Release 24.11.1
262 commits
to main
since this release
Autogenerated for 24.11.1. Created for #3462
What's Changed
- Cy/vuln 765 by @calvin-codecov in #3342
- chore: Update pages/RepoPage/FailedTestsTab tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3343
- chore: Update pages/RepoPage/CoverageTab tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3335
- chore: Update pages/RepoPage/CoverageOnboarding tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3333
- chore: Update pages/RepoPage/ConfigTab tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3332
- chore: Update pages/RepoPage/BundlesTab tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3328
- chore: Update pages/RepoPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3327
- chore: Update pages/PullRequestPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3324
- chore: Update pages/PlanPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3322
- chore: Update pages/OwnerPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3320
- chore: Update pages/NotFound pages/ToS pages/SyncProviderPage to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3319
- chore: update pages/CommitDetailPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3313
- chore: Update pages/MembersPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3318
- chore: Update pages/LoginPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3317
- chore: Update pages/EnterpriseLandingPage tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3316
- chore: Update pages/DefaultOrgSelector tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3314
- chore: Update services/repo tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3305
- chore: Update shared/ContentsTable tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3283
- chore: Update missed tests to Vitest by @nicholas-codecov in #3344
- chore: Ensure that Vite build supports larger browser set by @nicholas-codecov in #3347
- [fix] Relocate the upload widget to the bottom on small screens by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3348
- chore: Small fixes to file viewer by @nicholas-codecov in #3351
- feat: Create new VirtualDiffRenderer by @nicholas-codecov in #3352
- feat: Add search and filter to Uploads list by @spalmurray-codecov in #3349
- fix: Change how we set isProduction in Vite config by @nicholas-codecov in #3360
- feat: Use new flags and components graphql schema by @suejung-sentry in #3203
- chore: Update pulls page indirect changes diff to new renderer by @nicholas-codecov in #3362
- fix: Small issues in the Vite config, and index.html by @nicholas-codecov in #3361
- chore: Move Storybook over to Vite by @nicholas-codecov in #3346
- feat: Tokenless banners by @RulaKhaled in #3358
- chore: Cleanup remaining MSW V1 things by @nicholas-codecov in #3365
- fix: Add script in the index.html if unable to dynamically load asset by @nicholas-codecov in #3373
- feat: Add useEnterpriseAccountDetails hook by @spalmurray-codecov in #3374
- feat: Add multiple flags error message to upload items by @spalmurray-codecov in #3375
- feat: Use new nested testAnalytics graphql schema by @suejung-sentry in #3354
- chore: Move Dockerfile over to Vite by @nicholas-codecov in #3380
- Add Account usage banners to plan page by @spalmurray-codecov in #3381
- feat: Adjust repo upload token settings with a new note by @RulaKhaled in #3372
- feat: Set token required in Tokenless section under org upload token by @RulaKhaled in #3366
- chore: Update commit page indirect changes to use new diff viewer by @nicholas-codecov in #3357
- chore: Clean up Jest things by @nicholas-codecov in #3376
- Add login link to error message in fileviewer by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3377
- fix: Fix commit detail page error boundary by @suejung-sentry in #3371
- fix: Small spacing issue on coverage onboarding by @nicholas-codecov in #3386
- chore: Update Rollup 10/11/2024 by @nicholas-codecov in #3387
- feat: Add useInfiniteAccountOrganizations hook by @spalmurray-codecov in #3385
- spalmurray/account details card by @spalmurray-codecov in #3382
- feat: Update commit graphql queries to use new coverage and bundleAna… by @calvin-codecov in #3363
- chore: Rename msw2 to msw by @nicholas-codecov in #3398
- chore: Add new diff viewer to commit files changed by @nicholas-codecov in #3356
- chore: Update pulls page files changed diff to new renderer by @nicholas-codecov in #3359
- chore: Tidy up virtual renderers by @nicholas-codecov in #3353
- chore: Removing CRACO by @nicholas-codecov in #3393
- fix: Small Issues with Linter by @nicholas-codecov in #3403
- fix: New diff renderer coverage off by one by @nicholas-codecov in #3405
- chore: Add react source maps to our builds by @nicholas-codecov in #3404
- chore: Update react-intersection-observer by @spalmurray-codecov in #3406
- fix: Move from commit SHA to 22 char hash and polyfill Promise.allSettled by @nicholas-codecov in #3410
- chore: Modify our Sentry ignore errors by @nicholas-codecov in #3408
- feat: Add TS Query v5 to Gazebo by @nicholas-codecov in #3415
- feat: Move to a stacked area chart on the bundles tab by @nicholas-codecov in #3396
- fix: Invalid Schema for useUploadTokenRequired by @nicholas-codecov in #3416
- feat: Add org list for multi org setups on plan page by @spalmurray-codecov in #3407
- fix: Incorrect default colors on Tooltip by @spalmurray-codecov in #3418
- fix: Results array for impacted files is nullable by @nicholas-codecov in #3422
- feat: Capture certain network errors to Sentry by @nicholas-codecov in #3423
- feat: Change cancellation confirmation banner and handle auto-refund … by @calvin-codecov in #3399
- fix: Truncate sunburst chart's breadcrumbs by @suejung-sentry in #3413
- chore: Remove old single file renderer by @nicholas-codecov in #3427
- chore: Remove old Vite commands by @nicholas-codecov in #3428
- fix: Separate header render from main app by @suejung-sentry in #3401
- feat: Change errored uploads and uploads list text by @calvin-codecov in #3429
- feat: Add CI status tooltip by @calvin-codecov in #3411
- feat: Update Jest TA onboarding copy to include filepath setting by @ajay-sentry in #3433
- rev: Revert ignoring failing to import module in Sentry by @nicholas-codecov in #3431
- chore: Remove ui/BundleTrendChart by @nicholas-codecov in #3441
- chore: Update Vite and Vitest deps by @nicholas-codecov in #3443
- feat: Rework how we capture service errors to sentry by @nicholas-codecov in #3436
- chore: Convert to TS - shared context, plan, propTypes, treePaths by @suejung-sentry in #3438
- fix: Scrolling issues with virtual renderers by @nicholas-codecov in #3446
- chore: Remove VirtualDiff feature flag FilesChanged CommitDiff by @nicholas-codecov in #3435
- Update BA endpoint to use a separate secret by @adrian-codecov in #3437
- fix: Add back needed z-index style by @calvin-codecov in #3447
- feat: Add 'viewing as visitor' label by @suejung-sentry in #3445
- chore: Remove virtual renderer flag pulls files changed diff by @nicholas-codecov in #3442
- chore: Remove virtual diff feature flag from commits indirect changes diff by @nicholas-codecov in #3448
- chore: Remove virtual diff feature flag from pulls indirect tab file diff by @nicholas-codecov in #3454
- chore: upgrade sentry/react version by @calvin-codecov in #3450
- chore: Remove Sentry metrics by @nicholas-codecov in #3457
- feat: Default color mode to user's current system theme by @ajay-sentry in #3456
- Update codecov AI tab with screenshot and remove copilot features by @rohitvinnakota-codecov in #3455
- feat: Improve commit yaml error messaging by @suejung-sentry in #3453
- feat: Remove token from Other CI onboarding step 3 by @calvin-codecov in #3452
- Release 24.11.1 by @codecov-releaser in #3462
Full Changelog: self-hosted-24.10.1...self-hosted-24.11.1