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Dinner People

A modern web application for sharing and discovering cooking recipes through video content. Users can upload cooking videos which are automatically processed to extract frames, analyze content, and generate detailed recipe information.

Project Overview

Dinner People is a React application that leverages Supabase for backend services and AI models for video content analysis. The app allows users to:

  • Sign up and authenticate
  • Upload cooking videos
  • Process videos into step-by-step recipes with AI assistance
  • Browse, save, and like recipes from other users
  • Manage their own recipe collection

Technical Architecture

Supabase Integration

Dinner People uses Supabase for authentication, database operations, and storage.


The app uses Supabase Auth for user management with a custom Zustand store:

// src/store/authStore.ts
import { create } from 'zustand';
import { supabase } from '../lib/supabase';

// Auth store with Zustand
export const useAuthStore = create<AuthState>((set) => ({
  // ...existing code...
  signIn: async (email, password) => {
    try {
      set({ loading: true, error: null });
      const { data, error } = await supabase.auth.signInWithPassword({
      // ...error handling and state updates
    } catch (error: any) {
      set({ error: error.message });
      throw error;
    } finally {
      set({ loading: false });
  // ...other auth methods

Database Operations

Supabase is used for storing and querying recipe data:

// Example from src/lib/storage.ts
export async function uploadVideo(file: File): Promise<UploadResult> {
  const userId = (await supabase.auth.getUser()).data.user?.id;
  if (!userId) {
    throw new Error('User not authenticated');

  // Create recipe entry with a temporary title
  const { error: recipeError } = await supabase
      id: recipeId,
      user_id: userId,
      status: 'draft',
      title: `Untitled Recipe ${new Date().toLocaleDateString()}`,
      description: 'Recipe details will be added after processing'
  // ...additional code


Supabase Storage is used for video and image storage:

// Example from src/lib/video.ts
export async function uploadFrames(frames: { timestamp: number, blob: Blob }[], recipeId: string) {
  const uploadedFrames: { timestamp: number, imageUrl: string }[] = [];

  for (const frame of frames) {
    const path = `${recipeId}/${frame.timestamp}.jpg`;
    const { data: uploadData, error: uploadError } = await
      .upload(path, frame.blob);

    // ...additional code

  return uploadedFrames;

AI Integration

The app uses either OpenAI in production or Ollama locally for video processing and analysis.

AI Service Router

note: testing openai local? Comment out the original implementation and return false below.

// src/lib/ai.ts
import { ollama } from './ollama';
import { openai } from './openai';

class AIService {
  private isLocalEnvironment(): boolean {
    // Temporarily return false to force using OpenAI instead of Ollama
    return true;
    // Original implementation (comment out while testing)
    return window.location.hostname === 'localhost' || 
          window.location.hostname === '';

  async analyzeFrame(imageUrl: string): Promise<string> {
    // Use Ollama for local development, OpenAI for production
    return this.isLocalEnvironment() 
      ? ollama.analyzeFrame(imageUrl)
      : openai.analyzeFrame(imageUrl);

  // ...other methods

export const ai = new AIService();

OpenAI Integration

// src/lib/openai.ts
import OpenAI from 'openai';
import { supabase } from './supabase';

const openai = new OpenAI({
  apiKey: import.meta.env.VITE_OPENAI_API_KEY,
  dangerouslyAllowBrowser: true // Note: In production, API calls should be made from backend

export async function analyzeFrame(imageUrl: string): Promise<string> {
  try {
    const response = await{
      model: "gpt-4-vision-preview",
      messages: [
          role: "user",
          content: [
              type: "text",
              text: "Describe this cooking step in detail, focusing on the ingredients, techniques, and any important details visible in the frame. Keep it concise but informative."
              type: "image_url",
              image_url: imageUrl
      max_tokens: 150

    return response.choices[0]?.message?.content || '';
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error analyzing frame:', error);
    throw error;

Ollama Integration (Local Development)

// src/lib/ollama.ts
import { supabase } from './supabase';

const OLLAMA_BASE_URL = 'http://localhost:11434';

class OllamaAPI {
  private baseUrl: string;
  private model: string;

  constructor(baseUrl: string = OLLAMA_BASE_URL, model: string = 'llama2-vision') {
    this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
    this.model = model;

  async analyzeFrame(imageUrl: string): Promise<string> {
    if (!this.isLocalEnvironment()) {
      throw new Error('Ollama can only be used in local development environment');

    const prompt = `You are a culinary expert. Analyze this cooking image and provide a detailed description of what you see.`;

    // ...additional code
    return await this.generateImageCompletion(prompt, [imageData]);
  // ...other methods

export const ollama = new OllamaAPI('http://localhost:11434', 'llama2-vision');

Local Development Setup

Follow these steps to run Dinner People locally:


  • Node.js 18+ and npm
  • Supabase account (free tier available)
  • For local AI processing: Ollama installed with llama2-vision model
  • Optional: OpenAI API key for production-like environment

Setup Steps

  1. Clone the repository

    git clone
    cd dinnerpeople
  2. Install dependencies

    npm install
  3. Set up environment variables Create a .env file in the root directory with the following:

    VITE_OPENAI_API_KEY=your_openai_api_key (optional for local dev)
  4. Set up Supabase

    • Create a new Supabase project
    • Run the migration scripts in the supabase/migrations folder
    • Set up the storage buckets (videos, thumbnails, frames)
  5. For local AI processing with Ollama:

    • Install Ollama from
    • Pull the llama2-vision model:
      ollama pull llama2-vision
  6. Start the development server

    npm run dev
  7. The application should now be running at http://localhost:5173

Environment Variables

Variable Description Required
VITE_SUPABASE_URL URL for your Supabase project Yes
VITE_SUPABASE_ANON_KEY Anonymous key for Supabase Yes
VITE_OPENAI_API_KEY OpenAI API key Optional for local dev


For production deployment, we recommend:

  • Deploying the frontend to Vercel, Netlify, or similar
  • Ensuring your Supabase project has appropriate RLS policies
  • Setting up proper edge functions for video processing
  • Using OpenAI for production AI processing

Database Schema

See the migration files in /supabase/migrations for the complete database schema, including:

  • User authentication
  • Recipes
  • Video frames
  • Processing queue
  • Recipe interactions

Supabase Migrations


  • Supabase CLI
    brew install supabase/tap/supabase
  • Docker Desktop
    brew install --cask docker

Running Supabase Locally

  1. Start the local Supabase instance

    supabase start

    This will launch all required services (PostgreSQL, API, Auth, etc.)

  2. View local Supabase Studio After starting, the CLI will output a Studio URL (typically http://localhost:54323)

Managing Migrations

Creating a New Migration

  1. Generate a timestamped migration file

    supabase migration new your_migration_name
  2. Edit the generated SQL file in supabase/migrations/[timestamp]_your_migration_name.sql

Applying Migrations

  1. Apply all pending migrations

    supabase migration up
  2. Verify migration was applied

    supabase db execute "SELECT * FROM supabase_migrations.schema_migrations ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 5;"

Resetting Database (Development Only)

If you need to reset your local database:

supabase db reset

This will drop all data and reapply migrations from scratch.

Pushing Schema Changes to Production

To apply migrations to your production Supabase instance:

  1. Link your local project to your Supabase project (first time only)

    supabase link --project-ref your-project-ref
  2. Push migrations to production (use with caution!)

    supabase db push

Local Supabase Development Workflow

Starting Local Supabase

  1. Start the local Supabase instance:

    supabase start

    This will launch all Supabase services in Docker containers.

  2. The CLI will output details including:

Working with Migrations Locally

  1. Apply migrations to your local instance:

    supabase migration up
  2. Test your changes in the local environment

  3. Create new migrations when needed:

    supabase migration new my_migration_name

    This creates a timestamped migration file in supabase/migrations/.

  4. Edit your migration file, then apply it locally:

    supabase migration up
  5. Reset local database if needed:

    supabase db reset

    This will wipe your local database and reapply all migrations.

Deploying to Production

Once you've tested locally and are ready to deploy:

  1. Link to your remote project (if not already done):

    supabase link --project-ref oryvyobhmvztbwjzzllo
  2. Push migration changes to production:

    supabase db push
  3. Or apply specific migrations:

    supabase migration up --db-url "postgresql://postgres:[PASSWORD]@db.[PROJECT_REF]"

Remember to always test migrations locally before applying them to production.


Saved this recipe for later







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