My very quick and dirty blog package, based on LaSalle Software version 1.
My LaSalle Software version 1 needs to be updated from Laravel 5.1LTS to v5.4. I will rewrite my Software along with this update.
I have almost half a dozen of my own websites to do, including consolidating three of my sites into one flagship site under the domain. The plan was to write my Software first, and then base my sites on my re-written Software. Not to be!
My greatest need right now is blogging. So I am creating this package so I can get my sites up-and-running first.
When I say "quick and dirty", it's no joke that I am intending this package to be disposable. It is meant to get me "over the hump" en route to using LaSalle Software v2 for my sites.
Well, I took huge liberties that basically subvert package development.
It started with the introduction of the Voyager Admin, which required, among other things, real database fields as form field placeholders for many-to-many table relations. I understand what they are doing, they are clear they are still in workable alpha state, but doing this offends my database sensibilities.
There are no views in this package. I just went ahead and created views directly in the app itself because there are custom css and my need is to integrate my blog with custom templates.
I then decided I could skip docblocks. It's a slippery slope, my friends!
There are bright spots:
- "sticky" posts -- definitely will have this in my v2 software
- expressing db table relationships with Eloquent
- local scopes are kick-ass -- thank you Laravel!
- it's been fascinating deep-diving into very good admin package
- not using Packagist is kinda nice
OTOH, this is a real package.
- based on the latest Laravel Framework version -- v5.4
- real package structure
- composer installable, listed on Packagist
In config/app.php:
- none
- none
There is a special step to do. I placed this package's seed file within the namespace instead of its usual spot within the "database" folder off the package's root folder.
In your app's "database\seeds\DatabaseSeeder.php" file, change your run() method to:
public function run()
$now = Carbon::now();
'name' => 'Bob Bloom',
'email' => '[email protected]',
'password' => bcrypt('password'),
'created_at' => $now,
'updated_at' => $now,
Two things:
(1) Set up your classmap to include your "seeds" subfolder by adding the line "database/seeds" to the autoload section of composer.json:
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/"
(2) Add this package to the require section:
"require": {
"lasallesoftware/quickanddirtyblog": "1.*",
Now, run:
composer update
With Artisan:
php artisan vendor:publish
With Artisan:
php artisan migrate
With Artisan:
php artisan db:seed
If the mood strikes to contribute, you should email me first.
You are actually using this package? Wow. Report security issues or just general feedback to [email protected].