Releases: bitburner-official/bitburner-src
Releases · bitburner-official/bitburner-src
v2.8.0 Release: 5 March 2025
- Grant Bladeburner API access to SF6 and "Blade's Simulacrum" augmentation to SF7.3 (#1926) (@Sphyxis)
- Move tail-related APIs to ns.ui namespace (#1935) (@catloversg)
- Support scripts playing against each other on "No AI" board (#1917) (@ficocelliguy)
- Add key binding feature (#1830) (@catloversg)
- Fix: Company name in Job tab is not updated when switching companies in edge cases (#1828) (@Nerdpie)
- Make minor changes in buttons and error messages of tutorial (#1837) (@catloversg)
- Infiltration remembers faction choice for reputation reward (#1860) (@catloversg)
- Add filter tool to list of installed augmentations (#1833) (@catloversg)
- Disable buttons when player cannot buy things in tech vendor (#1881) (@catloversg)
- Show warning message for deprecated API Server feature (#1903) (@catloversg)
- Change "overclock" to "Boosted by bonus time" in Sleeves tab (#1901) (@catloversg)
- Hide spoiler content in Soft Reset popup (#1898) (@catloversg)
- Change how hacking level requirement is shown in "Create program" tab (#1900) (@catloversg)
- Fix: "Import Save Comparison" popup is shown after reloading (#1659) (@catloversg)
- Fix: Editor shows "+1 overload" with all NS APIs (#1883) (@catloversg)
- Fix multiple problems with editor (#1893) (@catloversg)
- Editor becomes laggy and autocomplete may not work when player has too many scripts
- Edited code disappears in editor after switching tab
- Editor shows error popup when opening scripts on "." server
- Add UI to share RAM to boost reputation gain (#1862) (@catloversg)
- Fix: Sleeves UI shows and sets wrong task (#1807) (@catloversg)
- Add Grafting tab to sidebar (#1809) (@catloversg)
- Improve UX of Remote API setting page (#1870) (@catloversg)
- Add reward info to intro page of infiltration (#1835) (@catloversg)
- Fix: Wrong plural form in modal of coding contract (#1939) (@catloversg)
- Show all jobs instead of only one in Job tab (#1945) (@catloversg)
- Fix: Cursor position in editor is moved undesirably in edge cases (#1952) (@catloversg)
- Show Save ID in Options tab (#1964) (@catloversg)
- Warn player if they are editing and saving files on non-home servers (#1968) (@catloversg)
- Improve performance of April Fools Easter egg (#1977) (@catloversg)
- Add disambiguation to the confusing "1s / ls" tutorial step (#1972) (@ficocelliguy)
- Fix: Tail log does not render multiline logs properly in edge cases (#1838) (@catloversg)
- Fix: Game takes too long to process crime work with large number of cycles (#1821) (@catloversg)
- API: Add "No AI" to GoOpponent type (#1845) (@catloversg)
- Add raw command string to autocomplete data (#1846) (@catloversg)
- Show user-friendly error message when running empty script (#1848) (@catloversg)
- Fix: ns.weaken reports wrong result when server security is near min value (#1887) (@nanogyth)
- Use same multiplier to calculate server's reduced money for all hacking methods (NS APIs and manual hack via UI) (#1868) (@catloversg)
- Add ns.ui.setTailFontSize API to change tail font size (#1852) (@G4mingJon4s)
- Fix: Running TypeScript scripts are not automatically started when game reloads (#1857) (@catloversg)
- Clarify messages related to "buy" command (#1902) (@catloversg)
- Remove RAM usage percentage in "free" CLI if it's NaN (#1897) (@catloversg)
- Add more error info to error dialog and tail log (#1813) (@catloversg)
- Fix: Grow log shows invalid values in edge cases (#1872) (@catloversg)
- Log script kill immediately and identify the guilty script (#1907) (@yichizhng)
- Add source map to transformed scripts (#1812) (@catloversg)
- Fix: Static RAM calculator cannot process abstract methods (#1921) (@catloversg)
- Include all executable types in error message of "run" command (#1918) (@PerpetuaLux)
- Add ns.ui.renderTail API (#1815) (@catloversg)
- Improve typing of coding contract API (#1892) (@G4mingJon4s)
- Add ns.enums.FactionName API (#1457) (@catloversg)
- Fix: Typo in API break notice of v2.6.1 (#1936) (@catloversg)
- Clarify "Disable ASCII art" setting (#1937) (@catloversg)
- Clarify availability of "buy" command (#1940) (@catloversg)
- Allow using wss for RFA (#1942) (@catloversg)
- Support non-Steam achievements (#1953) (@femboyfireball)
- Add ns.formulas.reputation.donationForRep API (#1141, #1960) (@LJNeon)
- Clarify advanced options (#1962) (@catloversg)
- Fix invalid filenames upon loading save (#1147) (@LJNeon)
- Show user-friendly error message when there is syntax error in scripts (#1963) (@catloversg)
- Do not round return value of getBonusTime APIs (#1961) (@catloversg)
- JetBrains Mono font shows wrong glyphs (#1971) (@catloversg)
- Fix typo in "Getting Started" page (#1836) (@catloversg)
- Improve Infiltration docs (#1842) (@catloversg)
- Clarify input and output of Square Root coding contract (#1839) (@catloversg)
- Fix typo of CrimeStats (#1850) (@catloversg)
- Add starter React documentation (#1888) (@danielpza)
- Clarify return value of ns.getPurchasedServerCost and ns.getPurchasedServerUpgradeCost when input is invalid (#1884) (@NagaOuroboros)
- Fix migration doc typo (#1896) (@esainane)
- Clarify ns.exit (#1916) (@Mathekatze)
- Make nuke and port opening functions return boolean (#1923) (@catloversg)
- Document shorts in terms of actual finance terms (#1908) (@d0sboots)
- Replace outdated links for v2 migration guide and changelog (#1934) (@catloversg)
- Clarify ns.nuke (#1969) (@catloversg)
- Clarify ns.scan (#1965) (@catloversg)
- Add visual cues to warn player of dangerous actions and status of population, chaos (#1856) (@catloversg)
- Allow empty string in amount and price fields in sell modals before confirming (#1847) (@catloversg)
- Show production multiplier of product in research popup (#1919) (@catloversg)
- Show operation description in tooltip of completed BlackOps (#1941) (@catloversg)
- Show exact reasons why player cannot bribe factions (#1967) (@catloversg)
- Allow passing 0 SkillPoints to ns.formulas.bladeburner.skillMaxUpgradeCount (#1844) (@catloversg)
- Change description and add tooltip for HackMoney-related multipliers (#1823) (@catloversg)
- Clarify "Company Favor" hash upgrade (#1861) (@catloversg)
- Increase number of displayed digits for "Base Size Modifier" of Stanek's Gift (#1871) (@catloversg)
- Remove mention of passive reputation gain when player is in BN2 (#1859) (@catloversg)
- Fix: Wrong warning of sellAmt being negative (#1819) (@catloversg)
- Add ns.singularity.getSaveData API (#1390) (@catloversg)
- Reword description of "Operation Tyrell" and "Operation Wallace" BlackOps (#1931) (@Hihahahalol)
- Standardize behavior of "connect" command and ns.singularity.connect API (#1933) (@catloversg)
- Decrease interval of check for faction invitation (#1943) (@TheAimMan)
- Change multiplier of defense level in BN14 (#1927) (@ficocelliguy)
- Fix: Sleeve takes on contracts without checking availability (#1946) (@catloversg)
- Fix: ns.corporation.bribe can bribe faction that player is not member of (#1966) (@catloversg)
- Return experience gain rate of gang member in GangMemberInfo.expGain (#1955) (@AdamAndreatta)
- Clarify isBusy and stopAction Singularity APIs (#1822) (@catloversg)
- Clarify ns.grafting.getGraftableAugmentations API (#1858) (@catloversg)
- Clarify type of returned value of ns.gang.getOtherGangInformation (#1882) (@catloversg)
- Clarify description of BN2 about gang and The Red Pill (#1878) (@catloversg)
- Clarify returned value of ns.bladeburner.getActionCountRemaining (#1873) (@catloversg)
- Fix incorrectly documented BusinessFactor (#1915) (@esainane)
- Fix typo in proof of boost material optimizer (#1938) (@catloversg)
- Clarify ns.singularity.softReset (#1980) (@catloversg)
- Clarify ns.singularity.quitJob (#1979) (@catloversg)
- Fix: React warning of missing keys in CovenantPurchasesRoot.tsx (#1824) (@catloversg)
- Fix: Flaky stock market test (#1834) (@catloversg)
- Convert Literature entries and helper functions to TSX (#1854) (@NagaOuroboros)
- Update webpack and its plugins (#1825) (@catloversg)
- Dockerize Bitburner (#1891) (@romaswe)
- Change signature of interpolate function in Infiltration code (#1843) (@catloversg)
- Validate theme, editor theme, and styles (#1789) (@catloversg)
- Fix React warning when using StatsTable (#1875) (@catloversg)
- Remove unused type of parameter of Favor component (#1874) (@catloversg)
- Merge TypeAssertion files (#1922) (@catloversg)
- Refactor ns.singularity.purchaseAugmentation (#1879) (@catloversg)
- Refactor Player.applyForJob (#1947) (@catloversg)
- Move coding contract code to a separate folder (#1932) (@G4mingJon4s)
- Update webpack and katex (#1975) (@catloversg)
- Update api-extractor (#1982) (@catloversg)
v2.7.0: 8 December 2024
- BN options selection interface (@catloversg)
- Support JSX, TS, TSX script files (@catloversg)
- Tweak Hacknet summary (@catloversg)
- Only show relevant changes in "Purchased Augmentations" table (@catloversg)
- Fix: Correctly show remaining grafting/programming time left when cycles are skipped. (@tom.prince)
- Fix: Misleading favor numbers (@catloversg)
- Always show description of faction price multiplier (@catloversg)
- Add apostrophe to stanek's gift strings (@Faenre)
- Notify players about documentation tab after getting SF1.1 (@catloversg)
- Remove extra "label=" text from SmartSupply interface (@gmcew)
- Show more information about documentation in last step of tutorial (@catloversg)
- Change description of Documentation button in Script Editor (@catloversg)
- Fix: Wrong size of table cell in Import Save Comparison UI (@catloversg)
- Remove hacknet servers from hash upgrade server dropdowns (@yichizhng)
- Fix: Import paths cannot be resolved in script editor (@lucebac)
- Fix: Missing tooltip when doing faction work (@catloversg)
- Remove unnecessary newlines when augmentation does not have stats (@catloversg)
- Disable font ligatures by default (@catloversg)
- Fix: Crash in theme editor modal (@catloversg)
- Add the ability to change the font size (@G4mingJon4s)
- Change order of information in stats progress bar (@catloversg)
- Auto focus hashnet upgrade modal (@catloversg)
- Show error popup when there are errors instead of only writing to console (@catloversg)
- Remove obsolete description of killall (@catloversg)
- Update description of source files (@catloversg)
- Add link to NS API documentation (@catloversg)
- Fix a typo in the hamming code problem statement (@Jazzybones)
- Fix broken link in (@ngcthao)
- Remove " "s from .getDescription() result (@gmcew)
- Typo in ns2 migration doc (@mctylr-gh)
- Remove unmaintained VS Code extension from docs (@catloversg)
- Fix link to non-existing page (@BaxoPlenty)
- Add help text for changelog command (@catloversg)
- Clarify deprecation warning of ns.getTimeSinceLastAug() (@catloversg)
- Fix typos in NetscriptDefinitions.d.ts (@catloversg)
- Add GoAnalysis and GoCheat doc namespaces (@catloversg)
- Hamming Code parity sentence clarification, "Find All Valid Math Expressions" missing line breaks added, example formatting made consistent (@gmcew)
- Outdated formula of favor in tooltip (@catloversg)
- Add scoring rules explanations to how to play page and score modal (@ficocelliguy)
- Fix wrong description of ns.singularity.applyToCompany (@catloversg)
- Fix errors and warnings shown by api-extractor (@catloversg)
- Remove wrong information in ns.weaken (@catloversg)
- Make small tweaks in TSDoc of Corporation APIs (@catloversg)
- Add types for parameters of gym-university-bladeburner API (@catloversg)
- Correct function signature for hashUpgradeCost (@Faenre)
- Fix wrong description of ns.corporation.createCorporation (@catloversg)
- Clarify experience gain of sleeves (@bupjae)
- Make small changes (capitalization) in index page of documentation (@catloversg)
- Improve ns.enableLog docs (@Fireball5939)
- Update description of multipliers in BitNodeMultipliers in NetscriptDefinitions.d.ts (@nobody0)
- Fix mangled NS API TSDoc (@catloversg)
- Fix incorrect description of "HammingCodes: Integer to Encoded Binary" contract (@zorbathut)
- Clarify condition of ns.corporation.bribe (@catloversg)
- Clarify "completion" property of GraftingTask (@catloversg)
- Clarify cyclesWorked of Task (@catloversg)
- Clarify ns.hackAnalyzeThreads (@JMack6490)
- Clarify ns.bladeburner.getSkillUpgradeCost and fix typo in BaseTask (@catloversg)
- Fix typo in Corporation documentation (@catloversg)
- Add more information for deprecated nFormat API (@catloversg)
- Clarify FactionWorkRepGain multiplier (@catloversg)
- Fix: Wrong money source when traveling (@catloversg)
- Use ramOverride() to set compiled script RAM (@d0sboots)
- Provide type definitions for `React` and `ReactDOM` in in-game editor. (@tom.prince)
- Fix: "Router called before initialization" race (@d0sboots)
- Always include stack trace in Recovery Mode (@d0sboots)
- Don't spin forever if IDB can't be loaded (@d0sboots)
- Fix: Prevent runtime NotAllowedError on Safari (@robofinch)
- Enable strict typechecking of typescript, and several other typescript improvements in script editor (@tom.prince)
- Minor bugfix for minesweeper game: made rounding behavior for height, width and mine count consistent (@mmjr-x)
- Fix: Crash when accessing nonexistent files with file protocol in Electron app (@catloversg)
- Stop terminal scp from revealing and copying to unreachable servers (@yichizhng)
- Fix: Tab completion uses wrong command list (@catloversg)
- Fix: Prompt does not reset text value (@catloversg)
- Fix: Duplicated program in edge case (@catloversg)
- Improve rep calculation accuracy (@d0sboots)
- Fix: NaN Total Assets caused by bug in bulkPurchase API (@catloversg)
- Cancel infiltration when player is hospitalized (@catloversg)
- Fix: Block hacking-related actions on player-owned servers (@catloversg)
- Rework disableLog for efficiency (@d0sboots)
- Improve several things relating to PID lookups (@d0sboots)
- Fix: ns.singularity.donateToFaction being able to donate to SoA (@Fireball5939)
- Throw error when player passes invalid hostname to some APIs (grow, weaken, singularity.installBackdoor) (@catloversg)
- Fix: upgradePurchasedServer API prints wrong error message (@Nolshine)
- Reduced RAM cost for ns.getPurchasedServers (@Faenre)
- Fix: Autocomplete shows error popup in some cases (missing error handler when calling libarg) (@catloversg)
- Reduce cost of static information NS APIs to 0 (@Faenre)
- Add ns.self() as a free info function (@G4mingJon4s)
- Change generation rate of CCTs for offline bonus (@catloversg)
- Add new Square Root coding contract (@d0sboots)
- Remove mention of Hacking Mission (@catloversg)
- Fix: Scripts are killed too late when prestiging (@catloversg)
- Fix: Typos in description of augmentations (@egg362)
- Fix: Typo in field work description (@Pimvgd)
- Fix: Fix dynamicRamUsage returned by getRunningScript() (@d0sboots)
- Add warning when installing backdoor on backdoored server (@catloversg)
- Expose more information of HiveMind augmentation (@catloversg)
- Improve tutorial, documentation and discoverability of NS API documentation (@catloversg)
- Improve exception alert (@catloversg)
- Improve built-in print APIs when printing Promise objects (@catloversg)
- Improve built-in print APIs when printing objects containing Map or Set (@catloversg)
- Validate hostname and port of RFA (@catloversg)
- Update blood donation (@hydroflame, @catloversg)
- Include React component stack in Recovery Mode report (@catloversg)
- Always add script's earnings to its parent (@catloversg)
- nano and vim use wrong template for text files (@catloversg)
- Add error cause to exception alert and Recovery mode UI (@catloversg)
- Fix ramOverride check (@jonhartnett)
- Accept "noscript" as parameter for skipping loading scripts (@catloversg)
- Fix: Multiple issues with migrating older savegames (@catloversg)
- Change formula of Bladeburner skill cost (@catloversg)
- Fix: Wrong behavior of ns.bladeburner.getSkillUpgradeCost (@catloversg)
- Disable rumor of Bladeburners in BN8 (@catloversg)
- Fix: Stop current work when starting a program with Singularity (@TheAimMan)
- Fix: Cap Gang recruit member calculation (@TheAimMan)
- Fix: Allow upgrading Bladeburner skill level over max safe integer (@catloversg)
- Fix: Wrong countdown of remaining time for Bladeburner action (@catloversg)
- Fix: Duplicated augmentation when buying after grafting (@catloversg)
- Fix: Wrong success range of Bladeburner general action (@catloversg)
- Add buyAmount and importAmount to Corporation Material API (@yichizhng)
- Add success chance of Bladeburner action to Sleeves UI (@catloversg)
- Allow filtering graftable augmentations (@catloversg)
- Fix: Wrong error message when failing to recruit gang member (@catloversg)
- Add API to calculate max upgrade count of Bladeburner skill (@catloversg)
- Fix: Bladeburner city chaos reaching Infinity/NaN (@Faenre)
- Use indirect eval for terminal expr and corporation sell prices/amounts (@yichizhng)
- Fix: Wrong skill multipliers in Bladeburner (@catloversg)
- Fix: Crash in b1tflum3 and destroyW0r1dD43m0n API (@catloversg)
- Bladeburner: Est. pop improvement actions always improve est. pop by at least 1 (@Faenre)
- Fix: Typo in description of Stanek's Gift (@Tahvohck)
- Prevent issues caused by resetting the board while the go AI is in flight (@ficocelliguy)
- Bladeburner: Use "grow" semantics for population estimate (@d0sboots)
- Fix: Wrong team size when all team members die in Bladeburner's action (@catloversg)
- Fix: Wrong parameter requirement of ns.bladeburner.setTeamSize (@catloversg)
- Make condition of ns.singularity.donateToFaction consistent (@catloversg)
- Fix: Wrong calculation in team casualties of Bladeburner action (@catloversg)
- Bladeburner UI shows tooltips on action success chance to indicate which stat it scales with (@Alpheus)
- Improve discoverability of Corporation documentation (@catloversg)
- Change type of skill name parameter of ns.formulas.bladeburner.skillMaxUpgradeCount API (@catloversg)
- Uncheck the 'show prior move' feature when a new Go game is started (@ficocelliguy)
- Add optional board state argument to the go analysis functions (@ficocelliguy)
- Add ns.go.cheat.getCheatCount (@ballardrog)
- Fix: Typo in Covenant's shop (@catloversg)
- Disable "+1" button when Bladeburner skill level reaches max safe integer and refactor some checks (@catloversg)
- Show confirmation p...
v2.6.2 Release: 3 July 2024
- Hotfix (also backported to 2.6.1): Fixed an issue with invalid format on steam cloud save (@catloversg)
- Augmentations: Augmentations that affect starting money now add money instead of replacing it (@jjclark1982)
- API: ns.spawn can be used with 0 delay for a synchronous effect (@d0sboots)
- API: Added the ns.ramOverride function, which allows altering the ram usage of a script at runtime (@d0sboots)
- Coding Contracts: Improved the performance of the All Valid Math Expressions contract checker (@yichizhng)
- Coding Contracts: Simplified the Shortest Path contract checker (@gmcew)
- Documentation: Various improvements (@mrsimo, @catloversg, @ficocelliguy, @gmcew, @otac0n)
- Electron: Game can now load correctly when the path includes symbolic links (@catloversg)
- Faction: Fixed some edge cases around Favor overflow (@catloversg)
- Faction: All available invites are sent at once (@catloversg)
- Faction UI: show which skills are relevant for each type of Faction work (@gmcew)
- Font: Embedded the JetBrains Mono font as "JetBrainsMono" (@catloversg)
- Go: Can now play manually as white against your own scripts (@ficocelliguy)
- Go: Save a full game history to prevent repeat moves (@ficocelliguy)
- Go: Support offline time / bonus cycles to allow less time between AI moved (@ficocelliguy)
- Hacking: Clamp hack success chance to prevent issues with infinity (@Caldwell-74)
- Hacknet: Fix an issue that caused inaccurate level base cost (@JamesWilcox-git)
- Hacknet: UI improvements (@jjclark1982)
- Hospital: Can now be hospitalized even when busy performing a work task (@catloversg)
- Infiltration: Automating infiltration is now more difficult (@catloversg)
- Infiltration: Wire game shows wire colors on wires (@muesli4brekkies)
- Misc: Changed how negative changes in system time are handled (@catloversg)
- Programs UI: Now displays time remaining (@TheAimMan)
- Servers: Existing servers can now have more than 1 core (@TheAimMan)
- Scripts: Relative imports can now be used (@Caldwell-74)
- Script Editor: Improved detection of possible infinite loops (@G4mingJon4s)
- Script Editor: Cursor location is remembered when switching tabs or game pages (@catloversg)
- Script Editor: Improvements to vim mode (@G4mingJon4s)
- Script Editor: Individual script tabs can be in separate editor modes (@G4mingJon4s)
- Skills: Fix an inconsistency in experience needed to level a skill from 1 to 2 (@catloversg)
- Terminal: Add more options to the rm command (@G4mingJon4s, @d0sboots)
- Terminal: Added grep command (@muesli4brekkies)
- Terminal: Improved autocompletion for mixed case strings (@yichizhng)
- Codebase: Partial migration away from outdated mui/styles (@Caldwell-74)
- Codebase: Cleanup / refactoring (@catloversg, @Caldwell-74, @Snarling, @ficocelliguy, @tomprince)
- Bladeburner: Added a button to stop the current action (@Kelenius, @catloversg)
- Bladeburner: Improved logging of information in the Bladeburner console (@Kelenius, @catloversg)
- Bladeburner: Black Operations show in the expected order again (@catloversg)
- Bitnode 5: Show bitnode multipliers while in BN5.1 (@catloversg)
- Bitverse: Spawned scripts will no longer launch from the bitverse screen (@catloversg)
- Corporation: Refactor markup multiplier (@catloversg)
- Corporation: Allow mass discarding products by selling for 0 (@gmcew)
- Corporation: Allow access to constants even when API access is not available (@ilkecan)
- Gang: Show equipment even when it cannot be purchased yet (@catloversg)
- Gang: Fix an issue with wanted gain rate (@catloversg)
- Gang: Show effective gain rates when bonus time in effect (@G4mingJon4s)
- Grafting: Fixed a spacing issue (@Sphyxis)
- Grafting: Fixed an issue that could cause hacknet node production to be inaccurrate when combined with Grafting (@catloversg)
- Grafting: Fixed an issue that could cause inaccurate HP after Grafting (@catloversg)
- Grafting: Added ns.grafting.waitForOngoingGrafting (@catloversg)
- Intelligence: Changed scaling for intelligence gain from manual hacking (@catloversg)
- Sleeve: Sleeve travel can no longer be performed if the player has insufficient funds (@gmcew)
- Sleeve: It's no longer possible to install an unavailable augmentation on a sleeve (@yichizhng)
- Sleeve: No longer show a dialog message if a sleeve is working at a job while quitting that company (@Kelenius)
- Sleeve: ns.sleeve.setToBladeburnerAction works again for setting sleeves to Bladeburner contract work (@Sphyxis)
- Singularity: Add ns.singularity.getFactionWorkTypes (@catloversg)
- Singularity: Fix an edge case issue with ns.singularity.getAugmentationFactions (@catloversg)
- Nerf noodle bar
v2.6.1 - 21 May 2024
- Exported savegames are now compressed. This means that savegames from 2.6.1dev will need to be manually converted before backloading into 2.6.0 (@catloversg)
- There was a small API change related to Bladeburner. If your save file is affected by the API change, a file APIBreakInfo-2.6.1.txt will be created on your home computer, which should assist in updating your scripts.
- Some Go scripts may also require updates, please reference the current documentation to troubleshoot any issues.
- (Bladeburner) !API Break! ns.bladeburner.getCurrentAction now returns null when not performing an action (@Snarling)
- (Corporation) Add a missing check on exportMaterial (@catloversg)
- (Corporation) Add ns.corporation.sellDivision (@catloversg)
- (Formulas) Add ns.formulas.hacking.growAmount (@d0sboots)
- (Go) Some changes to the Go API, including some minor breaking changes. Please refer to the API documentation in the script editor or at (@ficocelliguy)
- (Go) Added ns.go.analysis.getStats (@ficocelliguy)
- (Go) Fix a bug that allowed facing secret opponent early or with wrong board size (@ficoccelliguy)
- (Infiltration) More information is provided on ns.infiltration.getInfiltration (@catloversg)
- (Singularity) Added ns.singularity.getFactionEnemies function (@jaguardeer)
- (Sleeve) SleeveInfiltrationWork now has a nextCompletion promise (@Caldwell-74)
- ns.getRunningScipt().tailProperties now updates x/y positions while the tail window is being moved (@catloversg)
- Fixed an issue that caused ns.disableLog to work incorrectly for some functions (@ficocelliguy)
- (Bladeburner) Console now uses the timestamp formatting from Settings if it is set (@gmcew)
- (Corporation) More granular control of office size increases (@adeilt)
- (Corporation) Adjustments on storage space tooltips (@catlovers)
- (Electron) Fixed an issue where the zoom level would not be updated correctly (@catloversg
- (Gang) Fix inaccurate display of wanted reduction rate when performing "justice" tasks (@LJNeon)
- (Go) Fix an incorrect displayed max favor on Go history page (@ficocelliguy)
- (Hashnet) Show more digits when hashrate is very low (@catloversg)
- (Infiltration) Intro screen now shows how much damage will be taken for each failure (@catloversg)
- (Tutorial) Change display of the buttons in the Tutorial (@catloversg)
- Fixed an issue that could cause wrong RAM value displayed in script editor (@gmcew)
- Tweak display of very large multipliers on the Augmentations screen (@catloversg)
- Active scripts screen will now wrap text when there is a very long list of arguments with no spaces (@catloversg)
- Text files (.txt and .json) posted to the terminal from the ls command are now clickable (@catloversg)
- Fixed a display issue on the bitverse page (@LJNeon)
- Fixed a display issue on the stats page (@catloversg)
- Fixed a display issue with CorruptableText (@catloversg)
- Add "arguments" to list for special highlighting in script editor (@catloversg)
- (Bladeburner) Internal code refactoring (@Snarling)
- (Corporation) Fix an issue that could cause incorrect average material prices via bulk purchases (@catloversg)\
- (Corporation) Refactored bribery
- (Docs) Various doc fixes (@adeilt, @User670, @catloversg, @gmcew, @jeek, @pontsuyo, @ficocelliguy, @d0sboot, @Vilsol)
- (Electron) Fixed an issue that could cause ghost processes on the Steam version (@catloversg
- (Go) "No AI" white player can now pass (@ficocelliguy)
- (Go) Reimplement superko rule, adjust save data (@ficocelliguy)
- (Go) Balance tweaks and other bugfixes (@ficocelliguy)
- (Go) Fix an issue that could cause the AI to try taking two turns simultaneously (@Snarling)
- (Go) Bonus from Tetrads now applies to all combat stats (@gmcew)
- (Go) Internally streamlined some Go code (@d0sboots, @Snarling)
- (Hacknet) Fixed an issue in the engine loop that could cause offline earnings with hacknet to be inaccurate (@d0sboots)
- (Inflitration) Rework and tuning for Slash game (@catloversg)
- (Inflitration) Fix an "invalid location" crash (@catloversg)
- (Sleeve) Fix incorrect starting shock values while in BN10
- New internal implementation for getRandomInt (@catloversg)
- Improved the description text for the Hamming Code contract (@gmcew)
- Fixed a bug in the useRerender hook, which could occasionally cause UI bugs (@catloversg)
- Added error handling in cases where a savegame cannot be loaded (@catloversg)
- 'buy -a' command will now partially buy programs even if not all can be bought (@TheAimMan)
- Tweaked the interaction between backdoored servers and reputation requirements (@catloversg)
- Update Credits page to show @d0sboots as an active maintainer (@Snarling)
- Changed the name of an augmentation at the request of the original author (@hydroflame)
- Allow .json files (@shyguy1412)
- Remove jquery dependency (@catloversg)
- Disable text translation, which commonly causes crashes (@catloversg)
- Fix an incorrect unit in ns.spawn logs (@FoGsesipod)
- Servers that don't exist yet will not show up in autocomplete data (@catloversg)
- Add optional file for ignoring some specific commits with git blame (@adeilt)
- Remove some unnecessary data from save file (@Snarling)
- Added general API break utilities for future use (@Snarling)
- Remove an internal dependency and streamline code for downloading files (@catloversg)
- Remove some unused internal constants (@catloversg)
- Ensure lastNodeReset property is initialized correctly on the player object (@catloversg)
- The value of "this" within the main function will no longer be the script module itself (@d0sboots)
- Fixed an incorrect file mode (@mctylr-gh)
- Nerf noodle bar (various contributors)
v2.6.0 - IPvGO (5 Mar 2024)
v2.6.0 - IPvGO: 5 Mar 2024
- A new minigame IPvGO, based on the game Go. Visit DefComm in New Tokyo or the CIA in Sector-12 for access. Documentation for the mechanic is available ingame under "How to Play" once the mechanic is available. (@ficocelliguy)
- A new BitNode has been added which focuses on the IPvGO mechanic (@ficocelliguy)
- (Bladeburner) ns.bladeburner.getSkillUpgradeCost now returns infinity if requesting a cost above the maximum skill level (@Semanual)
- (CodingContract) Fixed an issue where ns.codingcontract.getData was leaking internal arrays when contract data was a 2-d array (@LJNeon)
- (CodingContract) ns.codingcontract.createDummyContract now returns the filename of the created contract (@Spartelfant)
- (Gang) Added ns.gang.getInstallResult for determining the effect an augmentation install will have on gang member ascension multipliers (@LJNeon)
- (Go) Added the ns.go API, which allows interaction with the new IPvGO mechanic. While this is in development, the API may undergo changes (@ficocelliguy)
- (Hashnet) Fixed a bug that allowed spending negative hashes (@yichizhng)
- (Ports) Added ns.nextPortWrite, which allows waiting for the next write to a port without creating a port handle object (@LJNeon)
- (Ports) Ports now support all clonable data (@LJNeon)
- (Singularity) Add type information for ns.singularity.getCurrentWork return value (@Semanual)
- (Stanek) Fix ns.stanek.acceptGift which was not working in 2.5.2 (@jjclark1982)
- ns.getPlayer now also provides the player's karma. ns.heart.break is no longer a hidden function (@LJNeon)
- ns.atExit can be provided a string id as a second parameter, to set multiple atExit callbacks for the same script (@shyguy1412)
- Improved the efficiency and accuracy of growth formulas (@d0sboots)
- ns.formatNumber now throws an error if specifying a suffixStart less than 1000 (@TheAimMan)
- HGWOptions now accepts a non-integer number of threads (@Caldwell-74)
- Fixed outdated docs for ns.spawn() (@adeilt)
- Fixed ns.serverExists returning incorrect value for an endgame server (@cigarmemr)
- Refactored weaken effect calculation (@Caldwell-74)
- (Augmentations) Fixed some missing description text for Hacknet multipliers (@jjclark1982)
- (Corporation) Align columns correctly in warehouse breakdown table (@jjclark1982)
- (Corporation) Several typo fixes in Corporation modals (@cigarmemr)
- (Documentation) Ingame documentation now displays line breaks inside tables correctly (@Snarling)
- (Documentation) Added a documentation page for converting .script to .js (@LJNeon, @jjclark1982, @Snarling)
- (Documentation) Script editor doc button points to correct docs (@LJNeon)
- (Hashnet) Hash upgrade descriptions use proper number formatting options (@Snarling)
- (Hacknet) Hacknet display shows a dynamic amount of columns based on screen width (@shyguy1412)
- (Infiltration) Changed how the CheatCodeGame is displayed (@alutman, @Snarling)
- (Infiltration) If currently performing faction work, UI defaults to trading info for rep with that faction (@LJNeon)
- (Sleeve) If intelligence is unlocked, sleeve intelligence is shown in the UI (@Caldwell-74)
- (Stockmarket) Changed color of stocks increasing in value (@Semanual)
- (Terminal) Improved scroll behavior on the Terminal (@Snarling)
- (Theme) Added 3 new theme elements to properly support light themes (@adeilt)
- Added a tail render interval setting, changing how frequently tail windows redraw their contents (@Caldwell-74)
- Reorganization of some content and sorting of scripts on the Active Scripts page (@Snarling, @TheAimMan)
- "Disable Text Effects" option also disables the corrupted text display (@draughtnyan)
- fl1ght.exe now displays the related requirements in a more readable way (@TheAimMan, @LJNeon)
- Miscellaneous wording fixes (@cigarmemr)
- (CodingContract) Improve parsing of player input for arrays in coding contracts (@rocket3989)
- (Corporation) Fix an incorrect demand range for Minerals (@catloversg)
- (Corporation) Added ingame documentation (@catloversg)
- (Corporation) Divisions impact on corporation valuation is now based on number of offices and warehouses (@catloversg)
- (Corporation) Improve performance of calculations (@catloversg)
- (Bladeburner) Band-aid fix Blops count and action stopping (@Caldwell-74)
- (Gang) Add separate money tracking for gang expenses (@deansvendsen)
- (Ports) Port objects no longer track a separate promise for every use of nextWrite (@Snarling)
- (Ports) Fixed a crashing bug related to the changes above (@Jman420)
- (RemoteAPI) Remote API can be targeted to a remote device instead of the default of localhost (@Specker)
- (RemoteAPI) Added a getAllServers method (@shyguy1412)
- (ScriptEditor) When importing from other files that are also open in the editor, type information is now available in the IDE (@shyguy1412)
- (ScriptEditor) Links from "ls" are now tied to that host, instead of your connected machine (@LJNeon)
- (ScriptEditor) Script "models" in the script editor are now properly disposed (@Caldwell-74)
- (Terminal) Add --ram-override flag to the run command (@LJNeon)
- (Terminal) Fix incorrect help text for rm command (@LJNeon)
- Add a helper for clamping numbers to an allowable range, and use this for player skill formulas (@Caldwell-74)
- Protect against renaming servers to invalid names (@LJNeon)
- All running scripts are killed upon entering the BitVerse (@LJNeon)
- Scripts with the "temporary" flag set do not populate the Recently Killed script list on script death (@TheAimMan)
- Fix an issue with offline income for scripts (@Caldwell-74)
- Various "nextUpdate" promises are not tracked internally as a single promise instead of an array of promises (@Caldwell-74, @LJNeon)
- Fix inconsistent importing of the arg library (@catloversg)
- Clarify some information in the file (@deansvendsen)
- Internal changes to method used for cloning objects (@LJNeon)
- Rearrange some internal constants (@Caldwell-74)
- b1t_flum3.exe can be ran in "quick" mode (@TheAimMan)
- Nerf noodle bar (various)
- Nerf noodle bar moar (@Caldwell-74)
v2.5.2 - 26 December 2023
- Added limit of 1e9 for additionalMsec property of HGWOptions (@d0sboots)
- ns.share effect is now boosted by host server core count (@TheAimMan)
- Fix a bug with HGWOptions that caused the default value to be 1 thread even for scripts running multiple threads (@DJMatch3000)
- (Singularity) ns.singularity.applyToCompany now returns the JobName if a job was obtained, or null otherwise - previously was boolean (@jjclark1982)
- (Singularity) ns.singularity.getCurrentWork now requires access to the singularity API (@TheAimMan)
- (Singularity) Added ns.singularity.getFactionInviteRequirements (@jjclark1982)
- (Stanek) ns.stanek.chargeFragment is now boosted by host server core count (@TheAimMan)
- (Bladeburner) Operation team size modal now handles keyboard submission correctly (@Snarling)
- (Corporation) Fixed an issue with Warehouse size being out of sync following prduct sale (@Kelenius)
- (Factions) Fixed some display order issues, and possible multiple entries for a faction (@jjclark1982)
- (Factions) Fixed an issue with certain factions not becoming "known" when joining them (@jjclark1982)
- (Grafting) Entropy now has the correct negative effect on hacknet multipliers (@TheAimMan)
- (Hashnet) Fixed an issue where the SF9.3 reward server had an incorrect number of cores (@cigarmemr)
- (Terminal) Fixed a bug with script autocompletion when the script is inside a subdirectory (@draughtnyan)
- Added basic protection for certain global values that could cause a recovery screen if reassigned (@Snarling)
- Fixed conditions for an easter egg message (@cigarmemr)
- (Bitverse) Changed listed difficulty for BN3 to "hard"
- (CodingContract) Reduce incidence of $0 coding contract rewards in circumstances where the reward would be $0 (@trambelus)
- (Corporation) Added better accounting of funds transactions (@jjclark1982)
- (Corporation) Remove cooldown on starting over corporation, but maintain remaining cooldown for selling shares (@jjclark1982)
- (Corporation) Removed some legacy code that was not doing anything (@catloversg)
- (DevMenu) Added the ability to add/remove sleeves from the dev menu (@Sphyxis, @Snarling)
- (Docs) Fixed various typos in documentation (@tdpeuter)
- (Factions) Added a documentation page for faction join requirements (@jjclark1982)
- (Formulas) Added clarification for the unit of time returned by hackTime, growTime, and weakenTime functions (@d0sboots)
- (Ports) Promises from port.nextWrite resolve in the same order they were created, instead of reverse order (@LJNeon)
- (Sleeve) Add task counters for Crime and Bladeburner tasks (@TheAimMan)
- (Stock) Add some randomization to timing for stockmarket forecast change events (@Caldwell-74)
- (Terminal) Added the --all option for unalias, to allow removing all aliases (@Sphyxis)
- Nerf noodle bar (various contributors)
- Message for buying TOR router no longer implies the need to connect to darkweb (@Kelenius)
- (Company) Rework of the job location details (@jjclark1982)
- (Company) Added previous/next buttons for job location if the player has multiple jobs (@Kelenius)
- (Factions) Only show warning about enemy factions for factions with enemies (@jjclark1982)
- (Stanek) Improved the display of the Stanek grid (@Kelenius)
v2.5.1 - 30 November 2023 Update
For the Steam version, any special options you have enabled in the File menu may need to be reselected after this update, due to a change in how these settings are stored.
- Added a faction rumors system, to learn the requirements for joining factions ingame (@jjclark1982)
- (Bladeburner) Added ns.bladeburner.nextUpdate, which allows waiting for the next update of the bladeburner mechanic (@jjclark1982)
- (Bladeburner) Added ns.bladeburner.getNextBlackOp, which provides name and rank info for the next Black Operation that can be completed (@myCatsName)
- (Corporation) Added ns.corporation.nextUpdate, which allows waiting for the next update of the corporation mechanic (@jjclark1982)
- (Corporation) Added a size property to the return value of getProduct (@Caldwell-74)
- (Corporation) ns.corporation.getCorporation return value: 'state' property is deprecated. Added 'prevState' and 'nextState' properties. (@Caldwell-74)
- (Gang) Added ns.gang.nextUpdate, which allows waiting for the next update of the gang mechanic (@jjclark1982)
- (Singularity) Added a JobField enum, and used this for the ns.singularity.applyToCompany function (@alutman)
- (Singularity) ns.singularity.purchaseProgram now returns true for programs that are already owned even if the player doesn't have enough money to re-buy the program (@ncharris93)
- (Sleeve) Added nextCompletion promise as a property of sleeve bladeburner work tasks (@Snarling)
- (Stanek) Added an effect property to getFragment (@TheAimMan)
- (Stock) Added ns.stock.nextUpdate, which allows waiting for the next update of the stock mechanic (@jjclark1982)
- (Bladeburner) Fixed a bug that could allow reaching -1 contracts available (@TheAimMan)
- (Corporation) Fix an incorrect calculation when adding more employees to an office (@Caldwell-74)
- (Corporation) Bulk purchase can no longer be used to exceed maximum warehouse capacity (@TheAimMan)
- (Corporation) Fixed a bug that allowed out-of-order research (@TheAimMan)
- (Corporation) Product production cost is stored separately for each city (@Caldwell-74)
- (Sleeve) Sleeve crime work can no longer cause an overflow of %completion when performing quick crimes during bonus time (@TheAimMan)
- (Stanek) Multipliers from Stanek are now calculated correctly even if the player has Entropy (@yichizhng)
- (Stanek) Fix a bug where Stanek bonuses were not being removed correctly after a reset (@TheAimMan)
- Fix an error that would occur in some cases when using gymGains or universityGains (@cigarmemr)
- Fix tab autocompletion when running a sceript without the run command (@mytskine)
- Fix a bug that could cause the wrong coding contract to be deleted when using rm (@TheAimMan)
- Scripts no longer show $0 for offline money income (@alutman)
- Faction invitations are now cleared properly when performing a reset (@alutman)
- API functions that work on a hostname no longer work on servers that have not been added to the network. (@TheAimMan)
- Fix an issue where the "True Recursion" achievement could be granted incorrectly (@jjclark1982)
- (Sleeve) Added ability to set a sleeve to idle through the UI (@Sphyxis)
- Updated lots of dependencies (@Caldwell-74)
- Updated electron to the latest version (Steam version only) (@Snarling)
- Various spelling / grammar / wording fixes (@ficocelliguy, @Squirlll, @Warrobot10)
- Minor reorganization and streamlining in Script Editor code (@Snarling)
- Tweaked the .lit file referencing Illuminati to give a better idea about joining requirements (@d0sboots)
- (Steam version) Replaced outdated electron-config with electron-store (@tiziodcaio)
- (Corporation) Improved the display of corporation state. (@Caldwell-74)
- (Corporation) Improved various Corporation UIs (@jjclark1982)
- (Gang) Removed the territory warfare toggle from the main Gang screen (@Tyasuh)
- Added number of exploits to import savegame comparison (@myCatsName)
- Dev menu improvements (@myCatsName, @Snarling)
- Added a credits button on the options page (@myCatsName)
v2.5.0 (10/2/2023)
(Corporation) Bugfixes in Corporation may cause a large balance shift for this mechanic.
- ns.print and ns.tprint now handle printing Set and Map objects directly (@ficocelliguy)
- ns.spawn can now use a configurable delay instead of always 10 seconds (@muesli4brekkies)
- (Corporation) Added CorporationDivisions property to BitNodeMultipliers interface (@Caldwell-74)
- (Corporation) Added makesMaterials and makesProducts properties to CorpIndustryData interface (@Caldwell-74)
- (Corporation) Added issueNewSharesCooldown property to the CorporationInfo interface (@Caldwell-74)
- (Corporation) Significantly lowered ram cost of all corporation functions (@jjclark1982)
- (Gang) Added ns.gang.getRecruitsAvailable: Gets the number of additional gang members that can currently be recruited (@myCatsName)
- (Gang) Added ns.gang.respectForNextRecruit: Gets the respect threshold for recruiting the next gang member (@myCatsName)
- (Gang) Added ns.gang.renameMember: Renames a gang member (@myCatsName)
- Taking a university class no longer gives the player an achievement for working out in a gym (@myCatsName)
- Bash keybind ctrl-C clears an ongoing terminal history search (@ncharris93)
- (Corporation): Fix bug in valuation calculation (@yichizhng)
- (Corporation): Fix bug in share price calculation (@jjclark1982)
- (Corporation) "Same sell amount in all cities" works with Products again (@Caldwell-74)
- (Hashnet) Buying multiple company favor upgrades at the same time will actually apply them all instead of just one (@aschmider)
- MISC: Improved handling of aliases in the Terminal (@ficocelliguy)
- MISC: Improved error messages for ns.getPurchasedServer (@ficocelliguy)
- MISC: ns.sleep and ns.asleep now show a formatted time in the script log. (@ficocelliguy)
- MISC: Fix an exploit that allowed over 100% utilization of a server's ram (@d0sboots)
- MISC: (Bladeburner / Sleeve) Bladeburner training action is available for sleeves (@Zelow79)
- MISC: (Gang) Renamed the Territory Warfare mechanic (now referred to as Territory Clashes) to deconflict with the Territory Warfare gang member task (@ficocelliguy)
- UI: Infiltration now hides tail windows instead of temporarily removing them from the page. This means position/size will remain as they were before the infiltration, and any React content will remain active instead of being unmounted/remounted (@ficocelliguy)
- UI: Faction augmentation page updates more reliably (@zerbosh)
- UI: Added a text filter on the Faction Augmentations page (@ficocelliguy)
- UI: Improved pagination of Active Scripts page (@Ookamiko, @ficocelliguy)
- UI: Icarus message no longer shows repeatedly for players that are in the endgame (@ficocelliguy)
- UI: Remove work completion dialogs when performing an augmentation install (@ficocelliguy)
- UI: Improve soft reset dialog, and always show dialog when soft resetting (@myCatsName)
- UI: While closing, modals no longer update displayed info and become inert (@Snarling)
- UI: (Bladeburner) Fix a possible NaN display value in Bladeburner (@zerbosh)
- UI: (Corporation) Multiple UI improvements for Corporation (@jjclark1982)
- UI: (Corporation) Tweaked some number formatting to look better in Corp and Stats page (@zerbosh)
- UI: (Corporation) Market TA no longer has its own dialog box, it's set in the normal sell dialog (@Caldwell-74)
- UI: (Corporation) Fix an incorrect value in the party dialog box (@aschmider)
- UI: (Corporation) Improved the descriptions for Corporation states (@Caldwell-74)
- UI: (Gang) Various UI improvements for Gang (@myCatsName)
- DOCS: Improve documentation for ports (@muesli4brekkies)
- DOCS: Updated documentation for ns.tail and ns.getScriptLogs to make it clear a PID can be used (@myCatsName)
- DOCS: Improve documentation for FilenameOrPID functions (@VictorS)
- DOCS: Improved various existing ingame documentation pages (@myCatsName)
- DOCS: (Bladeburner / Gang) Added initial ingame documentation for Bladeburner and Gang (@myCatsName)
- DOCS: (Bladeburner / Gang) Improve API documentation for Bladeburner and Gang functions (@myCatsName)
v2.4.1 Update (8/26/23)
- Added "Enable terminal history search with arrow keys" option in Misc options category, inspired by similar functionality in shells like zsh. (@ficocelliguy)
- Fixed a bug where buying NeuroFlux Governor would buy one less level than expected (@zerbosh)
- Fixed an issue that could cause the Coding Contract UI to become unreachable (@myCatsName)
- Infiltration: Knowledge of Apollo aug no longer highlights the incorrect wires (@Snarling)
- Added a new theme "zerenity" (@Zelow79)
- Reorganize game constants (@zerbosh)
- Reorganize ingame documentation folder structure, simplify documentation bundling (@Snarling)
- IP Address coding contract accepts single-quoted entries (@myCatsName)
- Updated an outdated message on ns.killall logs (@myCatsName)
- Updated documentation for ns.share and ns.getSharePower (@myCatsName)
- Removed functions (like ns.getServerRam) are no longer shown when enumerating ns entries. (@Snarling)
- Removed more references to ReadTheDocs that remained after 2.4.0 (@hydroflame)
- Fixed some typos/spacing (@myCatsName)
- Fixed an issue with incorrect React keys in active scripts page (@zornlemma)
- Added ns.stock.getConstants (@Snarling)
- Added ownedAugs and ownedSF properties to return data of ns.getResetInfo (@Snarling)
- Added ns.singularity.getAugmentationFactions to provide a list of factions that have a given augmentation (@myCatsName)
- ns.corporation.getConstants now has a ram cost of 0 (@Snarling)
- Successes for next level is now accurate in the UI for Bladeburner operations (@myCatsName)
- ns.sleeve.setToFactionWork no longer allows working for factions the player has not joined (@Snarling)
v2.4.0 - Death to readthedocs
- Added ns.getFunctionRamCost
- Added run and install identifier
- Add product investment info to API
- Prevent issues with invalid materials in warehouse
- Update exportMaterial amount to
number | string
- Validate city with office for starting product development
- readthedoc.bitburner.whatever has been fully deprecated.
That documentation is now available in-game. This will make
documentation easier to maintain and easier to keep locked
with the specific version of the game you're playing.
It's also
, which is more common than.rst
- Add
docs - Better docs for
result - Complete the spec for hamming codes enhancement
- Fix example code for
- Fixed a bug where RAM calculation would be innacurate for near copy of scripts on different servers
- Fix mislead error message about ram miscalculation when script contains syntax errors.
- Fix bug in calculating faction donation amount
- Fix bug where Sleeve would have difficulty doing certain University activities.
- Fix regression for crime in progress
- Prevent log scrolling on Active Script window drag
- show all skills in import save comparison tool
- Fix extremely minor calculation error where money drained after hack was being floor()
- Fix ram evaluation to include more edge-cases
- Fix potential double-free in atExit()
- Work on Enum Helper + Reorganise
- enforce eslint react checks
- corp code style improvement
- Added a lot of typesafety