Apache Seata(incubating) 2.3.0 Released.
Apache Seata(incubating) is an easy-to-use, high-performance, open source distributed transaction solution.
The version is updated as follows:
- [#6904] add fastjson2 serializer support
- [#6876] support kingbase
- [#6881] support grpc
- [#6864] support shentong database
- [#6974] support fastjson2 undolog parser
- [#6992] support grpc serializer
- [#6973] support saga annotation
- [#6926] support ssl communication for raft nodes
- [#6899] fix file.conf read failed after package
- [#6890] fix designerJson to standardJson: subStateMachine
compensateState cannot be recognized - [#6907] fix the issue of Codecov not generating reports
- [#6923] Enhance 401 Error Handling by Refreshing Token
- [#6925] fix the issue in Raft model a follower's crash may lead
to the continued use of expired tokens - [#6932] when enabling local transactions, the lock contention
failure in file & raft mode does not exit, leading to a lingering lock - [#6940] Fix NacosRegistry lookup behavior
transactionServiceGroup is empty causing NPE error - [#6943] fix the conversion error for
concurrent environment. - [#6948] Fix the CI build issue on the ARM64 platform
- [#6947] fix npe for nacos registry when look up address
- [#6984] support building docker image on openjdk23
- [#6994] fix the problem of building undoLog exception when
update join does not update data - [#7005] fix the Raft NPE issue caused by two-phase concurrency
- [#7010] fix error while the "context" is key word in DM8 when
delete undolog - [#7022] fix
- [#7025] fix vGroupMappingManager is NOT init
- [#7044] fix tableMeta refresh after closed
- [#7117] fix prefix: seata.server.raft.ssl should not be null
- [#7127] fix branchType server decode error
- [#6826] remove the branch registration operation of the XA
read-only transaction - [#6874] modify the version to 2.3.0-SNAPSHOT
- [#6892] upgrade npmjs version in console module
- [#6883] remove write only object
- [#6892] upgrade npmjs version
- [#6889] Correct word spelling errors
- [#6898] upgrade npmjs version in saga module
- [#6879] fix log argument mismatch issue
- [#6902] optimize readme docs
- [#6807] splitting MergedWarpMessage enhances the server
parallel processing capability - [#6905] remove incompatible licenses at build time
- [#6906] h2 dependency adds test scope
- [#6911] fix some typos in project
- [#6918] Use the openjdk image of eclipse-temurin as the base
image - [#6938] Update online chat information in README.md
- [#6950] Remove JVM parameter app.id
- [#6959] update the naming and description for
module - [#6991] gRPC serialization default to Protobuf
- [#6993] optimize transaction metrics
- [#6995] upgrade outdate npmjs dependencies
- [#6996] optimize lock release logic in AT transaction mode
- [#7023] optimize fail fast, when all server not available
- [#7027] raft mode maintains the reload logic consistent with
the file - [#6891] add StateType Enum
- [#7040] optimize the print info in ConfigurationFactory
- [#7046] remove the dependency conflict for spring-webmvc
- [#7043] finish rollback if sendResult/msg not found
- [#7051] add namingserver jib
- [#7054] In file mode when the lock cannot be acquired output
the holder's xid - [#7154] remove unused dependencies
- [#7153] upgrade tomcat-embed to 9.0.98
- [#7152] remove org.eclipse.jetty dependency
- [#7151] upgrade xstream to 1.4.21
- [#7017] remove dependency on seata-server module
- [#7155] refactor the code that does not comply with license requirements
- [#6869] Add unit tests for the
module - [#6927] Add unit tests for the
module - [#7018] Add unit tests for the
module - [#7030] Add unit tests for the
Thanks to these contributors for their code commits. Please report an unintended omission.
- slievrly
- GoodBoyCoder
- funky-eyes
- dk2k
- MaoMaoandSnail
- yougecn
- arrrnold17
- xjlgod
- PleaseGiveMeTheCoke
- dsomehan
- psxjoy
- xingfudeshi
- o-jimin
- lixingjia77
- whaon
- YvCeung
- jsbxyyx
- lightClouds917
- Muluo-cyan
- yixia
- ChinaJeckXu
Also, we receive many valuable issues, questions and advices from our community. Thanks for you all.