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Add ability to strip ANSI codes out of a string
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Change column code to only accept a string, and work with its visual length
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hlship committed Nov 14, 2013
1 parent 3725199 commit d2768a4
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Showing 3 changed files with 110 additions and 106 deletions.
15 changes: 14 additions & 1 deletion src/io/aviso/ansi.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(ns io.aviso.ansi
"Help with generating textual output that includes ANSI escape codes for formatting."
(:import [java.util.regex Pattern])
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))

(def ^:const csi
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(def ^:const bold-font (str csi 1 sgr))
(def ^:const italic-font (str csi 3 sgr))
(def ^:const inverse-font (str csi 7 sgr))
(def ^:const inverse-font (str csi 7 sgr))

(def ^:const ^:private ansi-pattern (Pattern/compile "\\e\\[.*?m"))

(defn strip-ansi
"Removes ANSI codes from a string, returning just the raw text."
(str/replace string ansi-pattern ""))

(defn visual-length
"Returns the length of the string, with ANSI codes stripped out."
(-> string strip-ansi .length))
109 changes: 64 additions & 45 deletions src/io/aviso/columns.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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may be left or right justified. Generally, columns are sized to the largest item in the column.
When a value is provided in a column, it may be associated with an explicit width which is helpful
when the value contains non-printing characters (such as those defined in the io.aviso.ansi namespace)."
(:require [io.aviso.writer :as w]))

(defn- string-length [^String s] (.length s))

(defn- decompose
(if (vector? column-value)
;; Ensure that the column value is, in fact, a string.
[(nth column-value 0) (-> (nth column-value 1) str)]
(let [as-string (str column-value)]
[(string-length as-string) as-string])))
[clojure.string :as str]
[ansi :as ansi]
[writer :as w]]))

(defn- indent
"Indents sufficient to pad the column value to the column width."
[writer indent-amount]
(w/write writer (apply str (repeat indent-amount \space))))

(defn- truncate
[justification ^String string amount]
[justification ^String string amount]
(nil? amount) string
(zero? amount) string
(= :left justification) (.substring string 0 (- (string-length string) amount))
(= :left justification) (.substring string 0 (- (.length string) amount))
(= :right justification) (.substring string amount)
:else string))

(defn- write-column-value
(defn- write-none-column [writer current-indent column-value]
(loop [first-line true
lines (-> column-value str str/split-lines)]
(when-not (empty? lines)
(when-not first-line
(w/writeln writer)
(indent writer current-indent))
(w/write writer (first lines))
(recur false (rest lines))))
;; :none columns don't have an explicit width, so just return the current indent.
;; it shouldn't matter because :none should be the last consuming column.

(defn- make-column-writer
[justification width]
(fn column-writer [writer column-value]
(let [[value-width value-string] (decompose column-value)
indent-amount (and width (max 0 (- width value-width)))
truncate-amount (and width (max 0 (- value-width width)))
truncated (truncate justification value-string truncate-amount)]
(if (and indent-amount (= justification :right))
(indent writer indent-amount))
(w/write writer truncated)
(if (and indent-amount (= justification :left))
(indent writer indent-amount)))))
(if (= :none justification)
(fn column-writer [writer current-indent column-value]
(let [value-string (str column-value)
value-width (ansi/visual-length value-string)
indent-amount (max 0 (- width value-width))
truncate-amount (max 0 (- value-width width))
;; This isn't aware of ANSI escape codes and will do the wrong thing when truncating a string with
;; such codes.
truncated (truncate justification value-string truncate-amount)]
(if (= justification :right)
(indent writer indent-amount))
(w/write writer truncated)
(if (= justification :left)
(indent writer indent-amount)))
;; Return the updated indent amount; a :none column doesn't compute
(+ current-indent width))))

(defn- fixed-column
(fn [writer column-data]
(w/write writer fixed-value)
(let [value-length (ansi/visual-length fixed-value)]
(fn [writer indent column-data]
(w/write writer fixed-value)
[(+ indent value-length) column-data])))

(defn- dynamic-column
"Returns a function that consumes the next column data value and delegates to a column writer function
to actually write the output for the column."
(fn [writer [column-value & remaining-column-data]]
(column-writer writer column-value)
(fn [writer indent [column-value & remaining-column-values]]
[(column-writer writer indent column-value) remaining-column-values]))

(defn- nil-column
"Does nothing and returns the column data unchanged."
[writer column-data]
"Does nothing and returns the indent and column data unchanged."
[writer indent column-values]
[indent column-values])

(defn- column-def-to-fn [column-def]
(string? column-def) (fixed-column column-def)
(number? column-def) (-> (write-column-value :left column-def) dynamic-column)
(number? column-def) (-> (make-column-writer :left column-def) dynamic-column)
(nil? column-def) nil-column
(= :none column-def) (-> (write-column-value :none nil) dynamic-column)
:else (-> (apply write-column-value column-def) dynamic-column)))
(= :none column-def) (-> (make-column-writer :none nil) dynamic-column)
:else (-> (apply make-column-writer column-def) dynamic-column)))

(defn format-columns
"Converts a number of column definitions into a formatting function. Each column definition may be:
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and :right truncates from the left (e.g., discards initial characters, display trailing characters).
Generally speaking, truncation does not occur because columns are sized to fit their contents.
Values are normally strings, but to support non-printing characters in the strings, a value may
be a two-element vector consisting of its effective width and the actual value to write. Non-string
values are converted to strings using str.
An column width is required for :left or :right. Column width is optional and ignored for :none.
Values are normally string, but any type is accepted and will be converted to a string.
This code is aware of ANSI codes and ignores them to calculate the length of a value for formatting and
identation purposes.
There will likely be problems if a long string with ANSI codes is truncated, however.
The returned function accepts a Writer and the column data and writes each column value, with appropriate
The returned function accepts a Writer and the column values and writes each column value, with appropriate
padding, to the Writer."
[& column-defs]
(let [column-fns (map column-def-to-fn column-defs)]
(fn [writer & column-data]
(loop [column-fns column-fns
column-data column-data]
(fn [writer & column-values]
(loop [current-indent 0
column-fns column-fns
values column-values]
(if (empty? column-fns)
(w/writeln writer)
(let [cf (first column-fns)
remaining-column-data (cf writer column-data)]
(recur (rest column-fns) remaining-column-data)))))))
[new-indent remaining-values] (cf writer current-indent values)]
(recur new-indent (rest column-fns) remaining-values)))))))

(defn write-rows
"A convienience for writing rows of columns using a prepared column formatter.
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92 changes: 32 additions & 60 deletions src/io/aviso/exception.clj
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[columns :as c]
[writer :as w]]))

(defn- string-length
[^String s]
(.length s))
(defn- length [^String s] (.length s))

;;; Obviously, this is making use of some internals of Clojure that
;;; could change at any time.

(def ^:private clojure->java
(->> (Compiler/CHAR_MAP)
(sort-by #(-> % first string-length))
(sort-by #(-> % first length))

(defn- match-mangled
[^String s i]
(->> clojure->java
(filter (fn [[k _]] (.regionMatches s i k 0 (string-length k))))
(filter (fn [[k _]] (.regionMatches s i k 0 (length k))))
;; Return the matching sequence and its single character replacement

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(>= i in-length) (.toString result)
(= \_ (.charAt s i)) (let [[match replacement] (match-mangled s i)]
(.append result replacement)
(recur (+ i (string-length match))))
(recur (+ i (length match))))
:else (do
(.append result (.charAt s i))
(recur (inc i)))))))
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(if (empty? coll)
(apply max (map string-length coll))))
(apply max (map visual-length coll))))

(defn- max-value-length
[coll key]
(max-length (map key coll)))

(defn- indent [writer spaces]
(w/write writer (apply str (repeat spaces \space))))

(defn- justify
"w/write the text, right justified within its column."
([writer width ^String value]
(indent writer (- width (-> value str .length)))
(w/write writer value))
([writer width prefix ^String value suffix]
(indent writer (- width (.length value)))
(w/write writer prefix value suffix)))

(defn- write-indented
[writer indent-amount value]
(loop [lines (str/split-lines value)
is-first true]
(when-not (empty? lines)
(if-not is-first
(indent writer indent-amount))
(w/writeln writer (first lines))
(recur (rest lines) false))))

(defn- update-keys [m f]
"Builds a map where f has been applied to each key in m."
(into {} (map (fn [[k v]] [(f k) v]) m)))
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;; Case 1: names is empty, it's a Java frame
(let [full-name (str (:class element) "." (:method element))]
(assoc element
:name-width (.length full-name)
:formatted-name (str (:java-frame *fonts*) full-name (:reset *fonts*))))
;; Case 2: it's a Clojure name
(assoc element
:name-width (.length (:name element))
:formatted-name (str
(:clojure-frame *fonts*)
(->> names drop-last (str/join "/"))
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(defn- write-stack-trace
[writer exception]
(let [elements (->> exception expand-stack-trace (map preformat-stack-frame))
formatter (c/format-columns [:right (->> elements (map :name-width) (apply max))]
formatter (c/format-columns [:right (max-value-length elements :formatted-name)]
" " (:source *fonts*)
[:right (max-value-length elements :file)]
": "
[:right (->> elements (map :line) (map str) max-length)]
(:reset *fonts*))]
(c/write-rows writer formatter [#(vector (:name-width %) (:formatted-name %)) :file :line] elements)))
(c/write-rows writer formatter [:formatted-name :file :line] elements)))

(defn- write-property-value [writer value-indent value]
(write-indented writer value-indent
(pp/write value :stream nil :length (or *print-length* 10))))
(defn- format-property-value
(pp/write value :stream nil :length (or *print-length* 10)))

(defn write-exception
"Writes a formatted version of the exception to the writer.
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exception-stack (->> exception
(map #(assoc % :name (-> % :exception class .getName))))
exception-column-width (max-value-length exception-stack :name)]
exception-formatter (c/format-columns [:right (max-value-length exception-stack :name)]
": "
(doseq [e exception-stack]
(let [^Throwable exception (-> e :exception)
message (.getMessage exception)]
(justify writer exception-column-width exception-font (:name e) reset-font)
;; TODO: Handle no message for the exception specially
(w/write writer ":")
(if-not message
(w/writeln writer)
(w/write writer " ")
(write-indented writer
(+ 2 exception-column-width)
(str message-font message reset-font))))

(let [properties (update-keys (:properties e) name)
prop-keys (keys properties)
;; Allow for the width of the exception class name, and some extra
;; indentation.
prop-name-width (+ 4 (max-length prop-keys))]
(doseq [k (sort prop-keys)]
(justify writer prop-name-width property-font k reset-font)
(w/write writer ": ")
(write-property-value writer (+ 2 prop-name-width) (get properties k)))
(if (:root e)
(write-stack-trace writer exception))))))))
class-name (:name e)
message (.getMessage exception)
properties (update-keys (:properties e) name)
prop-keys (keys properties)
;; Allow for the width of the exception class name, and some extra
;; indentation.
property-formatter (c/format-columns " "
[:right (max-length prop-keys)]
": "
(exception-formatter writer
(str exception-font class-name reset-font)
(str message-font message reset-font))
(doseq [k (sort prop-keys)]
(property-formatter writer
(str property-font k reset-font)
(-> properties (get k) format-property-value)))
(if (:root e)
(write-stack-trace writer exception)))))))

(defn format-exception
"Formats an exception as a multi-line string using write-exception."
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