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Releases: cloudfoundry-incubator/kubecf

KubeCF Release v2.7.13

05 Mar 22:11
Choose a tag to compare

⚠️ WARNING: This will be the last release of KubeCF that will have Eirini supported as a scheduler. Going forward, as of the next minor release of KubeCF, we will be deprecating Eirini with only Diego as our planned scheduler, so please plan for this change if you are running Eirini and plan on upgrading in the future. Eirini will still be included in KubeCF as is, but if we run into problems bumping cf-deployment versions to address CVEs, it may be removed without further notice.

⚠️ WARNING: This will be the last release of KubeCF that will have updated SLE15 as a supported stack. Going forward, we will consume only cflinuxfs3 as a stack and we will no longer build updated rootfs and buildpacks with SLE15. Please start to plan on migrating any apps and deployments to rely on cflinuxfs3 if you consider on upgrading in the future.

Bug Fix(es)

  • quarks (previously cf-operator) bump to 7.2.1 that contains several bug fixes tied to bootstraps, BOSH job template rendering and multi-AZ support
  • Bumped suse-java-buildpack release to 4.36.0 #1690
  • Bumped sle15 release to 26.14 #1689


Name Version Description
cf-operator v7.2.1-0.gaeb6ef3 Processes BOSH deployments. Maps them to kube objects

Quick Fresh Installation

These are the basic guidelines to deploy KubeCF in a development environment. For more detailed information check here.

Before starting the deployment phase, make sure that the values.yaml file contains all the needed properties with valid values. For more information about the available properties check here.

Download the release bundle artifact extract the content to a local folder.


helm install cf-operator \
  --namespace cf-operator \
  --set "" \
  cf-operator.tgz \


Install KubeCF after setting the needed properties in your values.yaml.

helm install kubecf \
  --namespace kubecf \
  --values values.yaml \

KubeCF Release v2.7.12

26 Jan 19:19
Choose a tag to compare


  • Added ca certs required by diego-cell for multi-cluster #1570

Bug Fix(es)

  • quarks (previously cf-operator) bump to 7.1.3 that contains several bug fixes
  • Bumped stemcell version for SUSE buildpacks to 29.6 #1674
  • Bumped suse-java-buildpack release to #1655
  • Bumped sle15 release to 26.8 #1668
  • Bumped nats to version 39 #1673
  • Upgrades from prior versions of kubecf no longer fail due to can't find multi-az scheduler #1663
  • Now use correct secret name when credentials are overridden #1671


Name Version Description
cf-operator v7.1.3-0.g0ce050b Processes BOSH deployments. Maps them to kube objects

Quick Fresh Installation

These are the basic guidelines to deploy KubeCF in a development environment. For more detailed information check here.

Before starting the deployment phase, make sure that the values.yaml file contains all the needed properties with valid values. For more information about the available properties check here.

Download the release bundle artifact extract the content to a local folder.


helm install cf-operator \
  --namespace cf-operator \
  --set "" \
  cf-operator.tgz \


Install KubeCF after setting the needed properties in your values.yaml.

helm install kubecf \
  --namespace kubecf \
  --values values.yaml \

KubeCF Release v2.7.1

10 Dec 22:16
Choose a tag to compare


  • Added support for a generic fog provider to allow usage of an external blobstore. #1531
  • Implemented ability to pull kubecf or other images from a private registry requiring authentication. #1421
  • Removed the cc-deployment-updater to fix upgrade issues. #1637
  • Removed sample_values.yaml since values are now placed elsewhere. #1626

Bug Fix(es)

  • cf-operator bump to 7.0.6 that contains several bug fixes
  • Bumped garden-runc to 1.19.17. #1641
  • Patched CAPI 1.98.0 to include YAML from CAPI 1.101.0 to address CVE-2020-5423. #1639
  • PXC now picks up new database root password. #1355
  • Credhub now prevented from consuming the postgres bosh-link from auto-scaler postgres, ensuring that pods don't unnecessarily rotate. #1651
  • NOTES.txt now adaptive to correctly report HA changes in underlying CF manifest to show diego cell count accurately. #1593
  • Check for HA as part of estimating max app count. #1591
  • Moved tcp-router healthcheck port to avoid clash on port 80. #1526
  • Updated ingress.yaml to allow the pod selector to match the scheduler pod, allowing ssh-proxy-public service to work with load balancers. #1517


Name Version Description
cf-operator 7.0.6+0.g2d07254 Processes BOSH deployments. Maps them to kube objects

Quick Fresh Installation

These are the basic guidelines to deploy KubeCF in a development environment. For more detailed information check here.

Before starting the deployment phase, make sure that the values.yaml file contains all the needed properties with valid values. For more information about the available properties check here.

Download the release bundle artifact extract the content to a local folder.


helm install cf-operator \
  --namespace cf-operator \
  --set "" \
  cf-operator.tgz \


Install KubeCF after setting the needed properties in your values.yaml.

helm install kubecf \
  --namespace kubecf \
  --values values.yaml \

KubeCF Release v2.6.1

27 Oct 13:07
Choose a tag to compare


  • Capability to configure the staging ServiceAccount for the Eirini staging job and Eirini apps. #1494
  • Ability to pull KubeCF from a private registry that requires authentication. #1421

Bug Fix(es)

  • Don't allow upgrades unless the embedded database is a singleton. #1471
  • Remove blobstore settings from eirini-helm ops file that can break when KubeCF is configured to use an external blobstore. #1516
  • Update ingress.yaml to allow the pod selector to match the scheduler pod in KubeCF. #1517


Name Version Description
cf-operator 6.1.17+0.gec409fd7.tgz Processes BOSH deployments. Maps them to kube objects

Quick Fresh Installation

These are the basic guidelines to deploy KubeCF in a development environment. For more detailed information check here.

Before starting the deployment phase, make sure that the values.yaml file contains all the needed properties with valid values. For more information about the available properties check here.

Download the release bundle artifact extract the content to a local folder.


helm install cf-operator \
  --namespace cf-operator \
  --set "" \
  cf-operator.tgz \


Install KubeCF after setting the needed properties in your values.yaml.

helm install kubecf \
  --namespace kubecf \
  --values values.yaml \

KubeCF Release v2.5.8

10 Oct 04:07
Choose a tag to compare

Bug Fix(es)

  • cf-operator bump to 6.1.17 that contains several bug fixes
  • Fixed problem whereby images were missing Diego install #1467
  • Updated Brain tests to handle Eirini-specific Metron tests #1468

Known issues

  • When using Eirini, the routing-api will be disabled since it only works with Diego. #1469
  • Prior to upgrading from an earlier version of KubeCF, if you ever changed sizing.database.instances to be greater than 1, you'll need to scale back down to 1. HA with the local database was introduced in a recent release but removed based on broken upgrades.


Name Version Description
cf-operator 6.1.17+0.gec409fd7.tgz Processes BOSH deployments. Maps them to kube objects

Quick Fresh Installation

These are the basic guidelines to deploy KubeCF in a development environment. For more detailed information check here.

Before starting the deployment phase, make sure that the values.yaml file contains all the needed properties with valid values. For more information about the available properties check here.

Download the release bundle artifact extract the content to a local folder.


helm install cf-operator \
  --namespace cf-operator \
  --set "" \
  cf-operator.tgz \


Install KubeCF after setting the needed properties in your values.yaml.

helm install kubecf \
  --namespace kubecf \
  --values values.yaml \

KubeCF Release v2.5.7

08 Oct 19:16
Choose a tag to compare

⚠️ WARNING: Do not deploy this version and go directly to 2.5.8


  • added labels to QuarksStatefulSets #1455

Bug Fix(es)

  • cf-operator bump to 6.1.15 that contains several bug fixes
  • we no longer use the full labels (including the version) for the selector for the database #1459
  • disabled cflinuxfs3-rootfs-setup job when the default stack is disabled #1460
  • removed the possibility of doing HA with the PXC database provided as part of KubeCF; it's currently not feasible to maintain a reliable HA setup as part of KubeCF #1462

Known issues

  • Prior to upgrading from an earlier version of KubeCF, if you ever changed sizing.database.instances to be greater than 1, you'll need to scale back down to 1. HA with the local database was introduced in a recent release but removed based on broken upgrades.


Name Version Description
cf-operator 6.1.15+0.0.g89a56300.tgz Processes BOSH deployments. Maps them to kube objects

Quick Fresh Installation

These are the basic guidelines to deploy KubeCF in a development environment. For more detailed information check here.

Before starting the deployment phase, make sure that the values.yaml file contains all the needed properties with valid values. For more information about the available properties check here.

Download the release bundle artifact extract the content to a local folder.


helm install cf-operator \
  --namespace cf-operator \
  --set "" \
  cf-operator.tgz \


Install KubeCF after setting the needed properties in your values.yaml.

helm install kubecf \
  --namespace kubecf \
  --values values.yaml \

KubeCF Release v2.5.6

07 Oct 11:41
Choose a tag to compare

⚠️ WARNING: Do not deploy this version and go directly to 2.5.8

Bug Fix(es)

  • cf-operator bump to 6.1.12 that contains several bug fixes.
  • Using VPCs as ephemeral disk doesn't set disk size #1451


Name Version Description
cf-operator 6.1.12+0.gfc4e8327.tgz Processes BOSH deployments. Maps them to kube objects

Quick Fresh Installation

These are the basic guidelines to deploy KubeCF in a development environment. For more detailed information check here.

Before starting the deployment phase, make sure that the values.yaml file contains all the needed properties with valid values. For more information about the available properties check here.

Download the release bundle artifact extract the content to a local folder.


helm install cf-operator \
  --namespace cf-operator \
  --set "" \
  cf-operator.tgz \


Install KubeCF after setting the needed properties in your values.yaml.

helm install kubecf \
  --namespace kubecf \
  --values values.yaml \

KubeCF Release v2.5.5

06 Oct 14:36
Choose a tag to compare

⚠️ WARNING: Do not deploy this version and go directly to 2.5.8

Bug Fix(es)

  • cf-operator bump to consume the changes related with coredns image tag and location.


Name Version Description
cf-operator 6.1.10+0.g7b1a5f2f.tgz Processes BOSH deployments. Maps them to kube objects

Quick Fresh Installation

These are the basic guidelines to deploy KubeCF in a development environment. For more detailed information check here.

Before starting the deployment phase, make sure that the values.yaml file contains all the needed properties with valid values. For more information about the available properties check here.

Download the release bundle artifact extract the content to a local folder.


helm install cf-operator \
  --namespace cf-operator \
  --set "" \


Install KubeCF after setting the needed properties in your values.yaml.

helm install kubecf \
  --namespace kubecf \
  --values values.yaml \

KubeCF Release v2.5.4

03 Oct 02:21
Choose a tag to compare

⚠️ WARNING: Do not deploy this version and go directly to 2.5.8

Bug Fix(es)

  • Quarks Operator updated to include fixes for QuarksSecret rotation so that SecretLabels no longer rotates a Secret #1427
  • UAA will include the cf-cli job only if Credhub is enabled #1426


Name Version Description
cf-operator 6.1.8+0.g2821133a.tgz Processes BOSH deployments. Maps them to kube objects

Quick Fresh Installation

These are the basic guidelines to deploy KubeCF in a development environment. For more detailed information check here.

Before starting the deployment phase, make sure that the values.yaml file contains all the needed properties with valid values. For more information about the available properties check here.

Download the release bundle artifact extract the content to a local folder.


helm install cf-operator \
  --namespace cf-operator \
  --set "" \


Install KubeCF after setting the needed properties in your values.yaml.

helm install kubecf \
  --namespace kubecf \
  --values values.yaml \

KubeCF Release v2.5.3

02 Oct 14:06
Choose a tag to compare

⚠️ WARNING: Do not deploy this version and go directly to 2.5.8


  • Ability to set memory limits and requests (KubeCF comes with defaults now). #1258

Bug Fix(es)

  • DB rotation job has a larger memory limit now. #1420
  • Quarks Operator updated to include fixes for QuarksSecret rotation and invalid resource owner references. #1384
  • Deployment selector on apps-dns no longer changes based on version. #1370
  • Add missing data for the CF info endpoints. #1395

Known issues

  • There's a cf-operator bug that rotates a Secret when a SecretLabels is triggered.


Name Version Description
cf-operator 6.1.7+0.g4d918d1f Processes BOSH deployments. Maps them to kube objects

Quick Fresh Installation

These are the basic guidelines to deploy KubeCF in a development environment. For more detailed information check here.

Before starting the deployment phase, make sure that the values.yaml file contains all the needed properties with valid values. For more information about the available properties check here.

Download the release bundle artifact extract the content to a local folder.


helm install cf-operator \
  --namespace cf-operator \
  --set "" \


Install KubeCF after setting the needed properties in your values.yaml.

helm install kubecf \
  --namespace kubecf \
  --values values.yaml \