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A web interface for Sealed Secrets by Bitnami.

Sealed Secrets Web is a web interface for Sealed Secrets by Bitnami. The web interface let you encode, decode the keys in the data field of a secret, load existing Sealed Secrets and create Sealed Secrets. Under the hood it uses the kubeseal command-line tool to encrypt your secrets. The web interface should be installed to your Kubernetes cluster, so your developers do not need access to your cluster via kubectl.

  • Encode: Base64 encodes each key in the stringData field in a secret.
  • Decode: Base64 decodes each key in the data field in a secret.
  • Secrets: Returns a list of all Sealed Secrets in all namespaces. With a click on the Sealed Secret the decrypted Kubernetes secret is loaded.
  • Seal: Encrypt a Kubernetes secret and creates the Sealed Secret.


sealed-secrets-web can be installed via our Helm chart:

helm repo add bakito
helm repo update

helm upgrade --install sealed-secrets-web bakito/sealed-secrets-web

To modify the settings for Sealed Secrets you can modify the arguments for the Docker image with the --set flag. For example you can set a different controller-name during the installation with the following command:

helm upgrade --install sealed-secrets-web bakito/sealed-secrets-web \
  --set sealedSecrets.namespace=sealed-secrets \
  --set sealedSecrets.serviceName=sealed-secrets

or if you want to disable ability to load existing secrets, and use the tool purelly to seal new ones you can use:

helm upgrade --install sealed-secrets-web bakito/sealed-secrets-web \
  --set disableLoadSecrets=true

To render templates locally:

cd chart
helm template . -f values.yaml

You can check helm values available at Also, check available application options at

Api Usage

Get current certificate

curl --request GET 'https://<SEALED_SECRETS_WEB_BASE_URL>/api/certificate'

Seal a secret using servers certificate

having sealed secret as yaml output

curl --request POST 'https://<SEALED_SECRETS_WEB_BASE_URL>/api/kubeseal' \
  --header 'Accept: application/x-yaml' \
  --data-binary '@stringData.yaml'

having sealed secret as json output

curl --request POST 'https://<SEALED_SECRETS_WEB_BASE_URL>/api/kubeseal' \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --data-binary '@stringData.yaml'

sealing one value with default scope

curl -request POST 'https://<SEALED_SECRETS_WEB_BASE_URL>/api/raw' \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     --data '{ "name": "mysecretname", "namespace": "mysecretnamespace", "value": "value to seal" }'


For development, we are using a local Kubernetes cluster using kind. When the cluster is created we install Sealed Secrets using Helm:

# install registry
docker run -d --restart=always -p "" --name kind-registry registry:2

# startup kind
curl -L -o testdata/e2e/kind-config.yaml
kind create cluster --config=testdata/e2e/kind-config.yaml

# setup registry
docker network connect kind kind-registry
kubectl apply -f

# setup ingress
kubectl apply -f
kubectl wait --namespace ingress-nginx \
  --for=condition=ready pod \ \

# build image

# install sealed secrets
helm repo add sealed-secrets
helm install sealed-secrets sealed-secrets/sealed-secrets \
  --namespace sealed-secrets \
  --create-namespace \

# install sealed secrets web
./testdata/e2e/ yaml

Access the interface via http://localhost/ssw