v1.4.1(Not Apache release)
Seata 1.4.1 Released.
Seata is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
The version is updated as follows:
- [#3238] add deflater support for seata compressor
- [#2879] fix deadlock during springboot project startup
- [#3296] when mixed use of AT and TCC, AT branchs is not deleted
- [#3254] clear the listener map of zk registry
- [#3309] Saga statemachine definition json cannot enable jackson parser, and when no choice matched in choice state will throw NPE
- [#3287] throw exception when update pk
- [#3323] clean root context when state machine inst record failed
- [#3281] fix wrong status when exception
- [#2949] fix throw NPE when get the state list
- [#3351] fix throw IllegalArgumentException when use hystrix when using SCA 2.2.3.RELEASE and below
- [#3349] the problem test case
- [#3325] fix retry commit unsuccess when record subMachineInst failed
- [#3357] fix deploy staging rule check failed
- [#3188] Local variable 'map' is redundant and check queue offer return value
- [#3247] change client.log.exceptionRate to log.exceptionRate
- [#3260] use PriorityQueue to simply ShutdownHook
- [#3319] delete unnecessary @sharable
- [#3313] replace StringBuffer to StringBuilder
- [#3335] modify TransactionPropagationInterceptor name
- [#3310] enable NamedThreadFactory to get ThreadGroup from the SecurityManager or Current thread
- [#3320] load balance strategy use constants
- [#3345] adjust GlobalLockTemplateTest
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
- slievrly
- dongzl
- wangliang181230
- ls9527
- long187
- 81519434
- anselleeyy
- a364176773
- selfishlover
- suichen
- h-zhi
- jxlgzwh
- LiWenGu
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.