This is the website that I created for my wedding. In it you can find all the information related to my story with my fiancée, some pictures of us and the gift lists.
Here is a list of some of the technologies used in this project:
- Core:
- React
- React Router
- Styled Components
- TypeScript
- Axios
- Linting:
- ESLint
- Prettier
- Husky
- CommitLint
- Commitizen
- Analytics:
- Firebase Analytics
- Localization:
- i18next
- PWA:
- Workbox Service Worker
TODO: Add unit tests
This project is divided into some folders inside the src
directory, according to the file's responsibility.
The app also works offline with the help of a service worker. The service worker is responsible for caching the website content and letting the user know when there is a new version of the content.