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In this project, our team wanted to create a survey app. In this app you can;

  • Create Surveys
  • Open accounts to save your surveys
  • Answer the surveys created by other people
  • See the percentage of options voted in the poll
  • Many other features

We mostly used Kotlin instead of Java to create our app because Kotlin lets us to be more concise with out code. It's also compatible with Java.


How to Install

You can access the relesases page by clicking this link.


In this page you can download the .apk to your phone and install it there. Or you can get the source code so you can build it on your computer.

Importing with Source Code

  1. After downloading the source code, unzip the file.

  2. Then open Android Studio

  3. Choose to import a project by clicking File --> New --> Import Project importproject

  4. Find where you unzipped the file and choose the project.

  5. If you have not used Android Studio before, choose a device to run the app. devicemanager Go to device manager and create a new device.

  6. You can start the app buy presssing the run button.

Installing to a Phone

  1. Download the .apk from the releases page.
  2. Transfer the .apk to your phone.
  3. Click on the .apk.
  4. Give the necessary permissions while installing.
  5. After the installation finishes you can open the app on your phone and start using it.

How to Use The App

When you first open the app you will see the homepage.


In this page you can;

  • Click on the top left to login or sign up.
  • Create a survey by pressing the Create a Survey button
  • Swipe to see the surveys that other people have created and reply to their surveys.

When you click the button on the top left corner in the previous image, you will see this list. From here you can login or sign up.


Or you can swipe left to see the surveys that are created by other users.

In the Sign up page;

You need to add these to be able to sign up.

  • Name
  • E-mail Address([email protected])
  • Gender(Man,Woman,Decline to Answer)
  • Country
  • City
  • Password (8 letters, 1 uppercase letter, 1 lowercase letter, 1 number and a "," or ".")


In the Login page;

All you need to do is enter the e-mail you signed up with and enter your password to login.


In the create survey page;

  • You need to add your question and a survey name.
  • You need to add at least 2 options to your survey.
  • Then you can press the create button to create it.


In My Surveys Page;

After creating your survey and logging in, you will be re-directed to your surveys page. In this page you can see your surveys and answer them. Or you can create a new one.


Inside of a survey

After clicking on a survey to answer it you will see the question and the name of the survey. You can choose one of the options and click done to submit your answer.


User Info

After logging in, you can use the top right corner to access your personal information, your surveys and you can also use that icon to log out of your account.


After clicking User Info you will be directed to that page. On this page you can change your;

  • Gender
  • Country
  • City
  • Password

Remember that Names and e-mails are unique and cannot be changed.
