This action is heavily influenced by Microsoft's App Service Settings action here.
This action will read a json file that will then be used to inform configuration of an Azure App Service using available environment variables to update values as matches occur.
Currently only app settings are supported. Connection strings and general configuration settings aren't yet supported though some support is stubbed in for future development.
A template file must be provided to the action for environment variables to reflect up on for patching values. If the template file contains a value for a setting and no corresponding environment variable matches the name (case-insensitive) of the setting then the templated setting and its value is used.
The format is generally copied from here.
appSettings: [
"name": "SettingName",
"slotSetting": false,
"value": "SettingValue"
"name": "SettingName2",
"slotSetting": false,
"value": "SettingValue2"
- Authentication must be performed ahead of time using Azure Login.
Action configuration settings to be used within the with
- file - The configuration template file path
- Required
- Example
with: file: './configuration.template.json' appname: 'web-app'
- appname - The name of the app service in Azure
- Required
- Example
with: file: './configuration.template.json' appname: 'web-app'
- slotname - The name of the slot to apply settings to. App settings with
set totrue
will only be applied to this slot but all other settings will be applied to the App Service.- Default = 'production'
- Example
with: file: './configuration.template.json' appname: 'web-app' slotname: 'staging'
- prefix - The prefix applied to the environment variables to allow filtering of only relevant environment variables and/or to avoid collision. If no prefix is provided all environment variables are considered for value substitution.
- Example
env: APP_APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY = "ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-fffffffffffff" with: file: './configuration.template.json' appname: 'web-app' prefix: 'app'
- Example
When you are wanting to remove a setting from an App Service you may apply the REMOVE
prefix to an environment variable matching the name of the appsetting and it will be removed.
- Example
env: REMOVE_APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY = "ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-fffffffffffff" with: file: './configuration.template.json' appname: 'web-app'
When you are wanting to set a slot setting appsetting you may apply the SLOT_{SLOTNAME}
prefix to an environment variable matching the naem of the appsetting and it will be applied as a slot setting only regardless of what the configuration template setting is as long as the slot name matches that of the workflow.
- Example
env: SLOT_STAGING_APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY = "ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-fffffffffffff" with: file: './configuration.template.json' appname: 'web-app' slotname: 'staging'
- Ignored app setting example
env: SLOT_PRODUCTION_APPLICATIONINSIGHTS_INSTRUMENTATIONKEY = "ffffffff-ffff-ffff-ffff-fffffffffffff" with: file: './configuration.template.json' appname: 'web-app' slotname: 'staging'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- uses: azure/login@v1
creds: '${{ secrets.AZURE_CREDENTIALS }}
- uses: catchco/azure-appservice-settings-env@latest
file: 'configuration.template.json'
appname: 'web-app'
- run: az logout