redis lock key and the session key has conflict
- [#3136] fix the redis pipeline
- [#2551] Saga can't be used when the dataSource is AT's dataSourceProxy
- [#3073] do not proxy connections without an xid
- [#3074] There is no need to retry if the XA schema cannot find the XID
- [#3097] fix HttpAutoConfiguration always instantiation in springboot env
- [#3071] part of the connection is not unpacked
- [#3056] fixed a bug that after branch deletion, there are still remaining branch lock
- [#3025] fix the wrong package path
- [#3031] redis locker delete lock incomplete
- [#2973] fix oracle database in field size over 1000
- [#2986] fix checkstyle plugin can't exclude single file
- [#2910] fix error registry type comment
- [#2914] fix branchType not cleaned when consumer is in TCC mode
- [#2926] fastjson write undo log not parser
- [#2897] fix jedis unlock fail
- [#2918] fix the isolation problem when rollback in AT mode
- [#2972] UUIDGenerator generates duplicated id
- [#2932] nacos-config.py script could not run with namespace
- [#2900] ColumnUtils add escape with scheme
- [#2904] fix getConfig cache value is 'null'
- [#2890] fix misspelling in statelang examples
- [#3040] fix repeated commit when autocommit is false
- [#3230] fix use @EnableAutoDataSourceProxy startup failed
- [#2979] columns of resultset integrated with sharingjdbc need to be lowercase
- [#3233] fix Collections NPE
- [#3242] fix batch sql getTableMeta error
- [#3246] fix the exception when limit condition contains VariantRefExpr
- [#3062] refactor the redis session store
- [#3201] optimize the wrong stack not fully display
- [#3117] make log more clearly and remove the useless code
- [#3134] optimize codes related to Map and List
- [#3195] optimize XID related codes
- [#3200] optimize rpc message when message was substring
- [#3186] remove duplicated in string utils
- [#3162] remove repeated conditional tests
- [#2969] upgrade to druid 1.1.23
- [#3141] upgrade nacos and FastJSON dependencies
- [#3118] add more configuration tips in additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json
- [#2597] judging xid status to avoid repeated processing
- [#3102] optimize ContextCore, can be set 'Object' value
- [#3016] refactor the redis lock string to hash
- [#3046] remove unused code in serializer factory
- [#3053] jedis pool adds maxtotal configuration
- [#3012] remove set port repeatedly
- [#2978] optimize globalCommit for mixed use of AT and TCC
- [#2967] replace with lambda
- [#2968] ensure that the register message is sent after RM client initialization
- [#2945] optimize async commit and reduce one update
- [#2952] optimize additional-spring-configuration-metadata.json
- [#2920] optimize some grammatical errors
- [#2906] added some configuration items to keep consistent with official documents
- [#3222] optimize fileListener to decrease cpu time usage
- [#2843] removed Reloadable from the redis/db SessionManager
- [#3209] add using company logos
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
- slievrly
- wangliang181230
- a364176773
- jsbxyyx
- l81893521
- lightClouds917
- caohdgege
- yujianfei1986
- ph3636
- PeineLiang
- heyaping388
- guang384
- zdrjson
- ITAlexSun
- dongzl
- 81519434
- wangwei-yin
- jujinghao
- JRial95
- mxszs1
- RayneHwang
- everyhook1
- li469791221
- luorenjin
- yangxb2010000
- selfishlover
- yyjgit66
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.