Name | Type | Description | Notes |
document_id | str | [optional] | |
brand_id | str | [optional] | |
message_title | str | [optional] | |
document_description | str | [optional] | |
status | str | [optional] | |
files | List[DocumentFiles] | [optional] | |
sender_detail | DocumentSenderDetail | [optional] | |
signer_details | List[DocumentSignerDetails] | [optional] | |
form_groups | List[FormGroup] | [optional] | |
common_fields | List[DocumentFormFields] | [optional] | |
behalf_of | BehalfOf | [optional] | |
cc_details | List[DocumentCcDetails] | [optional] | |
reminder_settings | ReminderSettings | [optional] | |
reassign | List[DocumentReassign] | [optional] | |
document_history | List[AuditTrail] | [optional] | |
activity_by | str | [optional] | |
activity_date | int | [optional] | |
activity_action | str | [optional] | |
created_date | int | [optional] | |
expiry_days | int | [optional] | |
expiry_date | int | [optional] | |
enable_signing_order | bool | [optional] | |
is_deleted | bool | [optional] | |
revoke_message | str | [optional] | |
decline_message | str | [optional] | |
application_id | str | [optional] | |
labels | List[str] | [optional] | |
disable_emails | bool | [optional] | |
enable_print_and_sign | bool | [optional] | |
enable_reassign | bool | [optional] | |
disable_expiry_alert | bool | [optional] | |
hide_document_id | bool | [optional] | |
expiry_date_type | str | [optional] | |
expiry_value | int | [optional] | |
document_download_option | str | [optional] | |
meta_data | Dict[str, Optional[str]] | [optional] | |
enable_audit_trail_localization | bool | [optional] | |
download_file_name | str | [optional] | |
recipient_notification_settings | RecipientNotificationSettings | [optional] |
from boldsign.models.document_properties import DocumentProperties
# TODO update the JSON string below
json = "{}"
# create an instance of DocumentProperties from a JSON string
document_properties_instance = DocumentProperties.from_json(json)
# print the JSON string representation of the object
# convert the object into a dict
document_properties_dict = document_properties_instance.to_dict()
# create an instance of DocumentProperties from a dict
document_properties_from_dict = DocumentProperties.from_dict(document_properties_dict)