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A comprehensive tutorial on customizing the genesis file of your subnet

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Avalanche - Creating a Genesis file for your Subnet


Hi there! In this tutorial, we will be learning how to create a custom genesis file for your subnet.

We will start by deploying a very simple subnet using the subnet wizard. Then we will learn about the genesis file and how to customize it for our needs.

Next, we will create a simple game!

We will create and deploy a new subnet using our custom genesis file for the game. Finally, we will be deploying the Game contract to the subnet.

The Game contract has a simple function called play that accepts LUCK tokens (native currency of our subnet) and the contract will either lock the tokens or mint 2x the amount of tokens to the player. Yes, it's going to mint native tokens.

At the end of the tutorial, you will hopefully have a solid understanding of how to customize the genesis file of your subnet.

I hope you enjoy this tutorial!

Table of Contents



You need to have Metamask extension installed on your browser.

Avalanche CLI

Create a folder for Avalanche CLI.

$ mkdir -p ~/avalanche

Go to that directory and download the Avalanche CLI.

$ cd ~/avalanche
$ curl -sSfL | sh -s

> ava-labs/avalanche-cli info checking GitHub for latest tag
> ava-labs/avalanche-cli info found version: 0.1.3 for linux/amd64
> ava-labs/avalanche-cli info installed ./bin/avalanche

Go to the directory where you just downloaded the CLI and add it to your PATH. So you can run the CLI from anywhere.

$ cd ./bin/avalanche
$ export PATH=$PWD:$PATH

We're ready to deploy our first subnet.

Creating and deploying a simple subnet

What is a subnet?

A subnet, or subnetwork, is a dynamic subset of Avalanche Primary Network validators working together to achieve consensus on the state of one or more blockchains. Each blockchain is validated by exactly one subnet. A subnet can have and validate many blockchains. A validator may be a member of many subnets.

Subnets are independent and don’t share execution thread, storage or networking with other subnets or the Primary Network, effectively allowing the network to scale up easily. They share the benefits provided by the Avalanche Protocol such as low cost and fast to finality.

A subnet manages its own membership, and it may require that its constituent validators have certain properties. This is very useful, and we explore its ramifications in more depth below:

Here is a great introduction to subnets by Avalanche


Subnets is a great technology! It's still advancing and a bit complicated. There is almost no tooling for subnets and it's a bit difficult to work with them.

Avalanche has changed that! The Avalanche team has developed an amazing tool to make this process a breeze. Now you can deploy your own production-ready subnet with just a few commands. The tool will guide you through configuring your subnet and deploying it!

Genesis file

The genesis file is a file that contains the initial configuration of the subnet. Avalanche will generate a genesis file for you based on some parameters you provide. On the other hand, you can also create your own genesis file! This will allow you to have more control over the configuration of your subnet.

Creating a simple subnet

For this time, let's take the easy way out and use the CLI to deploy a subnet to see how things work.

$ avalanche subnet create testSubnet

This command will run the wizard to create a subnet.

There are six steps in the wizard:

Choose your VM

Choose SubnetEVM here

Chain id

Chain id is a unique identifier for the network. This value must be unique so check chainlist to see if the chain id is already in use.

Token symbol

Token symbol is the symbol of the native token used in the subnet. For instance, on the C-Chain, the symbol is AVAX and on the Ethereum mainnet, the symbol is ETH. You can use any symbol you want.

Gas configuration

This step will define the gas configuration of your network. You can choose a preset fee configuration or create your own. Keep in mind that more transaction throughput means more disk usage.

We will go with C-Chain default fees.

> Low disk use    / Low Throughput    1.5 mil gas/s (C-Chain's setting)

Airdropping native tokens

This step will define how you want to distribute the funds in your subnet. You can choose the addresses and amounts you want to distribute. Let's go with the simplest case.

How would you like to distribute funds?
> Airdrop 1 million tokens to the default address (do not use in production)

Adding a custom precompile to modify the EVM

? Advanced: Would you like to add a custom precompile to modify the EVM?: 
  ▸ No
    Go back to previous step

Here you can set up a custom precompile to unlock some useful functions.

Native Minting

This precompile allows admins to permit designated contracts to mint the native token on your subnet. We will discuss this in more detail in the contractNativeMinterConfig section.

Configure Contract deployment whitelist

This precompile restricts who has the ability to deploy contracts on your subnet. We will discuss this in more detail in the contractDeployerAllowListConfig section.

Configure Transaction allow list

This precompile restricts who has the ability to make transactions on your subnet. We will discuss this in more detail in the txAllowListConfig section.

However, we are not gonna do any of these yet. Choose No and proceed.

> Successfully created genesis

Congrats! You just created a subnet! 👏🎉

Deploying the subnet

This is the most fun part. We will deploy the subnet that we just created, and it's so easy to do, thanks to Avalanche CLI!

$ avalanche subnet deploy testSubnet

> ? Choose a network to deploy on:
  ▸ Local Network

We will deploy the subnet on a local network so choose Local Network here.

This process will install Avalanchego (if not already installed) and start the network. This will take a couple of minutes so, this is a good time to refresh your coffee ☕

After this process is complete, you will see the Metamask connection details in the terminal.

Metamask connection details (any node URL from above works):
Funded address:   0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC with 1000000 (10^18) - private key: 56289e99c94b6912bfc12adc093c9b51124f0dc54ac7a766b2bc5ccf558d8027
Network name:     testSubnet
Chain ID:         1234
Currency Symbol:  TEST

You can use this configuration to add a new network to your metamask. Then you can import the account to which the airdrop funds were sent to into your metamask by importing the private key.

Metamask network config

Notice that you will see the same private key if you've chosen Airdrop 1 million tokens to the default address (do not use in production) in the airdrop step. Thus, the private key is exposed and anyone can access the account. For that reason, it's not a good idea to use this in production.

After importing the account on metamask, let's change the network to our subnet.

Metamask account page

How awesome is that? TEST is the native token of our subnet and it's airdropped to our address. You can now deploy smart contracts and interact with the network.

Understanding the Genesis file

Before starting, I'd like to acknowledge that this section is very similar to Avax docs - Customize a Subnet. However, I've made some changes to make it more comprehensive and easier to understand.

Subnet wizard is an awesome tool to customize your subnet and might be a good starting point for you.

We have mentioned the genesis file above. The wizard generates this file for you but you can also create your own genesis file! This will allow you to customize the network more easily and in depth.

Let's take a look at the genesis file of our subnet which the wizard created for us.

# use your subnet name instead of testSubnet
$ cat ~/.avalanche-cli/testSubnet_genesis.json

To access the genesis file, you can also use:

$ avalanche subnet describe testSubnet --genesis

Yes, the genesis file is in json format. The output should look like:

  "config": {
    "chainId": 1234,
    "homesteadBlock": 0,
    "eip150Block": 0,
    "eip150Hash": "0x2086799aeebeae135c246c65021c82b4e15a2c451340993aacfd2751886514f0",
    "eip155Block": 0,
    "eip158Block": 0,
    "byzantiumBlock": 0,
    "constantinopleBlock": 0,
    "petersburgBlock": 0,
    "istanbulBlock": 0,
    "muirGlacierBlock": 0,
    "subnetEVMTimestamp": 0,
    "feeConfig": {
      "gasLimit": 8000000,
      "targetBlockRate": 2,
      "minBaseFee": 25000000000,
      "targetGas": 15000000,
      "baseFeeChangeDenominator": 36,
      "minBlockGasCost": 0,
      "maxBlockGasCost": 1000000,
      "blockGasCostStep": 200000
    "contractDeployerAllowListConfig": {
      "blockTimestamp": null,
      "adminAddresses": null
    "contractNativeMinterConfig": {
      "blockTimestamp": null,
      "adminAddresses": null
    "txAllowListConfig": {
      "blockTimestamp": null,
      "adminAddresses": null
  "nonce": "0x0",
  "timestamp": "0x0",
  "extraData": "0x",
  "gasLimit": "0x7a1200",
  "difficulty": "0x0",
  "mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "alloc": {
    "8db97c7cece249c2b98bdc0226cc4c2a57bf52fc": {
      "balance": "0xd3c21bcecceda1000000"
  "airdropHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "airdropAmount": null,
  "number": "0x0",
  "gasUsed": "0x0",
  "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "baseFeePerGas": null

Pretty scary, right? But it's not that bad as it seems. The genesis file is a json file that contains the configuration of the subnet and the block header of the genesis block, which is the first block in the network.

Let's dive into the genesis file a little bit more.



The chain ID of the subnet. We've set this to 1234 when we created the subnet.


eip150Block, eip150Hash, eip155Block, eip158Block, byzantiumBlock, constantinopleBlock, petersburgBlock, istanbulBlock, muirGlacierBlock, subnetEVMTimestamp

These are the blocks where the network has been adopted to the new protocol release. Here is the full list.

When there is a new protocol release, to activate that protocol on your subnet, you can add the configuration for the new protocol to the genesis file and point it to a block number in the future as the activation block number.

Fee Config


The total amount of gas that can be used in a single block. Keep in mind that this impacts how much computation happens in one block. This is set to 8,000,000 in C-Chain. Also, the value represents the maximum amount of gas a single transaction can use.


The network aims to produce a new block in targetBlockRate seconds. This value is in seconds. If the network starts producing faster than this, base fees are increased accordingly. Otherwise, if the network starts producing slower than this, base fees are decreased accordingly. This value is set to 2 in C-Chain.


The minimum base fee that can be used by a transaction. It also shows how much gas will it cost to do native token transfers. The value is in wei and set to 25000000000 in C-Chain. It corresponds to 25 nAvax (gwei). You can use Snowtrace unitconverter to convert between units.


The targeted amount of gas (including block gas cost) to consume within a rolling 10s window.


The base fee can change over time. If the parent block used more gas than its target, the base fee should increase. Otherwise, if the parent block used less gas than its target, the base fee should decrease.

Here are the calculations:

If the parent block used more gas than its target:
baseFee = max(1, parentBaseFee * (parentGasUsed - parentGasTarget) / parentGasTarget / baseFeeChangeDenominator)

If the parent block used less gas than its target:
baseFee = max(0, parentBaseFee * (parentGasUsed - parentGasTarget) / parentGasTarget / baseFeeChangeDenominator)

The baseFeeChangeDenominator is set to 36 in C-Chain. This value sets the base fee to increase or decrease by a factor of 1/36 of the parent block's base fee.

Setting this value to a larger value means that the base fee will change more gradually. Setting it to a smaller value will make the base fee change more rapidly.

For further information, see eip1559


Minimum gas cost a block should cover. This value is set to 0 in C-Chain.


Maximum gas cost a block should cover. This value is set to 1,000,000 in C-Chain.

minBlockGasCost and maxBlockGasCost bounds the gas cost of a block.


This value determines the block gas change rate depending on the targetBlockRate. If the parent block is produced at the targetBlockRate, the block gas cost will stay the same. If the parent block is produced at a slower rate, the block gas cost will decrease. If the parent block is produced at a faster rate, the block gas cost will increase. The amount of change is determined by the following formula:

(blockGasCostStep) * (targetBlockRate - parent block production time)

For example, if the targetBlockRate is set to 2 seconds, blockGasCostStep is set to 10 and the parent block was produced in 5 seconds. The block gas cost will decrease by 30: 10 * (2 - 5) = -30

This value is set to 200000 in C-Chain.

Validator fee recipient

This configuration allows validators to specify a fee recipient.

Use the following configuration to enable validators to receive fees. You can find more information from the Avalanche docs.

  "config": {
    "allowFeeRecipients": true


You can enable some precompiled contracts in the genesis file. These contracts provide God mode functionalities and are very useful for some cases. If you'd not like to use them, you can disable them by setting the config fields to null or by simply removing them from the genesis file.


This configuration allows you specify which addresses are authorized to deploy contracts. You can also customize this in the last step of the subnet wizard. If you'd like to restrict the contract deployer to a specific list of addresses, you can set the contractDeployerAllowListConfig to a JSON object with the following properties:

"contractDeployerAllowListConfig": {
  "blockTimestamp": 0,
  "adminAddresses": ["0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC","0x0000...", "... and more"]

Admin addresses can deploy new contracts and add new Admin and Deployer addresses. Precompiled contract is deployed to 0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000000. You can find more information from the Avalanche docs.


This configuration lets you use a smart contract to mint native tokens in your subnet. This is useful if you want to use your own token minting system.

If you'd like to use a smart contract to mint native tokens, you can set the contractNativeMinterConfig to a JSON object with the following properties:

"contractDeployerAllowListConfig": {
  "blockTimestamp": 0,
  "adminAddresses": ["0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC","0x0000...", "... and more"]

Admin addresses can add new Admin and Minter addresses. Precompiled contract is deployed to 0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000001. You can find more information from the Avalanche docs.


This configures allows you to specify which addresses are authorized to make transactions. It's especially useful if you're building a private network. If you'd like to restrict the transaction sender to a specific list of addresses, you can set the txAllowListConfig to a JSON object with the following properties:

"txAllowListConfig": {
  "blockTimestamp": 0,
  "adminAddresses": ["0x8db97C7cEcE249c2b98bDC0226Cc4C2A57BF52FC","0x0000...", "... and more"]

Admin addresses can add new Admin and Allowed addresses. Precompiled contract is deployed to 0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000002. You can find more information from the Avalanche docs.

Genesis block

This configuration is used to define the genesis block header. You generally don't need to change these. (except the gasLimit field)


The result of the mining process iteration is this value. It can be any value in the genesis block, which is commonly set to 0x0.


The timestamp of the creation of the genesis block.


Optional extra data that can be included in the genesis block. This is commonly set to 0x.


The total amount of gas that can be used in a single block. It should be set to the same value as in the fee config. The value 0x7a1200 is hexadecimal and it's equal to 8,000,000.


The difficulty level applied during the nonce discovering of this block. It is usually set to 0x0 for the genesis block.


Quotation from Explanation of genesis file

The combination of nonce and mixHash must satisfy a mathematical condition described in the Yellowpaper, 4.3.4. Block Header Validity, (44). It allows to verify that the Block has really been cryptographically mined, thus, from this aspect, is valid.

This isn't so important for the genesis block. You can set it to 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.


This is the address of the miner who mined the genesis block. It is usually set to 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 for the genesis block.


This is the Keccak 256-bit hash of the entire parent block’s header. It is usually set to 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 for the genesis block.


This is the amount of gas used by the genesis block. It is usually set to 0x0.


This is the number of the genesis block. It is usually set to 0x0.

airdropHash baseFeePerGas airdropAmount

You can remove or leave these fields as they are. I'd recommend removing them. I'm not sure what they do.

Native token allocation

We've done this part of the configuration using the wizard. It's pretty straightforward. You can set the alloc to a JSON object with the following properties:

  "address_without_0x": {
    "balance": "balance"

Two important things to notice here:

  • The address_without_0x is the address of the account that will receive the tokens. Must NOT include the 0x prefix.
  • Balance is the amount of tokens that will be allocated in wei to the account.

In our genesis file. The balance is set to 0xd3c21bcecceda1000000 which corresponds to 1000000000000000000000000 in decimal. You can also type in the balance in decimal. Notice that this number is in wei and it's equal to 1,000,000 Avax. You can use Snowtrace unitconverter to convert between units.

Creating a custom genesis file

We learned a lot! Now we can create our genesis file!

I'd like to create a subnet where people can earn native tokens by playing a simple game.

The network doesn't need to be very fast. I'll set the transaction fees high because the game will mint native tokens to players so we should be burning some of them to help inflation.

To get started, create a new file named genesis.json and fill it with the following content:

  "config": {
    "homesteadBlock": 0,
    "eip150Block": 0,
    "eip150Hash": "0x2086799aeebeae135c246c65021c82b4e15a2c451340993aacfd2751886514f0",
    "eip155Block": 0,
    "eip158Block": 0,
    "byzantiumBlock": 0,
    "constantinopleBlock": 0,
    "petersburgBlock": 0,
    "istanbulBlock": 0,
    "muirGlacierBlock": 0,
    "subnetEVMTimestamp": 0
  "alloc": {
  "nonce": "0x0",
  "timestamp": "0x0",
  "extraData": "0x00",
  "gasLimit": "change me",
  "difficulty": "0x0",
  "mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
  "number": "0x0",
  "gasUsed": "0x0",
  "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

This is a boilerplate genesis file. We are going to fill in the fields that we need.

Setting the chain id

The first thing to do is to pick a unique chain id for our subnet. We can check chainlist to find a chain id that is not used. I'll go with 321123 because it looks good.

  "config": {
    "chainId": 321123

Configuring fees and gas

I have an old computer so I want my subnet to be - slow. So, I'll set the gasLimit to 5,000,000, the targetBlockRate to 5 seconds and the targetGas to 10000000.

Then I'll set the minBaseFee to 60 nAvax (gwei) which is 60000000000 wei to make sure that the transaction fees are high enough to help the network.

I'll set the baseFeeChangeDenominator to 50 because I don't want the base fee to change to be rapidly changing. Then I'll set the minBlockGasCost to 0, maxBlockGasCost to 5000000 and the blockGasCostStep to 100000 as I don't want the block gas cost to change too quickly.

The final configuration looks like:

  "config": {
    "feeConfig": {
        "gasLimit": 5000000,
        "targetBlockRate": 5,
        "minBaseFee": 60000000000,
        "targetGas": 10000000,
        "baseFeeChangeDenominator": 50,
        "minBlockGasCost": 0,
        "maxBlockGasCost": 5000000,
        "blockGasCostStep": 10000

Almost forgot! We should also update the gasLimit in the genesis block header.

  "config": {
  "gasLimit": "5000000"

Allocating native tokens

Let's allocate some native tokens for our address. You should use your own address here. 0x0000000b9af48743ef1188f3F20c9b8B90F52a5b is my address.

  "alloc": {
    "0000000b9af48743ef1188f3F20c9b8B90F52a5b": {
      "balance": "0x3635C9ADC5DEA00000"

I'm being generous and allocating only 1000 tokens for myself. 1000 tokens corresponds to 1000000000000000000000 in wei and that's 0x3635C9ADC5DEA00000 in hexadecimal. Keep in mind that you can also write this in decimal. I'm going to use the hexadecimal notation here because it looks better. You can use Decimal to Hexadecimal converter to convert between units.

Minting native tokens

We will use contractNativeMinterConfig to mint native tokens in the game.

We will add our address as an Admin so we can add new Minter and Admin addresses in the future.

Use your own address instead of 0x0000000b9af48743ef1188f3F20c9b8B90F52a5b.

  "config": {
    "contractNativeMinterConfig": {
      "blockTimestamp": 0,
      "adminAddresses": ["0x0000000b9af48743ef1188f3F20c9b8B90F52a5b"]

Restricting contract deployers

We will deploy the contracts and players will use those contracts to play the game. So we don't need other people to deploy the contracts. We can restrict the smart contract deployers by using contractDeployerAllowListConfig.

We will add our address as an Admin so we can add new Deployer and Admin addresses in the future.

Use your own address instead of 0x0000000b9af48743ef1188f3F20c9b8B90F52a5b.

  "config": {
    "contractDeployerAllowListConfig": {
      "blockTimestamp": 0,
      "adminAddresses": ["0x0000000b9af48743ef1188f3F20c9b8B90F52a5b"]

Now we're done! The final config looks like:

    "config": {
        "chainId": 321123,
        "homesteadBlock": 0,
        "eip150Block": 0,
        "eip150Hash": "0x2086799aeebeae135c246c65021c82b4e15a2c451340993aacfd2751886514f0",
        "eip155Block": 0,
        "eip158Block": 0,
        "byzantiumBlock": 0,
        "constantinopleBlock": 0,
        "petersburgBlock": 0,
        "istanbulBlock": 0,
        "muirGlacierBlock": 0,
        "subnetEVMTimestamp": 0,
        "feeConfig": {
            "gasLimit": 5000000,
            "targetBlockRate": 5,
            "minBaseFee": 60000000000,
            "targetGas": 10000000,
            "baseFeeChangeDenominator": 50,
            "minBlockGasCost": 0,
            "maxBlockGasCost": 5000000,
            "blockGasCostStep": 10000
        "contractDeployerAllowListConfig": {
            "blockTimestamp": 0,
            "adminAddresses": [
        "contractNativeMinterConfig": {
            "blockTimestamp": 0,
            "adminAddresses": [
    "alloc": {
        "0000000b9af48743ef1188f3F20c9b8B90F52a5b": {
            "balance": "0x3635C9ADC5DEA00000"
    "nonce": "0x0",
    "timestamp": "0x0",
    "extraData": "0x00",
    "gasLimit": "5000000",
    "difficulty": "0x0",
    "mixHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "coinbase": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "number": "0x0",
    "gasUsed": "0x0",
    "parentHash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

Creating and deploying the Subnet using the custom genesis file

We will use genesis.json to create a new subnet. This part is pretty simple.

Let's first delete the old subnet that we created using the wizard.

$ avalanche subnet delete testSubnet

> Deleted subnet

Next, we will create a new subnet using the genesis file.

# avalanche subnet create <subnetName> --file <filepath>

$ avalanche subnet create game --file ./genesis.json
# Use SubnetEVM

> Using specified genesis
> ✔ SubnetEVM
> Successfully created genesis

Now let's deploy it!

# avalanche subnet deploy <subnetName>
$ avalanche subnet deploy game

# choose local network as deployment target

> Metamask connection details (any node URL from above works):
> Funded address:   0x0000000b9af48743ef1188f3F20c9b8B90F52a5b with 1000
> Network name:     game
> Chain ID:         321123
> Currency Symbol:  TEST

Awesomeness! Great work!

Deploying the game contract

Metamask configuration

Before going to the next step, make sure you've added the subnet to metamask by following the same steps in the Deploying the subnet section. This time you don't need to import the account as you're already using your own account. When adding the network, I've set the currency symbol to LUCK.

Metamask account look

Metamask Gas configuration


Because we've set the base fee to 60 nAvax, you may need to increase the Max priority fee when confirming the transaction on metamask popup. Otherwise the transaction may fail.

Here is how:

change gas fee

If you're using the Enhanced Gas Fee UI which is an experimental feature in metamask, you can set the gas fee to Aggresive and that should work.


After making a few transactions, metamask should start automatically adjusting the gas fee to the optimal value.

Deploying the contract

We will use remix to deploy the game contract on the subnet.

Go to the website and create a blank workspace.

workspace creation

Next, create a folder and under that folder, create two files with the following contents:

new folder


This is the ContractNativeMinter interface. We know the contract is deployed at 0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000001. See more about it here.

// (c) 2022-2023, Ava Labs, Inc. All rights reserved.
// See the file LICENSE for licensing terms.

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

pragma solidity >=0.8.0;

interface NativeMinterInterface {
    // Set [addr] to have the admin role over the minter list
    function setAdmin(address addr) external;

    // Set [addr] to be enabled on the minter list
    function setEnabled(address addr) external;

    // Set [addr] to have no role over the minter list
    function setNone(address addr) external;

    // Read the status of [addr]
    function readAllowList(address addr) external view returns (uint256);

    // Mint [amount] number of native coins and send to [addr]
    function mintNativeCoin(address addr, uint256 amount) external;


A simple contract I made for the sake of this tutorial.

Basically, the player calls the play function with sending some LUCK tokens. The function generates a random number and by 50% chance, the player gets 2x the amount of tokens; otherwise, the tokens are stuck in the contract.

pragma solidity ^0.8.7;
import "./NativeMinterInterface.sol";

contract Game {

    // native minter is deployed at 0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000001
    NativeMinterInterface minter = NativeMinterInterface(0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000001);

    function random() internal view returns (uint) {
        // never use this random number generation in a real project
        // it's deterministic and easily hackable.
        return uint(keccak256(abi.encodePacked(block.timestamp)));

    function play() external payable {
        uint256 randomNumber = random();

        if(randomNumber % 2 == 0){
                msg.value * 2

When you're done, it should look like this:


Compiling and deploying

After creating the files, we should compile Game.sol.


Go to the deploy tab, choose injected web3 as enviroment - connect your wallet - then choose Game in the contract dropdown. Then click the deploy button.


Confirm the transaction with your metamask wallet.

Deployed contracts

Yay! We deployed a smart contract in our subnet! That sounds fantastic!

Setting Game contract as Minter

We're admin in contractNativeMinterConfig. Which means we can add new Minters to the network using NativeMinterInterface.

We already created NativeMinterInterface.sol

Go to remix and compile NativeMinterInterface.sol by following the same steps as Game.sol.

Go to the deploy tab in remix, and choose NativeMinterInterface in the contract dropdown. Then type in the address 0x0200000000000000000000000000000000000001 to Load contract from Address then click At Address

Interface steps

After clicking the button, you should see the NATIVEMINTERINTERFACE AT 0X02.. under the Deployed Contracts section.

We will call the setEnabled function of NativeMinter contract with the address of Game contract to set the Game contract as a minter.

Set minter

Confirm the transaction with your metamask wallet. We can call this function because we've added our address as an admin in the contractNativeMinterConfig section.

Now the Game.sol contract is a minter and can mint native tokens!

Play the game!

In the deploy tab:

  • Set the value to 100 Ether or any other amount you want to play with.
  • Find Game contract under deployed contracts section in remix.
  • Call play function.
  • Confirm the transaction with your metamask wallet.


Then check your metamask wallet.


I first played with 10 and then 100 tokens. Seems like it's my lucky day! I already earned 110 LUCK tokens. As you can see, our smart contract can mint native tokens!

Let's go all in!


I'm out of luck!

As an admin in NativeMinter contract, I can mint native tokens as well! Let's mint ourselves 1000 LUCK tokens.

minting native tokens

And my luck is back!

luck back


This is the end of the tutorial. I hope you've enjoyed it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. Subnets are literally amazing and I'm very excited for the future of this technology.

You now have the ability to create your own subnet and customize it to your needs. Go play with the parameters, try something new, and enjoy!

Please feel free to create an issue if you have any questions!

Thanks for reading ❤️



A comprehensive tutorial on customizing the genesis file of your subnet






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