This is an nodejs plugin for socketio, which support socketio run with the cluster mode of pm2.
There are very few ways to make socketio and pm2-cluster-mode work together because of the handshake action.
You can check the detail reason here :
The official solution for this problem is to use redis to handle data in on place.
This plugin socketio-with-pm2
provide another solution without redis.
$ npm install socketio-with-pm2
write in app.js at root of the project:
var Pm2Socketio = require('socketio-with-pm2');
var io = new Pm2Socketio();
io.on('connection', socket=> {
socket.on('eventSave', data=> {
socket.broadcast.emit('eventUpdate', data);
Then you need to send the local IP address and pm2 thread instanceID to the client so client can connect to the server. if you are using koa and ejs-render engine, you can write like this:
in action file:
const swp = require('socketio-with-pm2');
module.exports = function*(next) {
let ip = swp.getIp();
let port = swp.getInstanceId();
yield this.render('index', {
in index.ejs:
window.port = <%=port%>;
window.ip = '<%=ip%>';
const io = require('');
url = `${window.ip}:${3001+window.port}`; //3001 is the port number which you declare in the server side
var socket = io.connect(url, {'force new connection': true});
Then you can visit with the socket