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Keystore SDK


Keystore Typescript SDK to interact with Axiom keystore rollup.


npm install @axiom-crypto/keystore-sdk


Keystore Account

To create a new keystore account, follow these steps:

// Initialize a counterfactual keystore account
const acct = KeystoreAccountBuilder.initCounterfactual(salt, dataHash, vkey);

// Initialize a keystore account with a known keystore address If you already have the keystoreAddress, you can create the account as follows:

const acct = KeystoreAccountBuilder.initWithKeystoreAddress(

You can calculate the dataHash with this method:

const dataHash = calcDataHash(codeHash, 1n, [eoaAddress]);

You can use M_OF_N_ECDSA_VKEY as the vkey and SAMPLE_USER_CODEHASH as the codeHash.

Transaction Request

A transaction request is defined as an UpdateTransactionRequest object. Currently, only the update transaction is supported.

type UpdateTransactionRequest = {
  nonce: bigint;
  feePerGas: bigint;
  newUserData: Data;
  newUserVkey: Data;
  userAcct: KeystoreAccount;
  sponsorAcct?: KeystoreAccount;

To make a sponsored transaction, you must provide the sponsorAcct. The AXIOM_ACCOUNT defined in the SDK can serve as the sponsor account.

To create a transaction from a transaction request, use the UpdateTransactionBuilder as follows:

const tx = UpdateTransactionBuilder.fromTransactionRequest(txReq);

// Transaction hash

// Transaction serialized as bytes

Authenticating a Transaction

To begin authenticating a transaction, start by creating the necessary authentication inputs:

// user authentication inputs if the transaction is not sponsored
const authInputs: AuthInputs = {
  keyData: encodeMOfNData(SAMPLE_USER_CODE_HASH, BigInt(userSig.length), [eoaAddr]);
  aithData: [userSig],

// sponsor authentication inputs if the transaction is sponsored
const sponsoredAuthInputs: SponsoredAuthInputs = {
  proveSponsored: {
    sponsorAuthInputs: AXIOM_ACCOUNT_AUTH_INPUTS,
    userAuthInputs: makeMOfNEcdsaAuthInputs(

Next, submit the transaction bytes along with the authentication inputs to the signature prover:

// instantiate the signature prover provider
const signatureProverProvider = new KeystoreSignatureProverProvider(

// authenticate a non-sponsored transaction
const requestHash = await signatureProverProvider.authenticateTransaction(

// authenticate a sponsored transaction
const requestHash =
  await signatureProverProvider.authenticateSponsoredTransaction(

After you receive the request hash, check its status to monitor the progression of your authentication request:

// check the authentication status of a non-sponsored transaction
const status =
  await signatureProverProvider.getAuthenticationStatus(requestHash);

// check the authentication status of a sponsored transaction
const status =
  await signatureProverProvider.getSponsoredAuthenticationStatus(requestHash);

Finally, when the status indicates completion, you can retrieve and use the authenticated transaction:

if (status.status == AuthenticationStatusEnum.Completed) {
  authenticatedTx = status.authenticatedTransaction;

Send a Transaction

You can send an authenticated transaction to the sequencer by creating a new KeystoreSequencerProvider instance and invoking its sendRawTransaction method:

const sequencerProvider = new KeystoreSequencerProvider(SEQUENCER_URL);

const txHash = await sequencerProvider.sendRawTransaction(authenticatedTx);

Query the Chain

You can query the keystore rollup chain using the KeystoreNodeProvider. This provider enables you to retrieve various pieces of on-chain data, such as transaction details, receipts, blocks, and rollup state:

const nodeProvider = new KeystoreNodeProvider(NODE_URL);

// get transaction by hash
const tx = await nodeProvider.getTransactionByHash(txHash);

// get transaction receipt by hash
const receipt = await nodeProvider.getTransactionReceipt(txHash);

// get the latest block with full transactions
const block = await nodeProvider.getBlockByNumber(

// get account state
const accountState = await nodeProvider.getStateAt(


For a complete demonstration, take a look at our example.