To use this extension, add following dependency to your mule application project.
<version>${mule-opentelemetry-module-version}</version> //(1)
The latest version of the module as published on Maven Central.
Dependency group id for 1.x is com.avioconsulting , while for 2.x is com.avioconsulting.mule .
This module supports OpenTelemetry Traces. Logs are not supported, yet. |
Extension uses OpenTelemetry SDK v{opentelemetry-version} in its autoconfigured mode. In this mode, SDK will configure itself based on the environment variables. Supported environment variable details can be seen on open-telemetry/opentelemetry-java.
Extension allows to configure some resource and exporter attributes at individual application level. This configuration is minimal required to successfully send traces to OpenTelemetry collector.
Following example shows an OpenTelemetry Config with OTLP Exporter configured -
<opentelemetry:config name="OpenTelemetry_Config" doc:name="OpenTelemetry Config" doc:id="91477cb5-36f7-48ad-90b7-c339af87b408" serviceName="api-app-1">
<opentelemetry:exporter >
<opentelemetry:otlp-exporter collectorEndpoint="http://localhost:55681/v1" protocol="HTTP_PROTOBUF" requestCompression="GZIP">
<opentelemetry:headers >
<opentelemetry:header key="testHeader" value="testHeaderValue" />
<opentelemetry:config-properties >
<opentelemetry:config-property key="otel.logs.exporter" value="otlp" />
<opentelemetry:resource-attributes >
<opentelemetry:attribute key="mule.env" value="Dev" />
When additional properties from SDK Auto-configuration are needed for exporter, config-properties
can be used to add those. Environment and System properties will still override those entries.
Extension uses the OpenTelemetry SDK’s Resource Provider SPI to gather data of common resources such as Host, OS, Processes of the Mule runtime Server and host. SDK supported all common resources providers are configured by this module.
"host.arch": "x86_64",
"": "ac0098.local",
"os.description": "Mac OS X 10.16",
"os.type": "darwin",
"process.command_line": "/Applications/ -Dmule.home=/Applications/ -Dwrapper.lang.domain=wrapper -Dwrapper.lang.folder=../lang",
"process.executable.path": "/Applications/",
"": "9778",
"process.runtime.description": "AdoptOpenJDK OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 25.282-b08",
"": "OpenJDK Runtime Environment",
"process.runtime.version": "1.8.0_282-b08"
See Disabling Common Resource Providers if any resource provider must be disabled.
Extension is aware of CloudHub Reserved Properties and automatically adds some of that data into trace data.
"": "us-west-2",
"": "mule-opentelemetry-app",
"": "",
"": "f2ea2cb4-c600-gh87-gg78-e952ff5591ee",
"": "f2ea2cb4-c600-gh87-gg78-e952ff5591ee",
"mule.env": "Dev",
"": "c06ef9b7-19c0-ss78-kk44-598058b20aad",
"mule.environment.type": "sandbox",
"mule.home": "/opt/mule/mule-4.4.0",
"": "0"
CloudHub does not define any property for organization id. refers to value of a system property defined by CloudHub.
This extension (since 2.6.0) applies a custom resource attribute strategy for host and container related attributes. The values differ based on whether the applications are deployed to CloudHub V1 or V2 or other.
Following table summarizes the attributes value strategy -
Deployment Target | Attribute Name | Value Strategy | Description | Example |
CloudHub v1 | |
Anypoint Environment Id |
Uses environment id in which application is deployed |
522689ad-f2c6-481b-9165-6af716cf0312 |
CloudHub v1 |
host.ip |
Public IP of the worker |
Uses CloudHub worker’s public IP Address | |
CloudHub v1 | |
Application domain + worker number |
Uses the applications CloudHub domain name suffixed with the worker number |
org-employee-xapi-dev-0, org-employee-xapi-dev-1 |
CloudHub v1 | |
Application domain + worker number |
Uses the applications CloudHub domain name suffixed with the worker number |
org-employee-xapi-dev-0, org-employee-xapi-dev-1 |
CloudHub v2 | |
RTF Node Name |
Being a containerized environment, underlying RTF’s Node name is used |
ip-10-20-30-40-us-west-2-compute |
CloudHub v2 |
host.ip |
Not available |
Not available |
Not available |
CloudHub v2 | |
Actual container id of the application |
Being a containerized environment, container id of the application is used |
84e29fd130cbf32e5cb86ca75cbc6c847307ae02fa49c4b230d82490cd298602 |
CloudHub v2 | |
Application replica name |
Uses the individual replica name |
org-employee-xapi-dev-9c5df98ff-x5xww, org-employee-xapi-dev-9c5df98ff-pdccr |
To get telemetry data of an individual workers/replica, use and attributes to filter data.
The extension captures (since 2.6.0) following cloud attributes for CloudHub environment-
Deployment Target | Attribute Name | Value Strategy | Description | Example |
Any |
cloud.provider |
mulesoft |
Static value |
CloudHub v1 |
cloud.region |
Application AWS Region |
AWS region as available from CloudHub reserved properties |
us-west-2 |
CloudHub v1 |
cloud.platform |
mulesoft_cloudhub_v1 |
Static value |
CloudHub v2 |
cloud.platform |
mulesoft_cloudhub_v2 |
Static value |
CloudHub v1/v2 | |
Anypoint Organization Id |
Uses organization id in which application is deployed |
Extension supports following exporter configurations -
OTLP Exporter
Logging Exporter
Generic Exporter
Configured exporter is used for all supported signals. |
Extension contains all dependencies needed to send supported signals to an OpenTelemetry Collector endpoint.
When configuring the OTLP Exporter with HTTP Protobuf protocol, OpenTelemetry collector endpoint must be set to the base endpoint of OTEL collector. The module will build signal-specific endpoints such as {collectorEndpoint}/traces based on OpenTelemetry specification guidelines.
For example, if opentelemetry collector is listening on localhost:4317, then set collectorEndpoint=http://localhost:4317/v1 and NOT collectorEndpoint=http://localhost:4317/v1/traces .
When configuring the OTLP Exporter with GRPC protocol, OpenTelemetry collector endpoint must be set to the base endpoint of OTEL collector. For example, if opentelemetry collector is listening on localhost:4317, then set collectorEndpoint=http://localhost:4317 and NOT collectorEndpoint=http://localhost:4317/v1 .
If OTLP collector endpoint is using HTTPS, this exporter may require additional configuration when non-public CA certified certificates are used.
Following attributes can be used to configure certificates on OTLP Exporter -
Server (Receiver Endpoint) Certificates:
- The path to the file containing trusted certificates to use when verifying an OTLP trace, metric, or log server’s TLS credentials. The file should contain one or more (Server, CA chain etc.) X.509 certificates in PEM format. By default, the host platform’s trusted root certificates are used. For example, if file is included insrc/main/resources/certs/server-certs.pem
, set this attribute tocerts/server-certs.pem
Client (Mule app) Certificates:
- The path to the file containing trusted certificates to use when verifying an OTLP trace, metric, or log client’s TLS credentials. The file should contain one or more X.509 certificates in PEM format. By default, no chain file is used. -
- The path to the file containing private client key to use when verifying an OTLP trace, metric, or log client’s TLS credentials. The file should contain one private key PKCS8 PEM format. By default, no client key is used.
OTLP Exporter is being used but no traces are seen in APM. The logs show below (or similar) error message -
Failed to export spans. Server responded with HTTP status code 404. Error message: Unable to parse response body, HTTP status message: Not Found
This is most likely caused due to incorrect value set for collectorEndpoint
. See OTLP Exporter configuration reference for how to configure collector endpoint correctly.
OTLP Exporter with GRPC Protocol failed to export spans with "OTLP endpoint must not have a path: /v1"
This is most likely caused due to incorrect value set for collectorEndpoint
. See OTLP Exporter configuration reference for how to configure GRPC collector endpoint correctly.
A few APMs may not have the OTEL standard endpoint format of {collectorEndpoint}/{signal}
. In that case, the default config property of collectorEndpoint
may not work to auto-build the single endpoints.
In such cases, opentelemetry-config-properties
can be used to define trace endpoint with otel.exporter.otlp.{signal}.endpoint
property where signal can be traces
or metrics
<opentelemetry:otlp-exporter collectorEndpoint="${otel.collectorEndpoint}">
<opentelemetry:config-properties >
<opentelemetry:config-property key="otel.exporter.otlp.traces.endpoint" value="${my-custom-otel-trace-endpoint-url}" />
When troubleshooting generated signal data, sending it to logs may be useful. Extension supports a simple logging exporter that can send signal data to application’s log file.
<opentelemetry:config name="OpenTelemetry_Logging" doc:name="OpenTelemetry Config" serviceName="app1" >
<opentelemetry:exporter >
<opentelemetry:logging-exporter />
Example span entry from log file -
[INFO ] [2022-10-13 15:54:37,141] [[MuleRuntime].uber.08: [orders-exp-api].submit-order-flow.CPU_INTENSIVE @1be1852e] [event: dd4e8f20-4b30-11ed-87e6-c889f3a9023b] [io.opentelemetry.exporter.logging.LoggingSpanExporter]: '/api/*' : 0cda0930cbf01126b91402861dbffc74 38d96ac87afdbbe1 SERVER [tracer: mule-opentelemetry-module:1.1.0] AttributesMap{data={http.status_code=201, http.route=/api/*, http.user_agent=PostmanRuntime/7.29.2,, http.scheme=http, http.method=POST,, http.flavor=1.1, mule.serverId=abcd..orders-exp-api,, mule.correlationId=dd4e8f20-4b30-11ed-87e6-c889f3a9023b,,,}, capacity=128, totalAddedValues=14}
This generic exporter allows to configure any other signal exporters supported by sdk-extensions/autoconfigure#exporters.
Following example shows possible configuration for sending traces to Zipkin.
If the generic exporter is used to configure signal specific exporter, then it must be configured appropriately for all supported signals. |
<opentelemetry:config name="OpenTelemetry_Generic" doc:name="OpenTelemetry Config" serviceName="app1" >
<opentelemetry:exporter >
<opentelemetry:generic-exporter >
<opentelemetry:config-properties >
<opentelemetry:config-property key="otel.traces.exporter" value="zipkin" />
<opentelemetry:config-property key="otel.exporter.zipkin.endpoint" value="http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans" />
The required Zipkin exporter dependencies must be configured as an Additional Plugin Dependencies for Mule Maven Plugin.
Module uses OpenTelemetry SDK v{opentelemetry-version}.
Any opentelemetry dependencies used here must be at-least v{opentelemetry-version}
or a compatible one.
For non-logging exporters, Tracing SDK uses Batch Span Processor. Global Configuration allows to customize Batch span processor settings -
<opentelemetry:config name="OpenTelemetry_Config"
.... other config ....
By default, every span is recorded. In a high transaction environment, this can become noisy or needing high storage requirements for backend APM. In such cases, it is possible to reduce the span recorded and sent to the APM. This can help reduce the network traffic as well as data sent to the backend. Although, it comes at a cost of not collecting all traces, which maybe acceptable in certain use cases.
The Sampler configures weather spans will be recorded when they are started by the module. Unrecorded spans are skipped from exporting to backend APM.
Module config doesn’t have any elements to set the sampler configuration, but it can be applied using OpenTelemetry’s system properties.
System property | Environment variable | Description |
otel.traces.sampler |
The sampler to use for tracing. Defaults to |
otel.traces.sampler.arg |
An argument to the configured tracer if supported, for example a ratio. |
See Sampler documentation for more details.
For example, to set the TraceId Ratio based sampler, you can add following two properties -
otel.traces.sampler.arg=0.001 // (1)
Sets the trace id ratio to 1 in 1000. Resulting configuration will record 1 in 1000 traces.
By default, this module will create trace spans for following mule components -
HTTP Listener and Request
Database Connector
Anypoint MQ Connector
More verbose span generation can be configured. See setting Trace Levels below.
Module can create spans for every mule processors by setting spanAllProcessors = "true"
. This can be overridden by setting a system property mule.otel.span.processors.enable
to true|false
When the span generation for all processors is enabled, opentelemetry:ignore-mule-components
allows to set a list of processors to exclude from span generation.
<opentelemetry:config name="OpenTelemetry_Generic" doc:name="OpenTelemetry Config" serviceName="app1" spanAllProcessors="true">
<opentelemetry:exporter >
<opentelemetry:generic-exporter >
<opentelemetry:config-properties >
<opentelemetry:config-property key="otel.traces.exporter" value="zipkin" />
<opentelemetry:config-property key="otel.exporter.zipkin.endpoint" value="http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans" />
<opentelemetry:ignore-mule-components >
<opentelemetry:mule-component namespace="MULE" name="LOGGER" />
<opentelemetry:mule-component namespace="os" name="*" />
To disable span generation for all processors in a specific namespace, set the name
attribute to *
<opentelemetry:mule-component namespace="os" name="*" />
Instead of enabling span generation for all processors, if some additional processors need to be included in span generation,
then opentelemetry:span-additional-mule-components
can be used to include those in generic span generation process.
<opentelemetry:config name="OpenTelemetry_Generic" doc:name="OpenTelemetry Config" serviceName="app1" spanAllProcessors="false"> // (1)
<opentelemetry:exporter >
<opentelemetry:generic-exporter >
<opentelemetry:config-properties >
<opentelemetry:config-property key="otel.traces.exporter" value="zipkin" />
<opentelemetry:config-property key="otel.exporter.zipkin.endpoint" value="http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans" />
<opentelemetry:span-additional-mule-components > // (2)
<opentelemetry:mule-component namespace="custom" name="operation" />
<opentelemetry:mule-component namespace="mule" name="remove-variable" />
Span All processors is set false to reduce span generation for common components
to generate spans for a samplecustom:operation
In addition to all the trace attributes captured by the module, it is possible to add custom tags to the current trace using an operation opentelemetry:add-transaction-tags
All custom tag keys are transformed to custom.{keyName} . This also prevents accidentally overriding other standard keys-value pairs in trace tags. Depending on the APM (elastic, etc.) you use, they may be displayed differently. For example, elastic will display them as label.custom_{keyName} .
These could be any business data that you may want to capture as a part of your telemetry data. For example, an order number for an order processing transaction.
<opentelemetry:add-transaction-tags doc:name="Add Custom Tags"
<opentelemetry:tags >
<opentelemetry:tag key="orderNumber" value="#[vars.orderNumber]"/>
You can also use dataweave to set the tags.
<opentelemetry:add-transaction-tags doc:name="Add Custom Tags"
tags="#[output java --- {orderNumber: payload.orderNumber}]" />
Some APMs may require additional tags on spans for the correct display of traces. For example, Splunk APM can use peer.service
on http request spans when creating inferred services in service maps.
The module may not be capturing those tags out of the box but there is a way to add additional tags to the spans of components that use global configuration elements. Some examples would be http:listener
using http:listener-config
, db:insert
using db:config
For such cases, the module recognizes system properties defined with property names following the pattern {global_config_element_name}.otel.{tag_name}
and adds {tag_name}:{property_value}
as tags to spans generated for all components using {global_config_element_name}
named global element.
Any tags set using this system properties, will override module generated value for same tags. |
Few things to consider when using Global Tags:
Global Config spans are supported via System Properties. Setting global-property in mule configuration does not go in System Properties and hence won’t work. Check System Properties for On-Prem or Runtime Manager to set attribute values.
This feature can ONLY add/modify Span attributes, and not the name, kind or other non-attribute data on the span. Most of the APMs may use Span name in Trace UI, and it is NOT possible to change how this module uses OpenTelemetry guidelines to compute span names.
In case of Splunk, peer.service
attribute should have the name of the remote http system being invoked. Consider following mule requester example -
<!-- Global HTTP Request Configuration element -->
<http:request-config name="Remote_Request_configuration" doc:name="HTTP Request configuration"> // (1)
<http:request-connection host="${}" port="${http.port}" />
<!-- Flow including http:request that references above global config -->
<flow name="mule-opentelemetry-app-requester-remote" >
<http:listener doc:name="Listener" config-ref="HTTP_Listener_config" path="/test-remote-request"/>
<http:request method="GET" doc:name="Request" config-ref="Remote_Request_configuration" path="/test/remote/target"/> // (2)
<logger level="INFO" doc:name="Logger"/>
To add a tag peer.service=my_remote_api
to http:request
's span, you can set following system property on mule runtime -
This module supports context propagation in W3C Trace Context and W3C Baggage Context formats.
Extension supports extracting Open Telemetry Trace context extraction for certain source components. For these components if the Context information is received in appropriate place, the module will establish the parent-child relation for the traces.
Source Components supporting context extraction:
HTTP Listener: Context information, if exists, is extracted from request headers
Anypoint MQ Subscription: Context information, if exists, is extracted from Anypoint MQ Message properties
For any other source components, the module looks for the Context information in following locations of the event and in the order mentioned below -
Example components are Kafka, AMQP, WebSockets, etc.
For example, Anypoint MQ Module.
Example components are JMS, IBM MQ etc.
For example, Amazon SQS Module
OpenTelemetry Trace Context is extracted/injected using configured Propagators. The entries in the context may vary depending on the propagators used and validations it applies. All examples here are with W3C Trace Context. |
To help with the context propagation, module allows to inject context into flow variables. This context includes following trace attributes -
TRACE_TRANSACTION_ID - An internal transaction id within Mule Context
traceId - Trace id of the current request
traceIdLongLowPart - Long value of the Trace Id Low part
spanId - Span Id for the component used for creating context
OpenTelemetry Trace attributes such as traceparent, tracestate
Context can be injected in two ways, as described below.
Extension uses a processor interceptor. OpenTelemetry’s tracing context will be automatically added to a flow variable before the first processor is invoked. It is always injected under a key OTEL_TRACE_CONTEXT.
Before the first processor is invoked - this context relates to the flow span instead of any specific processor
Before certain outbound specific processors are invoked - this context is specific to the span of the processor being intercepted
System Property | Environment Variable | Description | Default Value |
mule.otel.interceptor.processor.enable |
Enable or Disable the interceptor feature. Disabling the interceptor processing can result in incorrect context propagation. |
mule.otel.interceptor.first.processor.only |
When interception is enabled, intercept only the first processor in each flow |
When the flow execution starts, OpenTelemetry context is injected into flow variables before the first processor of the flow is invoked.
This context relates to the main flow span and if used for propagation to external services then span rendering may not look accurate.See processor interceptor below. |
OTEL_TRACE_CONTEXT.spanId will be of the flow container span. |
Following examples show a W3C Trace Context extracted from incoming http request and injected into flow variables:
Another variation when tracestate is received with traceparent
For the context propagation accuracy, certain processors are intercepted to inject current span’s context into the flow variable.
OTEL_TRACE_CONTEXT.spanId will be of the span of the intercepted component. |
The connector is pre-configured to intercept following connector operations -
As a result of this, for example, when http:request
makes an outbound request and context is injected, http:request
processor’s span is propagated as a prent span.
If the intercepted processors needs fine-tuning such as including or excluding certain processors then it can be done in the Trace Level global configuration.
Excluding the intercepted components may affect the context propagation. |
If needed, <opentelemetry:get-current-trace-context />
operation can be used to manually inject trace context into flow.
target must be used to set operation output to a flow variable.
OTEL_TRACE_CONTEXT.spanId will be of the flow container span. |
Similar to First Processor Interceptor, this context relates to the main flow span and if used for propagation to external services then span rendering may not look accurate. |
<opentelemetry:get-current-trace-context doc:name="Get Current Trace Context" config-ref="OpenTelemetry_Config" target="traceContext"/>
The Module does NOT support automatic context propagation. In order to propagate the trace header information to other web applications, the Mule HTTP Requester Operation OR Configuration must be configured to propagate following http headers -
Key |
Value |
Using Operation vs. Global Configuration:
HTTP Outbound headers can be added at HTTP Request Operation level OR as a default headers in HTTP Request Global Configuration.
HTTP Global configuration may be easier from code modifications perspective i.e. just at one global level. That comes at the cost of performance because using expressions in configurations makes it a dynamic configuration.
On the other hand, using headers section in HTTP Request operation may need modification of every http:request
operation, but then it keeps the global configuration as a static configuration for runtime to reuse the same instance.
Using Static configurations is a preferred approach from performance perspective. Dynamic is only recommended for lower request volume uses cases. For more information on performance impact, see performance report section. |
Propagation with Request Operation:
To propagate context using request operation, add/append request headers section of every http:request
operation to include following entries -
<http:request method="GET" doc:name="Request" doc:id="f187cd33-70ce-4e09-96e0-70115c3ac727" config-ref="HTTP_Request_configuration" path="/api/path">
<http:headers ><![CDATA[#[output application/java
"traceparent": vars.OTEL_TRACE_CONTEXT.traceparent as String,
"tracestate": vars.OTEL_TRACE_CONTEXT.tracestate default '' as String
Propagation with Requester Global Configuration:
In order to propagate the trace header information to other web applications, the Mule HTTP Requester Configuration must have default headers configured in the following way:
<http:request-config name="HTTP_Request_configuration"
doc:name="HTTP Request configuration">
<http:request-connection host="" />
<http:default-headers >
<http:default-header key='traceparent' value="#[vars.OTEL_TRACE_CONTEXT.traceparent default '' as String]" />
<http:default-header key='tracestate' value="#[vars.OTEL_TRACE_CONTEXT.tracestate default '' as String]" />
When using Anypoint MQ, the publish
operation can add vars.OTEL_TRACE_CONTEXT
to user properties. If this module is being used by the Anypoint MQ Subscription application, the Context will be extracted from the user properties and linked to the parent incoming trace.
<anypoint-mq:publish doc:name="Publish" doc:id="8e707130-9ead-4dac-a31e-f7bcb5ce7740" config-ref="Anypoint_MQ_Config" destination="otel-test-queue-1">
<anypoint-mq:properties ><![CDATA[#[vars.OTEL_TRACE_CONTEXT]]]></anypoint-mq:properties>
The module supports extracting the Context from specific locations. Check Context Extraction section for list of supported locations.
Following example shows use of JMS User properties for sending the context information when publishing a message to the queue -
<jms:publish doc:name="Publish" doc:id="ff1a9b50-b399-41b7-a43e-0b3b7403c93c" config-ref="JMS_Config" destination="mule.test">
<jms:message >
<jms:body ><![CDATA[#[output application/json
id: uuid(),
name: "Random"
<jms:properties ><![CDATA[#[output application/java
traceparent: vars.OTEL_TRACE_CONTEXT.traceparent as String default '',
tracestate: vars.OTEL_TRACE_CONTEXT.tracestate as String default '',
If the consumer listener Mule App is also instrumented using this module, the context will be extracted appropriately to create a distributed trace. |
Once you have configured the module in your application, there may be a need to remove or temporarily turn it off.
To permanently remove the tracing -
Remove the module dependency from pom.xml
Remove the global configuration element and xml declaration references
Remove any changes made to other Connector configurations for context propagation.
To temporarily disable the tracing without any code changes -
on global config. You may use a property placeholder for the value. -
Alternately, you can set the
system property totrue
. -
To re-enable the tracing, just reset the property to
(default value).
When APM backends are used to capture Logs as well as Traces, they might support log and trace correlation. Depending on the APM, some specific attributes maybe needed in the log records to correlate them to the corresponding traces.
Most commonly used attributes include -
Trace Id
Loggers can access the current trace id with
Some APM backends (eg. DataDog) may require the Long trace Id instead of the 32-hex-character trace Id value. In that case,
(since v1.6.0) can be used.
Span Id
Introduced with v1.5.0, Loggers can access the flow container span id with
Some APM backends (eg. DataDog) may require the Long span Id instead of the 16-hex-character span Id value. In that case,
(since v1.6.0) can be used.
Service name
Usually a static value, name of the application which can be injected through application properties such as
Deployment Environment
Usually a static value, name of the environment which can be injected through application properties such as
To add trace ID and span ID, you may add a mule tracing module to target the Mule application.
In the first APIKit flow, add tracing module operations -
<tracing:set-logging-variable doc:name="Set Trace Id"
<tracing:set-logging-variable doc:name="Set Span Id"
value="#[vars.OTEL_TRACE_CONTEXT.spanId default '']" />
When logging with Log4J, JSONLayout can be used to structure the log records with additional attributes.
<!-- Console JSON layout that can be used to see full JSON format that will be sent for log aggregation in a real environment -->
<console name = "CONSOLE_JSON" target = "SYSTEM_OUT">
<JSONLayout includeTimeMillis="true" compact="false" eventEol="true" objectMessageAsJsonObject="true" properties="true" stacktraceAsString="true">
<KeyValuePair key="trace_id" value="${ctx:trace_id}"/>
<KeyValuePair key="span_id" value="${ctx:span_id}"/>
<KeyValuePair key="" value="$${sys:domain}"/>
<KeyValuePair key="deployment.environment" value="$${env:mule.env}"/>
<KeyValuePair key="timestamp" value="$${date:yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSZZZZ}" />
Automatic header/attribute injections for outbound requests is not supported
When using in on-premise mode, all applications deployed to the same runtime will share the same instance of OpenTelemetry configuration. It is unpredictable that which application’s configuration wins. Ideally, the configuration should be same across the applications.
When using mule domain projects for global configurations, the generated spans do not include any global configuration or connection tags.