Releases: bilektugrul/SimpleServerTools
New cool features and bug fixes
Hey! 1.0.6 is here with some good improvements, new features and fixes. This update was painful. I never thought making a rule system could be this painful...
Improved warp, maintenance and skull commands, permission handling, vanish system and teleport management system.
Added Data Converters. You can convert your Essentials and CMI warps into SST now.
Added TPHere command.
Added AFK command. This is not a complete AFK system. Just a command and PAPI placeholder (%sst_status_afk%)
Added rules system. You can configure everything about rules from rules.yml.
Added RGB support for 1.16+ (thanks @Despical)
Added an option for enabling/disabling TPA requests to other worlds.
Added disabling certain commands feature.
Changed data storage type to UUIDs. You should know this about UUID storages: If your server is not in premium mode, every time you reset your main world data, players' UUID will change. So, be careful.
Fixed some very minor stuff.
As always, some changes were made in configuration files. You can check them in here.
Fixes, new features and quality improvements
Hey! 1.0.5 is here with some good improvements.
- Fixed wrong player count calculation in packet listener.
- Speed command recoded, now it has a better code.
- Added social spy command.
- Some commands' codes improved.
- Added block-commands option to teleportation processes (TPA, warps, spawn).
Some changes were made for configuration files. You can check them here (CTRL + F then type .yml
Many fixes
I thought I was a good tester but it turns out, I'm not. Sorry.
These errors fixed in this version:
- People could open other's ender chest when they have "sst.enderchest" permission. (Thanks @osmanfurkan115)
- Fixed compability with WorldGuard. (Thanks @osmanfurkan115)
- Console prefix's color was faulty in latest Paper versions.
- Reply command throws an error when there is no one to reply.
- Outdated language files could cause a NPE, fixed. Now it sends a warning to console and a blank message to player.
- Ping, heal and feed commands throws an error when given player is not offline.
- An update checker.
You should reset your configuration files. Or you can try getting new updates manually from the repo.
Minor fixes and more customization settings
Added %sst_status_msg% and %sst_status_tpa% placeholders for PAPI. You can change their outputs in language files. Color codes will work correctly in these outputs.
Added title customization settings to config file.
Fixed some problems with feed, heal, fly and god commands' permissions.
You can see file changes from last commits.