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Easily integrate BoldSign's e-signature features into your Python applications. This package simplifies sending documents for signature, embedding signing ceremonies, tracking document status, downloading signed documents, and managing e-signature workflows.



Installation & Usage

You can install this package by using the pip tool:

pip install boldsign

(You may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install boldsign)

Then import the package:

import boldsign


This package requires the following dependencies to function properly. They will be installed automatically when you install the package:

  • urllib3>=1.25.3
  • python-dateutil
  • pydantic>=2
  • typing-extensions>=4.7.1

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import boldsign

configuration = boldsign.Configuration(
    api_key = "***your_api_key***"

# Enter a context with an instance of the API client
with boldsign.ApiClient(configuration) as api_client:
    # Create an instance of the DocumentApi class
    document_api = boldsign.DocumentApi(api_client)

    # Define the signature field to be added to the document
    signatureField = boldsign.FormField(
        fieldType="Signature",  # Field type is Signature
        pageNumber=1,  # Specify the page number
        bounds=boldsign.Rectangle(x=100, y=100, width=100, height=50),  # Position and size of the signature field

    # Define the signer with a name and email address
    signer = boldsign.DocumentSigner(
        name="David",  # Name of the signer
        emailAddress="[email protected]",  # Signer's email address
        signerType="Signer",  # Specify the signer type
        formFields=[signatureField]  # Assign the signature field to the signer

    # Prepare the request body for sending the document for signature
    send_for_sign = boldsign.SendForSign(
        title="Agreement",  # Title of the document
        signers=[signer],  # List of signers
        files=["/documents/agreement.pdf"]  # Path to the document file to be signed
    # Send the document for signature and capture the response
    api_response = document_api.send_document(send_for_sign=send_for_sign)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to

Class Method HTTP request Description
BrandingApi brand_list GET /v1/brand/list List all the brands.
BrandingApi create_brand POST /v1/brand/create Create the brand.
BrandingApi delete_brand DELETE /v1/brand/delete Delete the brand.
BrandingApi edit_brand POST /v1/brand/edit Edit the brand.
BrandingApi get_brand GET /v1/brand/get Get the specific brand details.
BrandingApi reset_default_brand POST /v1/brand/resetdefault Reset default brand.
ContactsApi contact_user_list GET /v1/contacts/list List Contact document.
ContactsApi create_contact POST /v1/contacts/create Create the new Contact.
ContactsApi delete_contacts DELETE /v1/contacts/delete Deletes a contact.
ContactsApi get_contact GET /v1/contacts/get Get summary of the contact.
ContactsApi update_contact PUT /v1/contacts/update Update the contact.
CustomFieldApi create_custom_field POST /v1/customField/create Create the custom field.
CustomFieldApi custom_fields_list GET /v1/customField/list List the custom fields respective to the brand id.
CustomFieldApi delete_custom_field DELETE /v1/customField/delete Delete the custom field.
CustomFieldApi edit_custom_field POST /v1/customField/edit Edit the custom field.
CustomFieldApi embed_custom_field POST /v1/customField/createEmbeddedCustomFieldUrl Generates a URL for creating or modifying custom fields within your application's embedded Designer.
DocumentApi add_authentication PATCH /v1/document/addAuthentication The add authentication to recipient.
DocumentApi add_tag PATCH /v1/document/addTags Add the Tags in Documents.
DocumentApi behalf_documents GET /v1/document/behalfList Gets the behalf documents.
DocumentApi change_access_code PATCH /v1/document/changeAccessCode Changes the access code for the given document signer.
DocumentApi change_recipient PATCH /v1/document/changeRecipient Change recipient details of a document.
DocumentApi create_embedded_request_url_document POST /v1/document/createEmbeddedRequestUrl Generates a send URL which embeds document sending process into your application.
DocumentApi delete_document DELETE /v1/document/delete Delete the document.
DocumentApi delete_tag DELETE /v1/document/deleteTags Delete the Tags in Documents.
DocumentApi download_attachment GET /v1/document/downloadAttachment Download the Attachment.
DocumentApi download_audit_log GET /v1/document/downloadAuditLog Download the audit trail document.
DocumentApi download_document GET /v1/document/download Download the document.
DocumentApi extend_expiry PATCH /v1/document/extendExpiry Extends the expiration date of the document.
DocumentApi get_embedded_sign_link GET /v1/document/getEmbeddedSignLink Get sign link for Embedded Sign.
DocumentApi get_properties GET /v1/document/properties Get summary of the document.
DocumentApi list_documents GET /v1/document/list List user documents.
DocumentApi prefill_fields PATCH /v1/document/prefillFields Updates the value (prefill) of the fields in the document.
DocumentApi remind_document POST /v1/document/remind Send reminder to pending signers.
DocumentApi remove_authentication PATCH /v1/document/RemoveAuthentication Remove the access code for the given document signer.
DocumentApi revoke_document POST /v1/document/revoke Revoke the document.
DocumentApi send_document POST /v1/document/send Sends the document for sign.
DocumentApi team_documents GET /v1/document/teamlist Get user Team documents.
PlanApi api_credits_count GET /v1/plan/apiCreditsCount Gets the Api credits details.
SenderIdentitiesApi create_sender_identities POST /v1/senderIdentities/create Creates sender identity.
SenderIdentitiesApi delete_sender_identities DELETE /v1/senderIdentities/delete Deletes sender identity.
SenderIdentitiesApi list_sender_identities GET /v1/senderIdentities/list Lists sender identity.
SenderIdentitiesApi re_request_sender_identities POST /v1/senderIdentities/rerequest Rerequests denied sender identity.
SenderIdentitiesApi resend_invitation_sender_identities POST /v1/senderIdentities/resendInvitation Resends sender identity invitation.
SenderIdentitiesApi update_sender_identities POST /v1/senderIdentities/update Updates sender identity.
TeamsApi create_team POST /v1/teams/create Create Team.
TeamsApi get_team GET /v1/teams/get Get Team details.
TeamsApi list_teams GET /v1/teams/list List Teams.
TeamsApi update_team PUT /v1/teams/update Update Team.
TemplateApi add_tag PATCH /v1/template/addTags Add the Tags in Templates.
TemplateApi create_embedded_request_url_template POST /v1/template/createEmbeddedRequestUrl Generates a send URL using a template which embeds document sending process into your application.
TemplateApi create_embedded_template_url POST /v1/template/createEmbeddedTemplateUrl Generates a create URL to embeds template create process into your application.
TemplateApi create_template POST /v1/template/create Creates a new template.
TemplateApi delete_tag DELETE /v1/template/deleteTags Delete the Tags in Templates.
TemplateApi delete_template DELETE /v1/template/delete Deletes a template.
TemplateApi download GET /v1/template/download Download the template.
TemplateApi edit_template PUT /v1/template/edit Edit and updates an existing template.
TemplateApi get_embedded_template_edit_url POST /v1/template/getEmbeddedTemplateEditUrl Generates a edit URL to embeds template edit process into your application.
TemplateApi get_properties GET /v1/template/properties Get summary of the template.
TemplateApi list_templates GET /v1/template/list List all the templates.
TemplateApi merge_and_send POST /v1/template/mergeAndSend Send the document by merging multiple templates.
TemplateApi send_using_template POST /v1/template/send Send a document for signature using a Template.
UserApi cancel_invitation POST /v1/users/cancelInvitation Cancel the users invitation.
UserApi create_user POST /v1/users/create Create the user.
UserApi get_user GET /v1/users/get Get summary of the user.
UserApi list_users GET /v1/users/list List user documents.
UserApi resend_invitation POST /v1/users/resendInvitation Resend the users invitation.
UserApi update_user PUT /v1/users/update Update new User role.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization

Authentication schemes defined for the API:


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header


  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: X-API-KEY
  • Location: HTTP header


[email protected]


Python SDK for BoldSign API







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