The SimpleDB class was written in java. It takes input from standard input and prints output to standard output. USAGE: SET name value GET name UNSET name NUMEQUALTO value END BEGIN ROLLBACK COMMIT
USAGE, SET, GET etc can are not case sensitive. All other input is case sensitive. The application will not crash if an invalid input is given, instead it will prompt the user to try another input and will terminate when an EOF is reached or the user inputs "END".
To compile: javac To run: java SimpleDB
The program makes use of two HashMaps and one 2D ArrayList. One Hashmap contains the <name, value> pairs The other contains the <value, number of values equal to value>
The 2-D ArrayList acts as the cache that keeps track of the inital values of the variables changed in each begin block. The ArrayList will contain no duplicates in each of its arraylists as it only aims to keep track of the inital value of any item modified and once that value is present in that arraylist, it is never updated. When the ROLLBACK command is initiated, the 2D arraylist will take the last ArrayList and revert to the values that the variables contained at the beginning of the begin block
The COMMIT command will simply clear the cache and all changes are preserved