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Releases: bilektugrul/SimpleServerTools

New cool features and bug fixes

31 May 15:14
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Hey! 1.0.6 is here with some good improvements, new features and fixes. This update was painful. I never thought making a rule system could be this painful...


  • Improved warp, maintenance and skull commands, permission handling, vanish system and teleport management system.

  • Added Data Converters. You can convert your Essentials and CMI warps into SST now.

  • Added TPHere command.

  • Added AFK command. This is not a complete AFK system. Just a command and PAPI placeholder (%sst_status_afk%)

  • Added rules system. You can configure everything about rules from rules.yml.

  • Added RGB support for 1.16+ (thanks @Despical)

  • Added an option for enabling/disabling TPA requests to other worlds.

  • Added disabling certain commands feature.

  • Changed data storage type to UUIDs. You should know this about UUID storages: If your server is not in premium mode, every time you reset your main world data, players' UUID will change. So, be careful.

  • Fixed some very minor stuff.

As always, some changes were made in configuration files. You can check them in here.

Fixes, new features and quality improvements

22 May 14:26
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Hey! 1.0.5 is here with some good improvements.

  • Fixed wrong player count calculation in packet listener.
  • Speed command recoded, now it has a better code.
  • Added social spy command.
  • Some commands' codes improved.
  • Added block-commands option to teleportation processes (TPA, warps, spawn).

Some changes were made for configuration files. You can check them here (CTRL + F then type .yml).

Many fixes

16 May 14:48
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I thought I was a good tester but it turns out, I'm not. Sorry.

These errors fixed in this version:

  • People could open other's ender chest when they have "sst.enderchest" permission. (Thanks @osmanfurkan115)
  • Fixed compability with WorldGuard. (Thanks @osmanfurkan115)
  • Console prefix's color was faulty in latest Paper versions.
  • Reply command throws an error when there is no one to reply.
  • Outdated language files could cause a NPE, fixed. Now it sends a warning to console and a blank message to player.
  • Ping, heal and feed commands throws an error when given player is not offline.


  • An update checker.

You should reset your configuration files. Or you can try getting new updates manually from the repo.

Minor fixes and more customization settings

16 May 08:32
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  • Added %sst_status_msg% and %sst_status_tpa% placeholders for PAPI. You can change their outputs in language files. Color codes will work correctly in these outputs.

  • Added title customization settings to config file.

  • Fixed some problems with feed, heal, fly and god commands' permissions.

You can see file changes from last commits.