Code for the mailstats contrib on SMEServer (aka Koozali server )
.tmpl files are the html template files used as a template to generate the html. (silly name!) is the text only version, currently in use in SME9.2. is the WIP html enhanced version (with a better name) it is based on
mailstats-detail.php is the server side php which is used to display log file contents on a webpage (hosted locally on the SMEServer)
mailstats.css is the default css file for the details webpage (I intend that this can be user enhanced)
mailstats.cron is the cron file used to run the mailstats perl program every night. Placed in /etc/cron.d
Details about the use of the package here:
mailstats uses the HTML::Template perl package from the epel repo installed by:
yum install perl-HTML-Template --enablerepo=epel