Wiki-Bot is a bot for Discord with the purpose to easily link to Gamepedia and Fandom wikis.
He resolves redirects and follows interwiki links.
Wiki-Bot has translations for English, German, French, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish and Chinese.
Wiki-Bot is not affiliated with Fandom and is an unofficial tool!
Use this link to invite Wiki-Bot to your Discord server.
Support server:
For a full list with all commands use !wiki help
Command | Description |
!wiki <search term> |
Wiki-Bot will answer with a link to a matching article in the wiki. |
!wiki !<wiki> <search term> |
Wiki-Bot will answer with a link to a matching article in the named Gamepedia wiki: https://<wiki> |
!wiki ?<wiki> <search term> |
Wiki-Bot will answer with a link to a matching article in the named Fandom wiki: https://<wiki> |
!wiki ??<wiki> <search term> |
Wiki-Bot will answer with a link to a matching article in the named Wikia wiki: https://<wiki> |
!wiki User:<username> |
Wiki-Bot will show some information about the user. |
!wiki diff <diff> [<oldid>] |
Wiki-Bot will answer with a link to the diff in the wiki. |
!wiki diff <page name> |
Wiki-Bot will answer with a link to the last diff on the article in the wiki. |
!wiki random |
Wiki-Bot will answer with a link to a random page in the wiki. |
!wiki overview |
Wiki-Bot will show some information and statistics about the wiki. |
!wiki discussion <search term> |
Wiki-Bot will answer with a link to a matching discussion thread in the Fandom wiki. |
!wiki discussion post <search term> |
Wiki-Bot will answer with a link to a matching discussion post in the Fandom wiki. |
!wiki info |
Wiki-Bot will introduce himself. |
!wiki help |
Wiki-Bot will list all the commands that he understands. |
!wiki help <bot command> |
Wiki-Bot will explain the command. |
!wiki help admin |
Wiki-Bot will list all administrator commands. |
!wiki test |
If Wiki-Bot is active, he will answer! Otherwise not. |
If you got an unwanted response, you can react with 🗑️ to his message and Wiki-Bot will delete it.
For a full list with all administrator commands use !wiki help admin
Command | Description |
!wiki help admin |
Wiki-Bot will list all administrator commands. |
!wiki settings |
Wiki-Bot will change the settings for the server. |
!wiki settings lang <language> |
Wiki-Bot will change the language for the server. |
!wiki settings wiki <wiki> |
Wiki-Bot will change the default wiki for the server. |
!wiki settings channel |
Wiki-Bot will change the channel overwrites for the current channel. |
!wiki voice |
Wiki-Bot will try to give everyone in a voice channel a specific role. |
!wiki pause @Wiki-Bot |
Wiki-Bot will ignore all commands on this server, except a few admin commands. |
!wiki poll <question as free text> |
Wiki-Bot will create a poll and react with :support: and :oppose: . |
!wiki poll <emoji> [<emoji> ...] <question as free text> |
Wiki-Bot will create a poll and react with the possible answers. |
!wiki say <message> |
Wiki-Bot will write the given message. |
!wiki say alarm <message> |
Wiki-Bot will write the given message already preformatted: 🚨 <message> 🚨 |
!wiki delete <count> |
Wiki-Bot will delete the recent messages in the channel, as long as they aren't older than 14 days. |
Wiki-Bot is able to give everyone in a voice channel a specific role. Use !wiki voice
to get the format for the role name.