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Releases: census-instrumentation/opencensus-go

OpenCensus Go 0.11.0

30 May 19:57
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3a82755 Expose B3 header-parsing functions (#758)
275a4ed (readme-update) Update dependencies; removed vendored thrift (#757)
0edc045 Be more permissive with 0.x.y dependencies (#756)

OpenCensus Go 0.10.0

21 May 20:07
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4356161 Make plugin/ochttp/Handler implement common HTTP server interfaces
c116366 Export LastValueData as Gauge for Prometheus exporter. (#737)

OpenCensus Go 0.9.0

01 May 11:35
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6f48eba Add deprecation policy (#728)
bb0a4ca Split Stackdriver exporter to its own repo (#724)
85464ad Update gRPC measures and views from spec (#689)
3edd780 Create a Go execution tracer task for each span (#715)
730e847 Deprecate NewSpanXXX in the favor of StartSpan (#708)
36f8bed Add explicit library dependencies (#703)
e10b31a Make plugin/ochttp/server set its span status on ending
02b1406 Allow Stackdriver users to pass monitoring and tracing options separately (#699)
2220778 Fix the improperly formatted link trace ID (#697)

OpenCensus Go 0.8.0

06 Apr 18:42
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e0e82f1 Fix equalMeasureAggTagKeys for Stackdriver exporter. (#685)
ead56c4 Introduce an internal-only ID generator (#679)
5e4356a Revert "Remove charset restrictions on tag values (#639)" (#680)
c40611a Support exporting int64 last values to Stackdriver (#671)
0fa4f6d Vendor Thrift Go library (#677)

OpenCensus Go 0.7.0

04 Apr 01:31
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202f755 Don't enforce a default namespace on the Prometheus exporter (#665)
3caf852 Fix equalAggTagKeys() in Stackdriver Exporter. (#664)
3531d67 Fix Prometheus Histograms to be cumulative
8069fe5 Proxy (http.Hijacker).Hijack() calls to Handler.responseWriter in ochttp (#648)
26cab1e Export LastValueData to Prometheus and Stackdriver (#658)
f48ce3b Add LastValue aggregation and LastValueData (#526)
7630269 (status) Avoid global configuration overriding all (#655)
7cc1962 (spankind) Introduce trace.Config (#653)
232014e Remove all mentions of mean aggregation (#651)
8c14281 Fix compilation failures from v.Unsubscribe + v.Register
679fe9b Revert and keep deprecated *View.*ubscribe
3609d06 Rename view.Subscribe to view.Register for language consistency
8af1546 Remove error from stats.{Float,Int}64Measure signatures (#641)
9216254 Remove charset restrictions on tag values (#639)
26e9806 Export int64 sum as MetricDescriptor_INT64 to Stackdriver (#644)
bae5a8b Removed Mean aggregation (#638)
12aa45c Remove the call to getMetricDescriptor and try to always create the MetricDescriptor. (#636)
3c2218f Fix unit for Count aggregation views. Use view description for the MetricDescription.Description instead of measure description. (#635)
7f0d6a4 Remove ending dot in documentation URL (#630)
a6469e1 Update the agent label that is used for Stackdriver Trace. (#632)
d1d14e4 Make stats.{Int,Float}64 never return errors (#552)


22 Mar 01:54
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6bc91b9 Fix the flaky Jaeger exporter test
fd47890 Remove ToAggregation
b34c686 Keep pointer receiver name consistency
3e89604 Export trace attributes and annotations properly to Jaeger (#622)
b8f3b91 Span names shouldn't be prefixed with Sent and Recv (#616)
1f3b709 Replace aggregation types with functions (#608)
ce5da10 Fix plugin/ochttp statusCode mistype and unconditional set
854eae0 Note that custom instrumentation is optional (#617)
7b6adb7 Set SpanKind for HTTP and gRPC requests (#614)
0967e1d Introduce SpanKind support (#610)
3341038 Removed old Google propagation format package (#609)
e3a7a61 (aggregation) Add tests for gRPC span duration an Stackdriver gRPC exporting (#596)
b2a78ff Remove duplicate godoc and vanity URL enforcement (#605)
56bb98b Set status based on HTTP status code (#567)
c742c6f Fix the broken build (#606)
d1188f8 Support Jaeger agent export (#518)
283e903 Remove NoStats (#603)
2869e62 Add example for Zipkin exporter (#602)

OpenCensus Go 0.5.0

18 Mar 19:03
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92b618f Split default client and server views for the HTTP plugin (#601)
b4cbeef Update TravisCI to Go 1.10 (#599)
0cb1ab3 Allow configuring ochttp.Handler for public servers (#563)
90cbf26 Rename SetAttributes to AddAttributes (#595)
0919c44 Links in tracez should be relative
5e1a3e8 rpcz doesn't display any data
a2a7d39 Remove unnecessary defer in Span.End, shaving significant time
01b3958 Ensure rpcData fields are aligned properly on 32-bit architectures (#588)
67dfb45 Remove NoTrace from achttp and ocgrpc integrations (#585)
821173a Convert Attribute to a struct (#581)
3539f4d Move exporter examples under their respective exporter directories (#584)
25faf6e Fix xray package link (#586)
0ac2803 Allow customizing gRPC ServerHandler (#558)
6891f95 Allow overriding the DisplayName prefix in stackdriver metric descriptors (#583)
137758e Add NeverSample span around Stackdriver stats upload (#580)
fbaec82 Update internal UserAgent version to 0.4.0 to match latest release (#578)
eea28b8 Regenerate Jaeger gen-go (#577)
512c9eb Improve style in examples (#568)
ac93a1e Return fast if no measurements are recorded (#569)
2060f0b Use HTTP and gRPC guides as the entry point (#574)
7ae2ca9 (build) Don't propagate method and canonical_status for gRPC requests (#566)
f1af72a Make Sampler a function (#564)
fa75470 ochttp Handler and Transport StartOptions support (#562)
847c850 Improve verbosity when creating trace attribute (#561)
b9a7684 Rename plugin/ocgrpc/testdata to plugin/internal/testpb (#554)
ac82455 Clean up ocgrpc: remote NewXXXStatsHandler methods. (#539)
1fca35a Avoid creating spans around Stackdriver submit (#560)
51f53ab Begin moving Google Cloud Trace format to the stackdriver package. (#555)
0ccdb21 Remove deprecated trace.StartSpanWithXXX convenience methods (#540)
4fa1543 Don't use deprecated grpc.Code and grpc.ErrorDesc (#551)
0499798 Fix Prometheus exporter godoc (#546)
cdb099a Add benchmark to internal stats worker record command. (#545)
40240f3 Remove vestigial ocgrpc.{client,server}{Stats,Trace}Handler (#548)
2ecd8d9 (testpackag) Regenerate README and make minor style improvement (#535)
495804e Hide Measure fields. (#528)
c863f21 Cleanup the ochttp package (#536)
bbc3874 DistributionAggregation([]float64{...}) to DistributionAggregation{} (#538)
09d3108 Add stats support for net/http servers (#534)
9d3e85d Make Prometheus registry configurable (#533)

OpenCensus Go 0.4.0

07 Mar 20:25
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  • Better and more easy-to-use stats API.
  • Benchmarks and performance improvements.
  • Minor trace API improvements.
  • Attributes support for HTTP tracing.
  • Exporter improvements.
  • More examples and docs.

OpenCensus Go 0.3.0

12 Feb 22:53
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  • A new stats API
  • HTTP stats support
  • Added attributes for spans created for HTTP requests
  • B3 propagation support
  • Improvements to exporters
  • Better docs and bug fixes

OpenCensus Go 0.2.0

30 Jan 22:31
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  • HTTP propagation support for tracing
  • net/http integrations for tracing
  • Jaeger exporter support for traces
  • pprof profiler labels support
  • A new tracing API
  • Better representation of stats.MeanData in Prometheus
  • Bug fixes and documentation improvements