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Chris Millar edited this page Dec 10, 2016 · 1 revision

Out of the box, Slick supports most analytics services. They can be configured in settings. You have the option of using a head-based tag, or a footer-based tag.

Adobe Analytics

Slick will instantiate your s object for you based on the Report Suite IDs you provide. This allows you to execute all functions against your instance of AppMeasurement.

Adobe Analytics via DTM

If you're using DTM, it's recommended to use the built-in Adobe Analytics tool with the code configuration managed by Adobe.

Google Analytics

If you're using Google Analytics, it's recommended to add the tracking code (including script tags) to the head script on the settings page.


This is for custom analytics implementations like Piwik or Open Web Analytics. This option essentially disables all automatic events sent to GA or AA.


Disable all analytics.

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