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Full stack web application with React, Typescript, Express and Mongo. This project is e-commerce store for books with admin panel, payments and deliveries

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E-commerce Bookstore ""

License: MIT styled with: Prettier

The goal of this full stack project is to design and implement a fully functional online e-commerce website connected to payment API Stripe, cloud storage database Cloudinary and provide a seamless user experience.

Important Notes

  • The website is not responsive. Recommended screen resolution 1920:1080 with aspect ratio of 16:9

  • The server needs to be AWAKEN before use! Takes at least one minute

Project Demo

Table of Content

๐Ÿ”ฌ Technologies used

Category Technologies
Frontend React, TypeScript
Server Node, Express, Cors, Cookie-parser, Multer,Express-Mongoose-RA-JSON-Server
UI Material UI, SASS, Slick-Carousel, React-Slick,
Forms React Hook Form
State management Zustand
Admin panel manager React Admin
Database MongoDB, Mongoose
Encryption bcryptjs
Authentication JsonWebToken
API Request Axios
Tools Git, Vite, ESLint, Prettier, Yarn, Nodemon,disable-react-devtools,hookform devtools

๐ŸŽฌ Features

Here are some examples of how to use this project:

  • Register and login as a user
  • Browse products in the catalog page
  • Filter and sort the products (not fully implemented)
  • Add and manage items to the cart
  • Add and manage items to the wishlist
  • Check each product details in the Details Page, where only authenticated users can comment, add products to cart or wishlist.
  • Manage application data from the admin panel only for admins
  • Checkout your cart and pay
  • Preview order
  • Manage profile settings
  • Check order history and details

๐Ÿ”ง Installation

Follow the instructions below:

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory: cd your-project-directory

  3. Install dependencies for the server and the client:

    ./cd client && yarn install
    ./cd server && yarn install
  4. The application should start automatically because of the vscode config file.

  5. If it does not, you can manually run the development server and the client cd to the main directory and:

    ./cd server && yarn run start-server
    ./cd client && yarn run dev
  6. Open your browser and go to http://localhost:5173/ to view the app.

  7. Register a new account and login

๐Ÿ’ซ UX UI

๐Ÿ“ Project content

  • Home page
  • Login Register
  • Catalog
  • Product details
  • Cart details
  • Wishlist
  • Checkout
  • Stipe payment page
  • Order preview
  • Profile menu
  • Orders history
  • Admin panel

๐ŸŽจ Design and Architecture

Server built on express and mongodb with mongoose. Client built with vite, react, typescript and sass.

โš™๏ธ Frontend architecture

  • ๐Ÿ’พ Context Providers with Zustand Store

    • Alert Store - a helper store that provides state if the alert is open or not and what is the alert message.

    • Cart Store - stores and provides data for the cart of the authenticated user.

    • Categories Store - stores and provides data for categories in the catalog.

    • Filter Store - provides and stores data for the filter section in the catalog page (not yet implemented)

    • Modal Store - a helper store that provides state if the modal is open or not

    • Location Store - a helper store that provides state for window.location.pathname used for better UX and site navigation

    • User Data Store - holds information about the currently authenticated user. It provides getters and setters for the user's data, including the user's username, whether the user is logged in, and whether the user is an admin.

    • Wishlist Store - stores and provides data for the wishlist of the authenticated user.

  • ๐ŸŽฃ Custom Hooks

    • useConfirm() - is a hook that opens modal to ask the user for confirmation of his action.
  • ๐Ÿ›ซ Routers

    • Main Router is located in App component
  • ๐Ÿงฎ Utils

    • Constants

      • api.ts - stores base URL and endpoints to be used in all services
      • location.ts - stores array of regions and countries to be used in the location dropdown
    • Helpers

      • getToken() - gets user token
      • getUserRole() - gets user role
      • getUserId() - gets user id
      • checkIfUserIsAdmin() - checks if user is admin
      • isAuth() - checks if user is authenticated
      • isGuest() - checks if user is not authenticated
      • themeOptions -* provides theme options for the MUI* theme
      • formatDate(date) - formats the date
      • currencyFormatterToBGN(value) - formats the value to BGN currency
  • ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ Services

    • authService for Authentication
    • cartService for handling cart data
    • productService for handling products data (todo)

โš™๏ธ Backend architecture

  • ๐Ÿ›  Express config

    • express.ts - contains express middleware
    • database.ts - contains mongoose middleware
    • routes.ts - contains express routes
  • ๐Ÿ“ฎ Models

    Model Fields
    Book, Textbook id,title, author, price, description, picture, coverPageType, stock, categories, publisher, language, publishDate, pageCount, translator, dimensions, createdAt,
    BookCategories id, name
    Cart id, products, modifiedAt, active
    Featured productId, productType,featuredAt
    Order id, userId, products[{productId, productType, quantity}], total, orderStatus, shippingStatus
    Stationery id, title, price, description, picture, categories, stock, createdAt
    StationeryCategories id, name
    TextbookCategories id, name
    User id, email, password, register_date, role
    Wishlist id, user, productRefs
  • ๐Ÿ›ซ Routes

    Name Route url Description
    Main /api/** Main router that combines all routes under /api
    Admin /api/admin/** Admin router combining all routes for management of products, categories, users, orders, featured etc. /users | /categories/books | /categories/textbooks | /categories/stationery | /stationery | /books | /textbooks | /featured | /orders
    Auth /api/ Authentication for register | login | logout
    Book /api/books/** Available routes to get all /, get by id /:id and /upload a product image to Cloudinary /upload
    Cart /api/cart/** Available routes for POST, GET and DELETE - / to add or remove product from cart, /:userId to get cart by userId, /:productId to remove product from cart
    Categories /api/categories/** Available routes / to get all categories for each type. And for each type /books/, /textbooks/ and /stationery/ to get all or post a new one.
    Order /api/orders/** Available routes / to get all, /:id to get/update one by id or delete routes
    Stationery /api/stationery/** Available routes to get all /, get by id /:id and /upload a product image to Cloudinary /upload
    Checkout /api/checkout/** For the checkout and payment I use Stripe to create a new session /create-checkout-session and retrieve it /session-status
    Textbook /api/textbooks Available routes to get all /, get by id /:id and /upload a product image to Cloudinary /upload
    User /api/user Available routes /verify-user to get user by token, /:id to get, update or delete a user by id
    Wishlist /api/wishlist GET, POST, DELETE a list of products from wishlist. Available routes / to get all or create and update one, /:productId to delete one by id
  • ๐Ÿ“ก Controllers

    • auth - authenticating the users. Contains logic for login, register and logout
    • book - handling products of type books. Contains logic for delete, update, create, get all or get one book
    • cart - handling cart data. Contains logic for addToCart, getCart, removeProductFromCart, clearCart
    • categories - handling categories data, contains logic for addCategory and getAll categories of every type.
    • featured - handling featured data, contains logic getFeaturedProducts, markAsFeatured, removeFromFeatured
    • images - handling image uploads to Cloudinary. Contains logic uploadCoverImage
    • order - handling order data, contains logic createOrder, getOrderById, getOrders, updateOrderStatus, deleteOrder
    • stationery - handling stationery data, contains logic createStationery, getStationeries, updateStationery, deleteStationery
    • textbook - handling textbook data, contains logic createTextbook, getTextbooks, updateTextbook, deleteTextbook
    • stripe - handling payment data, contains logic checkoutSession
    • user - handling user data, contains logic getUsers, getUserByIdFromToken, getUserById, updateUser, deleteUser
    • wishlist(todo) - handling wishlist data, contains logic createWishlist, getWishlist, updateWishlist, deleteWishlist
  • ๐Ÿ™‹โ€โ™€๏ธ Services

    • user - Authentication (register, login, logout)
    • jwt - creating and verifying tokens
    • image - uploading image to Cloudinary
  • โŒจ๏ธ Middlewares

    • cors - cors setup for the express server
    • filters - to be updated (todo), contains logic for catalog filters and sorting
    • guards - isUser, isAdmin, isGuest - checks if user is authenticated and roles
    • multer - for file upload
    • session - validates the session. If token is present, sets the user in the request object
    • validateRequest - validates the requests
  • ๐Ÿงฎ Utils

    • getCategoryModel(categoryType) - returns the category model based on the category type.
    • cloudinaryConfig() - returns the configuration for Cloudinary.
    • errorHandler(error, res) - handles errors in the server.
    • parseError(error) - takes in an error object and returns a new error object with a consistent structure. It is designed to handle different types of errors that can occur in an application.

๐Ÿš€ FUTURE Development:

  1. Update the featured logic based on model and integrate it with admin panel
  2. Research and integrate Speedy and Econt APIs for delivery
  3. Research and integrate location API of some sort for smooth user experience
  4. Create pages mentioned in the footer common questions about etc
  5. Maybe add blog articles functionality
  6. Implement vouchers and promotions discounts etc.
  7. Implement testing unit with ViTest, Playwright. Discuss coverage
  8. Create search logic
  9. Research and implement forgotten password logic
  10. Decide on how much material ui components will be used (performance issues)
  11. Redesign/discuss business logic for buy now button and authentication

๐Ÿ“Fixes and updates:

  • fix issues with session expire and users
  • fix issues with cookies token for admins validation
  • fix server duplicate code - replace with already created utils
  • fix css warnings (low priority)
  • fix issues with catalog items hover buttons
  • fix issues with Menu component from Material UI for anchorEl property
  • update cart logic and think about state management issues for items and quantity
  • update carousels functionality buttons etc
  • update theme and reuseable code for scss and maybe react
  • implement filters for Catalog Page
  • update logic for checkout page
  • add property productType to each type of products


Full stack web application with React, Typescript, Express and Mongo. This project is e-commerce store for books with admin panel, payments and deliveries







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