Simple content management system (CMS). You can create webpages and blog posts easily from a GUI admin panel. Apart from CMS, there are also other features like product display, invoice creation, calendar events, contact message, task manager, document sharing etc.
- Content Management System (CMS)
- Product Catalogue
- Invoice Generation
- Calendar Events
- Team Catalogue
- Contact Message
- Appointment Scheduler
It is just another laravel application. So we do all the steps required to get a laravel application working.
Below applications must be installed in the system.
php >= 8.2
mysql >= 8.0
First create a mysql database. Then run below command to clone this repo and change the working directory.
$ git clone
$ cd samarium
$ mv env.example .env
Now, enter database name, mysql username and mysql password in the .env file. Next perform below steps.
$ composer install
$ npm install
$ npm run dev
$ php artisan migrate
$ php artisan key:generate
$ php artisan storage:link
If you do not want to perform all the installation steps manually, then there is a bash script provided that will run all the required steps.
Please run below bash script.
To use the dashboard, you need a username and password. Use below seeder file to create first user. This will create an admin user. After that you can create other users from dashboard.
php artisan db:seed --class=UserSeeder
php artisan serve
Now open your web browser and visit
- to see the website
- to see the dashboard
Below are screenshots of most used functionalities.
Please contribute to this project. Contributions are welcome.
If you find any issue in this application, you can help by raising an issue here in our github repo.