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Fred EPP library provides the means to communicate with an EPP server. It consists from four main modules: client, commands, responses, and models.

The Client class in the client module is used to exchange the messages with the server. Module commands contains the dataclasses representing the commands which may be sent to the server. responses module contains the dataclasses representing the responses received from the server. models module contains dataclasses which are used to compose both requests and responses.

For more details plese refer to the source code documentation. We suggest starting with the Client class in the client module.


In order to exchange messages with the server a Transport instance has to be created and passed to the init of the Client. Then the Client is connected to the server using context manager or manually by calling the connect method. The commands are created as the instances of the Request base class and send via the send method of the Client instance. The response from the server is returned by send as an instance of the Response class. After response is received its data may be examined.

See the example below

from epplib.client import Client
from epplib.commands import InfoDomain, Login, Logout
from epplib.transport import SocketTransport

hostname = 'localhost'
cert_file = 'path/to/cert.pem'
key_file = 'path/to/key.pem'

transport = SocketTransport(hostname, cert_file=cert_file, key_file=key_file)

with Client(transport) as client:
    login = Login(cl_id='my_id', password='passwd', obj_uris=[''])
    response_login = client.send(login)

    info = InfoDomain(name='')
    response_info = client.send(info)


When using this library with a registry other than Fred, the XML schema must be changed before importing. Fred EPP library is tested with Fred and isn't guaranteed to work with anything else.


NAMESPACE = SimpleNamespace(

SCHEMA_LOCATION = SimpleNamespace(
    NIC_DOMAIN="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:domain-1.0 domain-1.0.xsd",

from epplib import constants


Testing Code Locally

gather dependencies 1. install python 3.10 or newer 2. optional setup up virtual envirornment

-make virtual envirornment in the the terminal with:
python -m venv env
  • activate the virtual envirornment in the terminal with:
source env/bin/activate`
  1. install python dependencies
    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt`

To run all the unittests in the library, open terminal and navigate to the outerdirectory where this readme is located. Then run python -m unittest

To run unittests on a single file modify the above command by adding the name of the file to test such as: python3 -m unittest ./epplib/tests/tests_ietf/

Optional Code formatter

Simply use the built in black code formatter that which will catch common linting issues Run it using "black ."