The API World has changed a lot since "Build APIs You Won't Hate" was published in 2014, and keeping the original book up-to-date with blog posts and bonus chapters in the ebook is only holding off the inevitable for so long.
Support the development of this book, and pre-order on LeanPub!, as we pick up rewriting in mid 2024. We're publishing new chapters as we go, but the price goes up. The earlier you buy the cheaper it will be, but you'll still get all the new chapters as they're released.
- Part 1: Introduction to APIs
- History of APIs
- APIs, Services, and Microservices
- Understanding Different Paradigms
- Part 2: API Design Basics
- Structuring URLs
- HTTP Methods
- Parameters
- Resources & Collections
- Data Formats
- Request Bodies
- Status Codes
- Response Data
- Pagination
- Filtering
- Errors
- Authentication
- Caching
- Security
- Versioning
- Part 3: OpenAPI
- Part 4: API Design First Workflow
- Intro to API Design First
- API Descriptions
- Part 5: Design a new API
- Part 6: Managing and Maintaining an API
- Part 7: Taking APIs Further
- Part 8: Testing APIs
How the book was looking as Phils random braindumps.
Part 1: Theory
- APIs, Services, and Microservices
- Understanding Different Paradigms
- API Lifecycle
- Design Theory
- API Descriptions
- Hypermedia Controls (HATEOAS)
- HTTP/1, HTTP/2 and HTTP/3
- Asynchronous Methodologies
Part 2: Planning & Design
- Editors
- Mocking
- Documentation
- Style Guides (#33)
Part 3: Building & Testing
- Building Blocks
- Serialization
- Deserialization
- Debugging
- Traffic Inspection
- Integration Testing
- Contract Testing
- End to End / Acceptance Testing
- Health Checks (#36)
- Load Testing
- Testing in Production
- Notes on Deployment
Part 4: Management & Experience
- Portals & Documentation
- API Gateways
- Gateway Validation
- Rate Limiting
- Analytics
- Governance
- Deprecation (#34)
- Versioning & Evolution (#35)
Part 5: Further Theory
- Picking Paradigms (#37)
- Common Architectures
- GraphQL as a Monolith
- REST wrapping Microservices
- Backend for Frontends (BFFs)