Logitini is your central secure place to log all event types! (https://logitini.com).
Getting started is simple. Sign up @ https://logitini.com and cretae your first project.
Project's are just away to organize your applciations. For example it can be "logitini-dev"
Then go ahead and create your first applciation. Fill out the form and let Logitini know what type of logging will be this application.
The Log types/dashboards are:
- File Log support for now is AWS S3 server Logging You may simply cretae a file log applciation and go to the tab calld Ship Log. Fill out the infromation and you are simply done.
- Open Log/HTTP Log are very simple. You can log any array/json data with one line and Logitini will store it on their secure sever for the given application retention.
- Every record in your database is a document. This can be an employee document, payroll, invoice etc...
- This type of data is sensitive specially when giving ability to user to modify and delete.
- For update/delete just call Logitini and it will keep a hsitory of the changes throughout time and stamped by the user.
- Users are always intracting with your system. But Ananlytics wont help you as they are meant to generalize a users actions.
- What you need are Audit Trails.
- Simply log all actions taken by user to Logitini and get a report/analyrics on user specific action
- If you've found a bug or want to request a feature, please create a GitHub Issue. Please check to make sure someone else hasn't already created an issue for the same topic.