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Releases: berkmancenter/lumendatabase

Hotfix cron job take 2

28 Sep 15:32
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Direct remaining stderr to log file in hopes that cron will stop emailing admins

Hotfix cron job, submitter field

12 Sep 20:49
Choose a tag to compare - 2018-09-12


  • Submitter fields on government request notice creation web form


  • Cache clearing cron job (no longer tries to delete nonempty directories)


05 Sep 20:01
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2.1.5 - 2018-09-05


  • Rake task for indexing added/changed notices after a given date
  • Redirect for the frequently accessed /dmca/counter512.pdf to a URL which actually exists
  • Rubocop and coverage checking in build process
  • PR and issue templates


  • Log formats (logs now include timestamps; API keys are logged)
  • Opted in to config.active_record.raise_in_transactional_callbacks warnings (the prior behavior of setting these to false was deprecated)
  • Updated caching strategy to avoid occasional race condition wherein cache keys existed at time of check but cache contents had been deleted by time of use
  • Updated http to https links where possible
  • Improved handling of forged POSTs to notices (thereby removing an API call error message)
  • Fixed error from trying to iterate over empty tweets
  • Handled Sass deprecation warnings that had been clogging the logs
  • Fixed bug whereby users with a connected entity could not submit web forms despite auth token
  • Minor wording updates
  • Added timeout to Elasticsearch client
  • Removed excess whitespace from notice URL list (which added up to surprisingly much content for notices with many URLs)
  • Updated proxy caching strategy
  • Updated references to "chillingeffects" to "lumen" where possible
  • Switched to postgres UPSERT for infringing URLs in order to speed up notice creation when there are very large numbers of associated URLs
  • Switched to .env rather than bin/ for environment variable handling
  • Documented the release process
  • Improved test isolation, so that the test suite is dramatically more likely to pass
  • Linted for consistency with current ruby style guidelines
  • Suppressed spurious to_ary warning


  • No longer displaying received date on notices when it is the same as the sent date
  • Removed public access to the notice submission form Merge pull request #475 from berkmancenter/hotfix_db_index

16 Aug 20:50
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Hotfixes the 2.1.4 release by adding an index to Notice.created_at. This should help with extremely low load times for the home page (Skylight asserts that the vast majority of the time is spent on an SQL query that sorts on this unindexed column).