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#Important NOTE!!!

This Wicket module has been imported into WicketStuff repository. Please refer to its homepage for the last version and the updated documentation.

#Wicket rest annotaions

REST-based API are becoming more and more popular around the web and the number of services based on this architecture is constantly increasing.

Wicket is well-known for its capability of transparently handling the state of web applications on server side, but it can be also easily adopted to create RESTful services.

This project provides a special resource class and a set of annotations to implement REST API/services in much the same way as we do it with Spring MVC or with the standard JAX-RS.

Quick overview

The project provides class AbstractRestResource as generic abstract class to implement a Wicket resource that handles the request and the response using a particular data format (XML, JSON, etc...).
Subclassing AbstractRestResource we can create custom resources and map their pubblic methods to a given subpath with annotation @MethodMapping. The following snippet is taken from resource PersonsRestResource inside module 'restannotations-examples':

	public List<PersonPojo> getAllPersons() {
		//method mapped at subpath "/persons" and HTTP method GET
	@MethodMapping(value = "/persons/{personIndex}", httpMethod = HttpMethod.DELETE)
	public void deletePerson(int personIndex) {
		//method mapped at subpath "/persons/{personIndex}" and HTTP method DELETE. 
		//Segment {personIndex} will contain an integer value as index.

	@MethodMapping(value = "/persons", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST)
	public void createPerson(@RequestBody PersonPojo personPojo) {
		//creates a new instance of PersonPojo reading it from request body

@MethodMapping requires to specify the subpath we want to map the method to. In addition we can specify also the HTTP method that must be used to invoke the method via REST (GET, POST, DELETE, etc...). This value can be specified with enum class HttpMethod and is GET by default. For more details on @MethodMapping see the section 'Annotations and advanced mapping'.
To promote the principle of convetion over configuration, we don't need to use any annotation to map method parameters to path parameters if they are declared in the same order. If we need to manually bind method parameters to path parameters we can use annotation PathParam. See section 'Annotations and advanced mapping' to know how to use it.
If the mapped method returns a value, this last is automatically serialized to the supported data format and written to response object (we will shortly see how to work with data formats).
Annotation @RequestBody is used to extract the value of a method parameter from the request body.

Note: to convert strings to Java type, AbstractRestResource uses the standard Wicket mechanism based on the application converter locator:

	IConverter converter = Application.get().getConverterLocator().getConverter(clazz);

	return converter.convertToObject(value, Session.get().getLocale()); 

To write/read objects to response/from request, AbstractRestResource uses an implementation of interface IObjectSerialDeserial which defines the following methods:

public interface IObjectSerialDeserial {
	public void objectToResponse(Object targetObject, WebResponse response, String mimeType) throws Exception;

	public <T> T requestToObject(WebRequest request, Class<T> argClass, String mimeType) throws Exception;

	public boolean isMimeTypeSupported(String mimeType);

The first two methods are the operations needed to write an object to the response body and to read an object from request body. Methods isMimeTypeSupported is used to know if a MIME format is supported by a given object serial/deserial. To work with MIME types we can use string constants from class RestMimeTypes. The main module comes with class TextualObjectSerialDeserial which can be used as base class to implement serial/deserial that work with a textual MIME type and that needs to know which charset encoding should be used.
As JSON is de-facto standard format for REST API, the project comes also with a ready-to-use resource (GsonRestResource) and a serial/deserial (GsonSerialDeserial) that work with JSON format (both inside module 'restannotations-json'). These classes use Gson as Json library. Resource PersonsRestResource in the example module is based on GsonRestResource.

Use multiple data format

Annotation @MethodMapping has two optional attributes, consumes and produces, that can be used to specify which MIME type must be expected in the request and which one must be used to serialize data to response. Their default value is "application/json". The following code is taken from class MultiFormatRestResource in the main module restannotations and it shows a mapped method that produces "text/xml":

	@MethodMapping(value = "/person", produces = RestMimeTypes.TEXT_XML)
	public Person returnMarshaledObject(){
		//The instance returned will be marshaled to XML.

If we want to use multiple mime types with our REST resource, we must use an implementation of IObjectSerialDeserial that supports all the required types. For this special purpose we can use class MultiFormatSerialDeserial as base class for our custom IObjectSerialDeserial. The class implements a custom version of Composite pattern allowing to register a given IObjectSerialDeserial for a specific MIME type. Utility class RestMimeTypes contains different MIME types as tring constants. The following is an example of usage of MultiFormatSerialDeserial taken from class WicketApplication in the main module restannotations:

	MultiFormatSerialDeserial multiFormat = new MultiFormatSerialDeserial();
	//register one serial/deserial for JSON and another one for XML	
	multiFormat.registerSerDeser(new TestJsonDesSer(), RestMimeTypes.APPLICATION_JSON);
	multiFormat.registerSerDeser(new XmlSerialDeser(), RestMimeTypes.TEXT_XML);

Annotations and advanced mapping

In the following list we will explore the annotations we can use to map resource methods and to create complex mapping rules. The code examples for annotations are taken from class RestResourceFullAnnotated in the main module restannotations.

  • @PathParam: This annotation indicates which path parameter must be used as value for a method parameter. Example:
	@MethodMapping(value = "/variable/{p1}/order/{p2}", produces = RestMimeTypes.PLAIN_TEXT)
	public String testParamOutOfOrder(@PathParam("p2") String textParam, @PathParam("p1") int intParam) {
		//method parameter textParam is taken from path param 'p2', while intParam uses 'p1'
  • @RequestParam: This annotation indicates that the value of a method parameter must be read from a request parameter. Example:
	@MethodMapping(value = "/products/{id}", produces = RestMimeTypes.PLAIN_TEXT)
	public String testMethodGetParameter(int productId, @RequestParam("price") float prodPrice) {
		//method parameter prodPrice is taken from the request parameter named 'price'
  • **@HeaderParam:**This annotation indicates that the value of a method parameter must be read from a header parameter. Example:
	@MethodMapping(value = "/book/{id}", produces = RestMimeTypes.PLAIN_TEXT)
	public String testMethodHeaderParameter(int productId, @HeaderParam("price") float prodPrice) {
		//method parameter prodPrice is taken from the header parameter named 'price'
  • **@MatrixParam:**This annotation indicates that the value of a method parameter must be read from a matrix parameter. Example:
	@MethodMapping(value = "/person/{id}", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST, produces = RestMimeTypes.PLAIN_TEXT)
	public String testMethodCookieParameter(int id, @MatrixParam(segmentIndex = 1, parameterName = "height") float height) {
		//method parameter prodPrice is taken from the matrix parameter of the second URL segment and named 'height'.
		//Matching URL example: ./person/1;height=500

The annotation needs to know the name of the matrix parameter and the index (zero-based) of the segment that contains the parameter.

  • @CookieParam: This annotation indicates that the value of a method parameter must be read from a cookie.
	@MethodMapping(value = "/person/{id}", httpMethod = HttpMethod.POST, produces = RestMimeTypes.PLAIN_TEXT)
	public String testMethodCookieParameter(@CookieParam("name") String name, int id) {
		//method parameter name is taken from cookie parameter named 'name'.
  • @AuthorizeInvocation: With annotation @AuthorizeInvocation we can apply security restrictions to mapped methods specifing which user roles are allowed to execute a specific method.
	@MethodMapping(value = "/admin", httpMethod = HttpMethod.GET)
	public void testMethodAdminAuth() {


To use annotation @AuthorizeInvocation we must specify in the resource construcor an instance of Wicket interface IRoleCheckingStrategy.

Note: annotations @HeaderParam, @CookieParam, @MatrixParam, @RequestParam expose flag required to make them optional, and attribute defaultValue to specify a default value.

Advanced mapping

Every URL segment can contain multiple path parameters and each of them can specify the regular expression to use to match incoming requests. For example module restannotations contains class RegExpRestResource which maps the following method:

	public void testLogMessage(@CookieParam("credential") String credential, int day, int month, int year, String message){
		//integer parameters of the method are read from path parameters that contain a regular expression.

As you can see in the code above, the syntax to write a regular expression is {variableName:regExp}.

Hook methods

To customize the configuration and the behavior of our resource, the following hook methods are provided:

  • onInitialize(T objSerialDeserial): called by constructor to configure the object serial/deserial.
  • onBeforeMethodInvoked(MethodMappingInfo mappedMethod,Attributes attribs): triggered just before the mapped method is invoked to serve the request. The method takes in input mappedMethod which contains the details on the method that is going to be invoked, and attribs which is the current Attributes object.
  • onAfterMethodInvoked(MethodMappingInfo mappedMethod,Attributes attribs,Object res): triggered just after the mapped method is invoked to serve the request. In addition to the parameters exposed by onBeforeMethodInvoked, in this method we find also the object returned by the invoked method.


Annotations for Wicket to build REST-based API







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