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Release v2.1.0

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@github-actions github-actions released this 22 Nov 02:07
· 338 commits to master since this release

New features

  • Ability to query albums with track db fields and vice-versa, for example beet list -a title:something or beet list artpath:cover. Consequently album queries involving path field have been sped up, like beet list -a path:/path/.
  • Beets now uses platformdirs to determine the default music directory. This location varies between systems -- for example, users can configure it on Unix systems via user-dirs.dirs(5).
  • New template function added: %capitalize. Converts the first letter of the text to uppercase and the rest to lowercase.
  • Plugin autobpm: Add new configuration option beat_track_kwargs which enables adjusting keyword arguments supplied to librosa's beat_track function call.
  • Plugin ftintitle: New keep_in_artist option for the plugin, which allows keeping the "feat." part in the artist metadata while still changing the title.

Bug fixes

  • Album flexible fields are now correctly saved. For instance MusicBrainz external links such as bandcamp_album_id will be available on albums in addition to tracks. For albums already in your library, a re-import is required for the fields to be added. Such a re-import can be done with, in this case, beet import -L data_source:=MusicBrainz.
  • Fix lyrics plugin only getting part of the lyrics from 🐛 (#4815)
  • Fix the TypeError when set_fields is provided non-string values. 🐛 (#4840)
  • Fix the auto value for the reflink config option.
  • Improve naming of temporary files by separating the random part with the file extension.
  • Plugin autobpm: Fix the TypeError where tempo was being returned as a numpy array. Update librosa dependency constraint to prevent similar issues in the future. 🐛 (#5289)
  • Plugin convert: Fixed the convert plugin no_convert option so that it no longer treats "and" and "or" queries the same. To maintain previous behaviour add commas between your query keywords. For help see combiningqueries.
  • Plugin discogs: Fix the TypeError when there is no description.
  • Plugin ftintitle: The detection of a "feat. X" part in a song title does not produce any false positives caused by words like "and" or "with" anymore. 🐛 (#5441)
  • Plugin ftintitle: The detection of a "feat. X" part now also matches such parts if they are in parentheses or brackets. 🐛 (#5436)
  • Plugin lyrics: Update tekstowo backend to fetch lyrics directly since recent updates to their website made it unsearchable. 🐛 (#5456)
  • Use single quotes in all SQL queries 🐛 (#4709)

For packagers

  • The beet script has been removed from the repository.
  • The typing_extensions is required for Python 3.10 and below.
  • The minimum supported Python version is now 3.8.

Other changes

  • Added caching for dependency installation in all CI jobs which speeds them up a bit, especially the tests.
  • GitHub workflows have been reorganised for clarity: style, linting, type and docs checks now live in separate jobs and are named accordingly.
  • Installation instructions have been made consistent across plugins documentation. Users should simply install beets with an extra of the corresponding plugin name in order to install extra dependencies for that plugin.
  • Plugin autobpm: Add plugin dependencies to pyproject.toml under the autobpm extra and update the plugin installation instructions in the docs. Since importing the bpm calculation functionality from librosa takes around 4 seconds, update the plugin to only do so when it actually needs to calculate the bpm. Previously this import was being done immediately, so every beet invocation was being delayed by a couple of seconds. 🐛 (#5185)
  • The linting workflow has been made to run only when Python files or documentation is changed, and they only check the changed files. When dependencies are updated (poetry.lock), then the entire code base is checked.
  • The long-deprecated beets.util.confit module has been removed. This may cause extremely outdated external plugins to fail to load.
  • contributing: Since poetry now manages local virtual environments, tox has been replaced by a task runner poethepoet. This change affects beets developers and contributors. Please see updates in the development-tools section for more details. Type poe while in the project directory to see the available commands.
  • contributing: The project now uses poetry for packaging and dependency management. This change affects project management and mostly affects beets developers. Please see updates in getting-the-source and testing for more information.