17808 commits
to master
since this release
New Feature
- The pluggable architecture is available and support function extension through the SPI.
- Independent SQL parsing engine is available to get SQL parsed AST for the different database dialects.
- New RDL feature for ShardingSphere Proxy supports creating sharding rules and sharding tables.
- ShardingSphere-Scaling supports resuming data migration from break-point.
- ShardingSphere-Scaling supports using ShardingSphere JDBC to migrate data to new cluster.
- ShardingSphere shadow database is available.
API Changes
- New sharding/encryption/shadow/queryReplica API.
- New sharding algorithm and strategy API.
- New API for ShardingSphere Scaling to create task.
- Remove DefaultDataSourceName setting item.
- The separator of the parameter configuration item is changed from - the dot ‘.’ to minus sign ‘-’.
- Change parameter allow.range.query.with.inline.sharding from global parameter to sharding algorithm parameter.
- Refactor the architecture of SQL parsing module base on the database dialects.
- Use SPI mechanism to reconstruct online metadata change processing.
- Rename Orchestration module to Governance module.
- Rename MasterSlave module to QueryReplica module.
- Refactor the metadata structure in the governance registration center.
- Refactor GovernmentShardingSphereDataSource.
- ShardingSphere UI merges configuration center and registration center display layout.
- Upgrade the minimum supported version of JDK to Java8.
- Update Zookeeper curator to version 5.1.0.
- Update Google Guava to version 29.0-jre.
- The enhancement for MySQL SQL syntax definition and parsing process.
- The enhancement for PostgreSQL syntax definition and parsing process.
- The enhancement for sub-queries in different database dialects.
- Support MySQL view operations for non-sharding tables
- Support MySQL stored functions and procedure operations for non-sharding tables.
- Support SQLServer Top syntax.
- Optimize the metadata loading to improve the startup speed.
- Optimize batch insert performance.
- Supports the use of Oracle RAC JDBC URL.
- XA transaction manager adds support for Oracle database.
- ShardingSphere Proxy supports the use of p6sy driver.
- Add help information to the ShardingSphere Proxy startup script.
Bug fixes
- Fix alias rewriting error when processing OrderBy condition.
- Fix SQL rewriting error when MYSQL Insert statement contains expression.
- Fix parameter calculation error in update on duplicate SQL.
- Fix generatedKeys gets wrong when batch inserting.
- Fix the abnormal issue of multi-table verification in DML statement update operation.
- Fix the NPE problem caused by executing SQL when the table does not exist.
- Fix the exception when using the Show table command for an unconfigured table.
- Fix metadata loading error when Oracle database has multiple qualified users.
- Fix the issue that replica node cannot be enabled online.
- Fix the problem that ShardingSphere-JDBC does not support PostgreSQL array type.
- Fix the problem that ShardingSphere-Proxy does not respond when querying long blob data.