2366 commits
to main
since this release
1.33 (2021-10-14)
- (Feature) Surface read-only support for hundreds of resources under the Resources node in the AWS Explorer
- (Feature) Amazon DynamoDB table viewer
- (Bug Fix) Changed error message 'Command did not exist successfully' to 'Command did not exit successfully'
- (Bug Fix) Fixed spelling and grammar in MessagesBundle.properties
- (Bug Fix) Fix not being able to start Rider debugger against a Lambda running on a host ARM machine
- (Bug Fix) Fix SSO login not being triggered when the auth code is invalid (#2796)
- (Removal) Removed support for 2020.2.x IDEs
- (Removal) Dropped support for the no longer supported Lambda runtime Python 2.7
- (Removal) Dropped support for the no longer supported Lambda runtime Node.js 10.x