Releases: berkmancenter/lumendatabase
Releases · berkmancenter/lumendatabase
Merge branch 'master' into master-legacy
Merge branch 'master' into master-legacy
Merge branch 'master' into master-legacy
Merge branch 'master' into master-legacy
Merge branch 'master' into master-legacy
Merge branch 'master' into master-legacy
[2.2.0] - 2019-05-09
- Truncate URLs:
- show only domains plus counts to anonymous users
- show full data to logged-in users
- allow anonymous users to request full access for limited personal use
- Memory profiling (superadmins only)
- Database indexes to speed up some slow queries
- Allow for elasticsearch index names to be customized via ENV
- Show 'submitted to Lumen' date in search results
- Make risk triggers work
- Add turnout back
- Some dependency updates
- Asset-pipeline-related gems no longer loaded in prod to save on memory
- Prevent deep pagination on search results, since Elasticsearch doesn't support it
- Much lower throttling limits in rack-attack, coupled with mechanism for whitelisting IPs
- Increased cache time-to-live
Hotfix caching
Overly aggressive caching in the notice advanced search functions causes garbage data to show up. Let's not.
Hotfix ReindexRun
needs to be public, per errors in logs.
2.1.6 - 2018-12-20
- "Submitter" field on notice submissions
- VCR dependency for SearchesModels spec
- Placeholder notice for use in Google Canadian law notice responses
- Auto-redaction of work descriptions for newly added works
- Rake task for redaction of descriptions of existing works (this will be applied slowly over time to redact our existing 203M works)
- Custom message for hidden notices
- Bug preventing notices submitted via OldChill from being imported into Lumen
- Excessive instantiations on
leading to slow notice searches and topic/notice display pages; the API for#search
has been changed to allow its consumers to reduce their data demands - Excessive db queries on
- Excessive db queries on
(resulting in minor changes to admin interface) - More extensive caching of expensive fragments
- Improved code style
- Dependencies with security vulnerabilities have been upgraded
- Elasticsearch configuration has been streamlined
- Most intermittent test failures have been eliminated
- Bug whereby supporting documents submitted via the notice submission webform were miscategorized as original
- Bug whereby entity types were not being set properly via the notice submission webform
- Bug whereby admins could not delete notices
- Links to related FAQs and blog entries on notice pages
- DMCA counternotice creator
A 2.1.6 prerelease also included a feature to truncate URLs for unauthorized users, but this has been removed pending further testing.