Pipeline for making phylogenetic trees out of a dataset of genomes and exons. The scripts are written to run on a high performance cluster using SLURM. The pipeline consists of multiple scripts working together. Input files and folders are set inside the scripts.
Main Pipeline:
- calls 1-1_process_genomes.sh, 1-3_align_loci.sh and utilities/speciesinfo.py
- Creates working directory and required subfolders while running.
- calls 1-2_find_hits.py
- finds hits for each locus in specified genome file.
- uses nhmmer-tables to create fasta files that contain hits for each locus
- aligns hits for specified locus.
- calls 2-1_rate_alignments.sh, 2-2_filter_alignments.py and utilities/total_score.py
- generates AliGROOVE-Scores for all alignments and returns .fasta-files that are filtered to not contain any sequences with a score below the supplied threshold (0.35)
- generates AliGROOVE matrices with similarity scores for all sequence alignments.
- filters the supplied sequence alignments for the score threshold
- calls 3-1_rename_trees.py
- creates individual phylogenetic trees from the supplied alignments and combines them into a supertree
- renames tree tips to make postprocessing easier
- calls 4-3_functions.R and 4-1_load_trees.R
- gets a phylogenetic tree and makes several differently annotated versions of it that get saved as pdfs or jpegs.
- calls 4-3_functions.R and 4-1_load_trees.R
- gets multiple phylogenetic trees and makes tanglegrams out of them
- contains the preamble for 4_color_trees.R to load phylo and plot trees into the workspace
- provides a multitude of custom functions for tree annotation
speciesinfo.py - gets general information for specified taxon
total_score.py - calculates total mean and median scores for supplied AliGROOVE matrices
align_cry.sh - align the gene files for cryptochrome 4 and 5
filter_alignments.sh - runs 2-2_filter_alignments.py for all given alignment files and re-aligns them with mafft afterwards
rename_taxa.sh - calls rename_script.sh for all supplied .fasta-files
rename_script.py - renames genes in supplied .fasta file for processing with AliGROOVE
count_sequences.sh - counts all sequences within a folder of multiple sequence alignment files
calculate_pairwise_time.sh - calculates the time it takes to perform pairwise comparisons on sequences in provided files
rename_trees.sh - calls 3_2_rename_trees.py to rename tips in generated gene trees to the corresponding IDX
combine_trees.sh - uses ASTER to combine all given gene trees into consensus trees