Compose Screen Capture is an Android library designed to simplify the process of capturing screenshots of layouts created with Jetpack Compose.
- Seamless Integration with Jetpack Compose:
- Designed to seamlessly work with the declarative design model of Jetpack Compose.
- Capture Complete Layouts:
- Capture screenshots of entire layouts, providing a comprehensive view of the UI design.
Add JitPack repository to your project
file:allprojects { repositories { maven { url '' } } }
Add the dependency in your app
file:implementation 'com.github.lucasxvirtual:compose-screen-capture:1.0.0'
Configure the screenshot capture in your Compose code:
val screenCaptureState = rememberScreenCaptureState() //provides a ScreenCaptureState ScreenCapture(screenCaptureState = screenCaptureState) { YourComposeLayout() }
when ready to take the screen capture:Button( onClick = { screenCaptureState.capture() } ) { Text(text = "Take screen capture") }
Retrieve the captured image or error:
when (screenCaptureState.imageState) { is ScreenShotResult.Success -> { screenCaptureState.bitmap } is ScreenShotResult.Error -> { ... } } ----------------- OR ----------------- screenCaptureState.bitmap?.let { ... } (screenCaptureState.imageState as? ScreenShotResult.Error)?.let { ... }
(Optional) When working with scrollable screens that need to fit in one print you can calculate the size of the screen and pass in the
screenCaptureState.capture(options: ScreenCaptureOptions?)
function (make sure to correctly calculate the necessary size in order to reduce memory usage)Button( onClick = { screenCaptureState.capture( options = ScreenCaptureOptions(height = localView.measuredHeight * 4) //estimated size, pass the closest calculation you have ) } ) { Text(text = "Take screen capture") }
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues, submit pull requests, or suggest improvements.
This library is distributed under the Apache-2.0 License. See the LICENSE
file for details.
Enjoy Simplified Screen Capture with Compose Screen Capture!