217 commits
to master
since this release
✨ New Features
- add missing subject type for relation responses (PR #559 by @everpcpc)a2dd226
- add API for PersonCollect (PR #561 by @everpcpc)abb3ee4
- add field series for subject v0 res (PR #565 by @everpcpc)2ba3be4
- add api for subjects browsing (PR #564 by @everpcpc)8f26025
- enrich new fields in archive program (PR #602 by @wattlebird)8707b09
- include field PrsnAppearEps in subject persons response (PR #616 by @Contextualist)4d917a7
- archive: add series (commit by @trim21)0f095e3
- include episode duraiton in dump (commit by @trim21)7935a6d
- return user timezone (PR #638 by @trim21)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- support timeline v2 (commit by @trim21)1a8f85d
- skip timeline creation on private collection (commit by @trim21)8ec201d
- timeline v2 creation rpc call (commit by @trim21)9532499
- config: duplicate key "key" (PR #481 by @RanKKI)75ff0c7
- staff person image url (commit by @trim21)bacc276
- subjects of indices (commit by @trim21)513d41e
- subjects of indices (commit by @trim21)eea8687
- empty subject tags (commit by @trim21)b98723e
- trim tag spaces (commit by @trim21)0950221
- only update rate (commit by @trim21)cedf850
- search: restrict search field to names only (PR #558 by @everpcpc)a1c15ca
- adjust search fields (PR #582 by @everpcpc)6468c63
- do not index merged subject (PR #583 by @everpcpc)75ce30c
- empty rank for subject browsing (PR #584 by @everpcpc)b7a3b8d
- search nsfw filter (commit by @trim21)af87d8f
- search: nsfw response (commit by @trim21)03393cd
- search: nsfw response (commit by @trim21)579b0dc
- search: nsfw response (commit by @trim21)664ff32
- search: nsfw response (commit by @trim21)8305216
- search: nsfw response (commit by @trim21)d198d70
- add nsfw field to search response (commit by @trim21)04497c0
- search: subject redirect (commit by @trim21)6269bbf
- subject name escape (PR #599 by @trim21)b18c75f
- upgrade chii_crt_subject_index.crt_order type (commit by @trim21)e6bd506
- update staff definition (PR #617 by @Contextualist)3e358e2
- archive dump escape (PR #618 by @trim21)b107086
- remove schema from kafka message (commit by @trim21)