- Overview
- Module Description - Puppet module to control all aspects of the QPage service
- Setup - The basics of getting started with qpage
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
This module is designed to take care of installing and configuring the QPage service. QPage is an SNPP client/server for sending messages to an alpha-numeric pager.
This module should correctly setup QPage on a given host. This includes:
- Package installation
- Service management
- Configuration management
- packages:
- qpage
- services:
- qpage
- files:
- /usr/local/etc/qpage.conf
librarian-puppet install --verbose --path=/etc/puppetlabs/code/modules
Note: this module requires the zleslie/pkgng module for controlling packages on FreeBSD.
To get a default qpage installation, you can simply include the class with all the defaults:
include ::qpage
The module allows you to remove the service completely if desired as well:
class { 'qpage':
config_ensure => 'absent',
package_ensure => 'absent',
service_ensure => 'stopped',
All the configuration options in the file are also configurable via options in the main qpage
class { 'qpage':
administrator => '[email protected]',
forcehostname => false,
identtimeout => 0,
modems => {
modem0 => {
device => '/dev/modem',
initcmd => 'ATZXXXXX',
pagers => {
pager1 => {
text => 'UserName',
pagerid => '5555551234',
service => 'servicename',
pidfile => '/var/run/qpage',
queuedir => '/var/spool/qpage',
service_defs => {
servicename => {
text => 'ServiceName',
device => 'modem0',
phone => '9,15555559876',
identfrom => 'false',
maxmsgsize => '160',
baudrate => '9600',
parity => 'even',
sigfile => '/dev/null',
You can also do the same using Hiera:
qpage::administrator: '[email protected]'
qpage::forcehostname: false
qpage::identtimeout: 0
device: '/dev/modem'
initcmd: 'ATZXXXXX'
text: 'UserName'
pagerid: '5555551234'
service: 'servicename'
qpage::pidfile: '/var/run/qpage'
qpage::queuedir: '/var/spool/qpage'
text: 'ServiceName'
device: 'modem0'
phone: '9,15555559876'
identfrom: 'false'
maxmsgsize: '160'
baudrate: '9600'
parity: 'even'
qpage::sigfile: '/dev/null'
All the work for this module typicallly happens through the qpage
class. No calls to the subclasses should be necessary as they are all controlled via the main init.pp
This module is currently only supported on FreeBSD systems, since that is the only place I could find this package when writing this module. If you have any enhancements for different operating systems, bug fixes, etc., pull requests are always welcome.