Tags: ashmaroli/jekyll-manager
Initial Release Jekyll Manager is an open source project, forked from the official plugin Jekyll Admin, and repackaged with some alterations and additions, a few of which, may eventually be included in the official version. Notable alterations: - Sidebar routes cannot be manually hidden. They're rendered based on whether Jekyll has read-in at least one file of the concerned type. - Routes to Collections other than Posts are hidden within a collapsed list-item by default. - Metadata fields for front matter are hidden with a collapsed section by default. - Input path fields show / require the full `relative_path` of the requested file. - Minor style changes. - Other miscellaneous changes. Additional Features: - A basic dashboard that provides insight on the current site and a means to add files to cetain empty content types (Pages, Posts, Data Files, Static Files). - Draft posts can be created and edited via the admin interface provided your config file has `show_drafts: true`. - Template files (files within `_layouts`, `_includes`, `_sass` and `assets` at the root of your site) can be edited via the interface. - Template files (and files within any directory) within a theme-gem can be viewed and copied over to the source directory for editing. - Ability to select layouts for a document based on available layouts in the Site. - Special metadata field for tags.