a cross platform stylish numeric input for react native
you can check out the very simple react native example app just click here and follow the instructions enjoy!
yarn add react-native-numeric-input
or with npm
npm install react-native-numeric-input --save
yarn add react-native-numeric-input react-native-vector-icons
react-native link
or with npm
npm install react-native-numeric-input react-native-vector-icons --save
react-native link
if you're experiencing issues with react-native link
which is used to install react-native-vector-icons
please refer to react-native-vector-icons to see manual installation steps
this component uses the react-native-pixel-perfect
and the defualt style is using base resolution for iphone7, in case you want to use the default design but, using a different base resolution, I added a function called updateBaseResolution(width,height) to use it you need to access it via a ref to the component.
since the component is dependant on react-native-pixel-perfect, when installing this package you install also react-native-pixel-perfect if it's not already installed.
so you can create your own responsive size function and use it to set your custom style.
import NumericInput from 'react-native-numeric-input'
<NumericInput onChange={value => console.log(value)} />
or basic up-down
<NumericInput type='up-down' onChange={value => console.log(value)} />
<NumericInput value={this.state.value} onChange={value => this.setState({value})} />
onChange={value => this.setState({value})}
onLimitReached={(isMax,msg) => console.log(isMax,msg)}
iconStyle={{ color: 'white' }}
Name | Type | Default |
value | number |
none |
minValue | number |
none |
maxValue | number |
none |
step | number |
1 |
valueType | 'integer' or 'real' |
'integer' |
initValue | number |
null if not used will start at 0 |
iconSize | number |
calcSize(30) |
borderColor | string |
'#d4d4d4' |
iconStyle | object |
none |
totalWidth | number |
calcSize(220) |
separatorWidth | number |
1 |
type | 'plus-minus' or 'up-down' |
'plus-minus' |
rounded | boolean |
false |
textColor | string |
'black' |
containerStyle | object |
none |
inputStyle | object |
none |
upDownButtonsBackgroundColor | string |
'white' |
rightButtonBackgroundColor | string |
'white' |
leftButtonBackgroundColor | string |
'white' |
customDecIcon | element or node |
none |
customIncIcon | element or node |
none |
totalHeight | number |
none |
onChange | function |
none - required prop |
onLimitReached | function |
none (empty function) |
editable | boolean |
true |
validateOnBlur | boolean |
true |
reachMaxIncIconStyle | object |
none |
reachMaxDecIconStyle | object |
none |
reachMinIncIconStyle | object |
none |
reachMinDecIconStyle | object |
none |
extraTextInputProps | object |
none |
- value prop - this component uses it's own state to hold value if value is not given as a prop
- style props - this component has a default style and the styles props are to override the default style or add more fields
- totalWidth prop - this prop is for the entire component width, and all other sizes are derived from it , unless given other size props
- initValue prop - if using value prop, this is not needed and the initial value can be given by the value prop
- validateOnBlur - added on version 1.3.2, if set to false the text input will validate while typing, not recommended, so just keep it true unless there is a good reason not to use the default functionallity
- reachMaxIncIconStyle - added on version 1.4.0, used to set style to the increment button icon in case maxValue is reached - optional
- reachMaxDecIconStyle - added on version 1.4.0, used to set style to the decrement button icon in case maxValue is reached - optional
- reachMinIncIconStyle - added on version 1.4.0, used to set style to the increment button icon in case minValue is reached - optional
- reachMinDecIconStyle - added on version 1.4.0, used to set style to the decrement button icon in case minValue is reached - optional
- onLimitReached - added on version 1.7.0, used to handle event of min/max reached, this function receives 2 arguments: (isMas:Boolean, msg:String) like in the advanced example above - optional
- extraTextInputProps - added on version 1.8.0, used to add props used for the original TextInput component that are not used/supported in this component explicitly - optional
- customDecIcon & customIncIcon - added on version 1.8.4, used for custom icons inside
buttons - optional
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
This project is licensed under the MIT License