Deploys a full application on a single vagrant or real machine
- $ vagrant up
- $ vagrant ssh
- $ sudo ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]"
- $ cat /root/.ssh/ (and add it to you ssh keys on github)
- $ cd /var/www/
- $ sudo phing
- ON MAC: currently you will need to chmod -R 777 app/storage/sessions from the host for cms and www each time a session expires or you will see a permission denied error
- ON MAC: currently you will need to rm -rf app/storage/views/* from the host for cms and www when you modify a view file or you will see a permission denied error
Currently there are more steps than I would like do to the file structure
- ssh into the machine
- $ sudo ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "[email protected]" (do not use a passphrase)
- $ sudo cat /root/.ssh/ (and add it to you ssh keys on github)
- $ cd /var
- $ rm -rf www
- $ sudo git clone
- $ sudo mv slender-app/* .
- $ sudo rm -rf slender-app/ Vagrantfile recipes/ .gitignore .vagrant
- $ cd www
- $ sudo phing
NOTE: you may see an error message complaining some directories don't exists, but the will be created
What's the environment of this machine?: local
What's the basename of the site (e.g.
What's the base uri on the api? (e.g. mysite maps => http::/ twilio
What's endpoint does frontend users use to authenticate?: members
What's the github uri for the API? [email protected]: startupdevs/twilio-api.git
What's the github uri for the CMS? [email protected]: startupdevs/twilio-cms.git
What's the github uri for the Front End? [email protected]: startupdevs/twilio-www.git