A curated collection of deploy buttons for various hosting providers. Deploy your applications seamlessly with just a single click.
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- Introduction
- Supported Hosting Providers
- How to Use
- Contributing
- Other Collections
- Feedback and Questions
- License
Deploying applications can be complex and time-consuming. This repository aims to simplify the process by providing deploy buttons for popular hosting providers. With a single click, you can deploy your apps seamlessly, saving you time and effort.
In the code snippets below, there are two placeholders that are meant to be replaced with specific values relevant to the GitHub repository you are referring to. Here's a breakdown:
:- Represents the username or organization name on GitHub that owns the repository.
- For example, if the repository's URL is
, thencloudcommunity
is the{REPO-OWNER}
:- Represents the name of the GitHub repository.
- Continuing the example above, if the repository's URL is
, thenCloud-Deploy-Buttons
is the{REPO-NAME}
When using these snippets, you'd replace {REPO-OWNER}
with the appropriate values for the specific GitHub repository you want to deploy via the hosting provider. Once replaced, the link will directly start the deployment process of the given repository on the hosting provider.
Deploy to DigitalOcean button:
Deploy to DigitalOcean code snippet:
Deploy to DigitalOcean button documentation.
Deploy to Netlify button:
Deploy to Netlify code snippet:
Deploy to Netlify button documentation.
Deploy to Heroku button:
Deploy to Heroku code snippet:
Deploy to Heroku button documentation.
Deploy on Railway button:
Deploy on Railway code snippet:
Deploy on Railway button documentation.
Deploy to Render button:
Deploy to Render code snippet:
Deploy to Render button documentation.
Deploy with Vercel button:
Deploy with Vercel code snippet:
Deploy with Vercel button documentation.
- Find your hosting provider: Navigate to the desired hosting provider section above.
- Click the documentation link: This will redirect you to the respective provider's deployment documentation.
- Follow on-screen instructions: Each provider might have a slightly different setup process. Follow through to deploy your application.
We welcome contributions! If you have a deploy button for a hosting provider not listed here or any improvements, please:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch with a meaningful name.
- Make your changes and create a pull request.
- Our team will review and merge appropriate contributions.
For any feedback, questions, or general comments, create an issue on this repository and we'll get to it as soon as possible!
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE.md file for more details.
Star ⭐ this repository if you found it useful and share with fellow developers!