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Releases: census-instrumentation/opencensus-web

v0.0.7 Release

10 Sep 00:52
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Support for B3 propagation with new @opencensus/web-propagation-b3 package and the ability to pass it in via startTracing({ propagation: Propagation }). Thanks @edvinasbartkus!

Commits since last release
4dc3d45 Update changelog and scripts for B3 propagation
06a6034 OpenCensus Web B3 Propagation (#173)

v0.0.6 Release

27 Aug 01:42
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Fixed TypeError in Safari, thanks @backjo (#167)

Commits since last release
2818dee Catch TypeError thrown by Safari if invalid entryType passed (#167)
d1a0c11 Update dependency rimraf to v3 (#164)
4368ac9 Fix SHA integrity for initial load and tracing-all-with-zone scripts (#163)
c00a831 Fix link to bundle with zone-peer-dep (#162)

v0.0.5 Release

09 Aug 15:32
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Fixes to interaction tracker
Service name can be specified via window variable, thanks @Blightwidow
Fixes to automated NPM publish script

Commits since last release
d617bce Fix NPM publish token for @opencensus/web-scripts package (#159)
d9515fd Update documentation with new version and small fix on interaction tracker (#158)
d55678e feature(OcAgentExpoter): Allow to setup the service name from a window variable. (#157)
dd53697 chore(multiple): 0.0.4 release proposal (#154

v0.0.4 Release

06 Aug 20:45
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  • Rename @opencensus/web-all to @opencensus/web-scripts so now this package
    is only in charge of bundling OC Web to allow importing it as <script> tag.

  • To use OC Web as an npm dependency, there are several options: @opencensus/web-initial-load
    to instrument with only the initial page load module, @opencensus/web-instrumentation-zone
    to instrument it with all the OC Web functionality plus the Zone.js library and
    @opencensus/web-instrumentation-zone-peer-dep also exports all the functionality but Zone.js
    is a peer dependency.

  • Implementation of User interaction tracing monkey-patching the Zone.js library. This includes
    some features like: automatic tracing for click events and route transitions, custom spans,
    automatic spans for HTTP requests and Browser performance data, relate user interaction traces
    back the the initial page load trace and sampling.

Commits since last release
9f2c2a8 Update documentation (#152)
b5503f5 Update Zone.js to 0.10.1 (#153)
3a7c206 Fix prod scripts (#151)
1597ba7 Fix schedule and cancel task patch (#150)
34b5bc1 Refactor packages and rename @opencensus/web-all to @opencensus/web-scripts (#148)
f508a3a Add @opencensus/web-instrumentation-zone-peer-dep (#147)
4ab8111 Relate user interaction traces back to the initial page load trace (#145)
14d9c91 Allow sampling for user interaction traces (#144)
76fbd7c Use CSS selector to name the interaction (#143)
423b608 Custom spans (#141)
0fdebb3 Monkey-Patch XMLHttpRequest.send() to send traceparent header and generate XHR span when the this method is called (#142)
c8abcac Merge pull request #132 from crdgonzalezca/join_browser_data
a276a58 Some update on documentation
274d14c Refactoring
5c3bf64 Merge branch 'master' into join_browser_data
8758622 Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.14 (#140)
ceabb79 Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.14 in /examples/user_interaction/server (#139)
3d1a65d Refactoring
902465e Refactoring
e5cc8b1 Merge
72b8f8c Update dependency karma-chrome-launcher to v3 (#131)
b6d1dbf Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.14 (#135)
7629d55 Bump lodash from 4.17.11 to 4.17.14 in /examples/user_interaction/client (#137)
c1e06db Bump lodash.template in /examples/user_interaction/client (#133)
6adbe93 Propagate trace context header (#118)
1b3a192 Add unit/integration testing for @opencensus/web-instrumentation-zone (#104)
a0d573f Refactor Tracer to check presence of Zone global variable (#103)
484fbe7 Detect route transitions and send 'Navigation' traces. (#102)
7169724 Merge pull request #101 from crdgonzalezca/refactoring
269b504 Change file name to a more accurate name.
a8345dd Merge pull request #100 from crdgonzalezca/refactoring
46c96de Trace interactions with a name
60e7d71 Merge pull request #99 from crdgonzalezca/fix_vulnerability
fcf7c8f Merge pull request #98 from crdgonzalezca/send_trace
e3050d2 Refactoring
1d6f8cc Fix vulnerability
acfaf15 Update @opencensus/web-core dependencies with zone.js
8061212 Update lock files and fix test failure.
464e843 Merge branch
66e3938 Delete unused property

v0.0.3 Release

08 Jun 19:28
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  • Upgraded types to match @opencensus/core package version 0.0.13.
  • Support custom end time for span (#95), thanks @skjindal93
  • Package upgrades

Commits since last release
1aea7a9 Custom end time for span (#95)
82464ed Update handlebars dependency. (#94)
625ee3a Update vulnerable dependencies (#93)
83b0cd3 Bump handlebars in /packages/opencensus-web-instrumentation-zone (#92)
5ce19ef Upgrade js-yaml package (#90)
0d5dbbc Detect when an interaction is stable and measure total time to complete the interaction. (#89)
09a7ace Intercept multiple events triggered by the same DOM element and create only one Zone. (#88)
816fd22 Create a new zone when click is detected (#87)
9f49da0 Upgrade axios to 0.19.0 (#86)
a35506f Setup InteractionTracker to log when a click occurs. (#85)
6811634 User interaction example (#83)
67ccdad Sync @opencensus/web-types to v0.0.13 (#84)
0c6ad7f Set up empty @opencensus/web-instrumentation-zone package. (#82)
ab513e3 Update to last commit 4a6c3f1. (#81)
74ada26 Sync @opencensus/web-types to @opencensus/core v0.0.12 (#80)
b1a7b09 Update types to commit 92edaa9 (#79)
64081eb Consolidating Span and RootSpan to allow Spans to recursively have children. (#78)
beb6d8e Message events: use counters instead of hexdecimal value. Sync to v0.0.11 (#77)
67e5bb8 Update @opencensus/web-types with @opencensus/core on commit 27de0b1 (#76)
aeb6c8a Update @opencensus/web-types with @opencensus/core (#75)
8932b9a Upgrade tar dependency (#74)
edcc890 Update dependency ts-loader to v6 (#72)
81361d2 Update dependency gts to v1. (#73)
a7cbc36 Manually upgrade old tar dependency (#71)

v0.0.2 Release

29 Apr 18:13
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Add JS bundles and source maps to the NPM files for @opencensus/web-all (#66), which were incorrectly not included before. This will enable linking the JS bundles in <script> tags via the or CDNs for NPM files.

2eece4e chore(multiple): 0.0.2 release proposal
5331b5f Merge pull request #67 from census-instrumentation/release-tooling-fixes
1dd9323 Add JS bundles and source maps to NPM package files (#66)
456b890 Update to remove local pull instruction
54747e2 Fix automatic NPM publish job in CircleCI

v0.0.1 Release

26 Apr 17:45
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  • TypeScript interfaces and enums extracted from the @opencensus/core
    package of opencensus-node
  • Initial Tracer and Span implementations. The tracer only supports a single
    root span at a time within a browser tab.
  • Exporter to write traces to the OpenCensus Agent via its HTTP/JSON feature.
  • Instrumentation to generate trace spans for the resource timing waterfall of
    an initial page load.
  • Option to link the initial HTML load client span with its server-side span by
    having the client write a traceparent global variable in
    trace context W3C draft format.
  • WebPack build scripts to generate JS bundles to enable adding instrumentation
    of the initial page load spans and exporting them to the OpenCensus agent.

8a11ff1 chore: 0.0.1 release proposal
4dff441 Create NPM release docs and tooling (#64)
f283c87 Upgrade lerna (npm audit fix) (#61)
ee5b86b Update per-package READMEs (#59)
3d4d79b Add @johnbryan to code owners (#60)
842fc5c Add sample rate option and update README for it (#58)
d05169d Sent OC Web library type and version to OC agent (#57)
aa426cb Update dependency karma to v4 (#42)
2f04eaf Rename globals prefix from ocw to oc (#56)
59d2fc3 Switch to use Node 11 CircleCI docker environment (#44)
3bb31f0 Update readme, add contributing guide & changelog (#43)
a02eff2 Upgrade lerna package via npm audit fix (#41)
b8db17b Add codecov configuration (#40)
3af57f3 Add issue templates and code owners (#38)
15ab77c Add renovate config (#39)
b89b7e7 Instructions for OC Web example in Kubernetes (#37)
5cb6119 Add initial load spans example (#35)
bf1ecf9 Use traceparent from window for initial load context (#34)
f6c8afa Remove clock sync and initial load trace ID assignment code (#29)
27cb768 Implement tracecontext propagation format (#31)
ac8eb9d Add empty @opencensus/web-propagation-tracecontext package (#30)
226aa60 Switch @opencensus/web-core to use @opencensus/web-types (#28)
3f40493 Pull in @opencensus/core types using copytypes npm script (#27)
7271b94 Script to copy types from @opencensus/core (#26)
5db95d7 Empty @opencensus/web-types package (#25)
40fcc51 Upgrade packages for npm audit fix (#24)
03e637a Remove @opencensus/core dep for ocagent exporter (#23)
cdb3151 Webpack builds for opencensus-web-all JS bundles (#22)
7dbec3d Default trace/span IDs to random in getInitialLoadRootSpan (with correct base now) (#21)
4959430 Make adjustPerfTimeOrigin take nav timing (#20)
ce1f30e Refactor out record long tasks into a separate function (#17)
8381e5c Update tsconfig and package.json for webpack builds (#18)
cbab48d Add empty opencensus-web-all package for generating JS bundles (#15)
8a0a133 Switch to CircleCi machine build type (#16)
29aaad1 Add function to adjust performance origin based on server time (#14)
62ab43d Upgrade @opencensus/core dependency (#13)
89561ae Performance timing recording and span conversion (#12)
93d6a7a Export browser performance timestamps for time events (#11)
43b127a Add empty opencensus-web-instrumentation-perf package (#10)
061665b Add url parsing utility (#8)
3082b32 Add attribute keys (#9)
df824a8 Support high-res performance times in ocagent exporter (#7)
03dba6b Initial OpenCensus web tracing implementation (#6)
2954a24 Remove unused packages (#4)
b2d298e Fix CircleCI build (#5)
e5acc63 Fixes to prepare for enabling CircleCI (#3)
ff4c609 Merge pull request #2 from census-instrumentation/agent-exporter
ed2cbda OC agent exporter clean commit + missing package.json file
0cedb2b Merge pull request #1 from census-instrumentation/readme-and-setup
bbdf884 Remove package.json from opencensus-web-exporter-ocagent
59c6934 Update lerna.json file to match devDependencies
5dda2bb Add stats and metrics keywords, update lerna dep
276a339 Add base package with lerna, update README
7350751 first commit