January 2025 - updated title to reflect broader discovery for strains by species.
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Example processed output for report:
{'Nomenclature': '+',
'Strain ID': 'JAX:005004',
'Strain/Stock': 'ZRDCT Rax<ey1>/ChUmdJ',
'Repository': 'JAX',
'State': 'embryo',
'Synonyms': 'ZRDCT Rax<ey1>/ChUmiJ',
'Type': 'coisogenic strain',
'Allele ID': 'MGI:1856862',
'Allele Symbol': 'Rax<ey1>',
'Allele Name': 'eyeless 1',
'Gene ID': 'MGI:109632',
'Gene Symbol': 'Rax',
'Gene Name': 'retina and anterior neural fold homeobox',
'URL': ''}
{'Nomenclature': '+',
'Strain ID': 'JAX:005004',
'Strain/Stock': 'ZRDCT Rax<ey1>/ChUmdJ',
'Repository': 'JAX',
'State': 'embryo',
'Synonyms': 'ZRDCT Rax<ey1>/ChUmiJ',
'Type': 'mutant strain',
'Allele ID': 'MGI:1856862',
'Allele Symbol': 'Rax<ey1>',
'Allele Name': 'eyeless 1',
'Gene ID': 'MGI:109632',
'Gene Symbol': 'Rax',
'Gene Name': 'retina and anterior neural fold homeobox',
'URL': ''}
- Guidelines for Nomenclature of Mouse and Rat Strains
- Quick Guide to Mouse Nomenclature
- Mouse Strains in Mouse Phenome Database
- Mouse Genome Informatics strain report
- NCIT Mouse Strains - The Inbred Mouse terminology in NCI Thesaurus was based on Jax mice strains, hosted in International Mouse Strain Resource (IMSR). This terminology is provided to facilitate MMHCC and caMOD projects.
- EFO lists strains under the Taxonomy term